What scenes from movies or TV always make you cry?


Doesn't matter HOW many times I see certain scenes, I cry every time. My top tear-jerkers:

1) "Terms of Endearment", mostly when Emma dies and Aurora, the cold fish that she is, breaks down. But pretty much - this whole movie is a Kleenex moment.

2) "The Champ", caused me to cry for at least 10 minutes after the movie was done. Ricky Schroeder trying to get the Champ to wake up. UGH!

3) When Rocky beats Apollo Creed and yells to Adrian through the television, "Yo Adrian! I did it!"

4) The scene in M*A*S*H when Radar comes into the O.R. to inform the medical staff that Henry Blake's plane was shot down and there were no survivors. I'm tearing up just typing that one out. (This one is actually my #1 tearful moment, but I had to put it at the end for fear I wouldn't make it through the entire post)

Man! And I just put my mascara on!
*Literally the second half of season 6 of "Sex and The City"

*The funeral scene from "Steel Magnolias"..where Sally Field goes nuts after her daughter Shelby's death.

*The final episode of "Friends"

There are many more!! Forget about all those Lifetime movies..I am pretty much a leaky faucet when I watch those!!

I don't like crying at movies, but there are a few movies that I dont' watch because they make me cry.

City of Angels
Steel Magnolias
Terms of Endearment

I'm sure there are more, but I can't remember their names right now.

Definitely the end of It's a Wonderful Life. I cry like a baby every year.

When Mammy wears the red petticoat Rhett bought her in GWTW. One of my most favorite touching moments.
The end of mask : The death of Rocky the Cher's son.

The last scenes of Dracula of Coppola

the end of a wonderful life too. what marvellous film.

the death of Satine (Nicole Kidman) in Moling Rouge.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Terms of Endearment when Shirley MacLaine looks at Debra Winger as she lay dying and Debra Winger waves goodbye to her mother. I cried so hard I had to leave the theater.

I have never been able to watch that movie again. It broke my heart
;( .
The part of "Schindler's List" when Schindler is fleeing the factory before the advancing Allied armies arrive, and he says goodbye to Stein.

The very end of "Dangerous Liaisons" when Glenn Close contemplates the disaster she's wrought.
Everytime I see "The Dragon Fly" with Keven Costner at the end of the movie it gets me everytime.
Ooooh...this is a good one.

The funeral scene from Steel Magnolias brings on the waterworks every time.

Little House on the Prairie when Mary goes blind. A lot of other episodes have caused tears...


Bridges of Madison County
I was just thinking of this on Sunday when I was watching "Scrooged" with Bill Murray in it. It's pretty much a funny movie but at the end when the little boy who's mother thinks is deaf because he has never spoken runs up to Murray, tugs on his arm and "God bless us everyone" and I always cry.

Always cry on all those mentioned above: Steel Magnolias, Terms of Endearment, Rocky.

The House of Mirth, based on the novel by Edith WHarton, lead role played extremely well by Gillian Anderson (she of X Files fame). I can't pin point the exact moment, but about two thirds of the way through the film, you know that tragedy faces this woman and she has no way out of her awful social circumstances. I have to pause the film every time I watch it, because I know what will happen, and I can't bear it. I want so badly for her circumstances to change, and I want to leap into the screen and grab one man in particular and smack him in the mouth because he holds her future in the palm of his hand and could turn things around for her: but, he never does!!!!!!!!!1

Drives me nuts!

I cry way too easily. When my kids watch Princess Diaries, I am misty eyed when Mia declares she will become a princess after all......pathetic, I know.

I cried at Whale Rider when we all think the little girl has drowned because her grandfather could not accept her as the next spiritual leader.....

I could go on interminably, but if you haven't seen House of Mirth, try it, it is truly wonderful both as novel and film.

Hardly anything on TV makes me cry -- guess I'm a tough TV cookie. :) But movies, that's another thing entirely! I would say two all-time weep-fests for me are the Steel Magnolias scene already mentioned, and the scene at the very end of "Field of Dreams" (possibly my own all-time fave movie) where Kevin Costner says to his father "Hey Dad, wanna have a catch?"

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[font color=green]2005 Worked Out With Cathe Days: 3/365[/font color] :)
Terms of Endearment - the scene where Debra Winger has her boys come in to the hospital so she can say goodbye. Gets me everytime.

- Shopgirl
Steel Magnolias
Titanic ( saw it at the theatre when it first came out, haven't been able to watch it since...)
Pay it Forward

Just to name a few..( sniff )..
Let's see...... i am not a "crier" about anything in "real life", but there are a few movies that tug a bit...

The Way We Were
The Color Purple
One True Thing
The Story of Us

And then there are those that produce tears because i am laughing my butt off:

Big Lowbowski
Lady and the Tramp (the jail scene)a bu bu bum ruff....
Milo and Otis
Bridgit Jones
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Love Actually

i love movies!!!!

Forrest Gump: Forrest is talking to Jenny's grave under the tree. He is talking about their son and says "He's so smart, Jenny".
Even though I know it's coming -- I lose it every time!

Wit: I cried through this ENTIRE movie. Couldn't go to work the next day because my eyes were almost swollen shut.

Legends of the Fall: I cried many times during this movie. Essentially, whenever Julia Ormond was crying -- I was crying. She is a really good crier!

1) E.T. "dies"
2) Barbara Hershey dies in "Beaches"
3) pretty much anybody dies of a disease (my father died of cancer 15 years ago, and it's sensitive for me)
4)The scene in "Gorillas in the Mist" where Sigourney Weaver's character finds the alpha male gorilla with his head and hands and feet cut off (for "souvenirs"): I could never watch that movie again! This is the only one that had me uncontrolably weeping in a movie theater;
5)Lots of sappy "Lifetime" movies where people or animals die or suffer;
6)Not a film, but one of the songs in "Phantom of the Opera," sung by the "Phantom," was a real tear-jerker for me;
7) The movies have ruined the songs "Wind beneath my wings" and "My heart will go on" for me (at least in public!) because after I saw the movies, I associated the songs with some real heart-wrenching scenes.

Heck, if it's the right time of month, I'll get all weepy-eyed at a robot "dying" in a sci-fi film!
If any movie is the least bit sad, I end up crying. I always cry when something happens to an animal (mostly dogs and horses). I always cry my eyes out when I watch "Lassie Come Home"

Other movies - Definitely Terms of Endearment, Bridges of Madison County, Philadelphia (Tom Hanks), Sophie's Choice, Schindler's List.
There are so many more, but my brain isn't working.


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