what next after wedding tape


For all of you who suggested to start with the wedding tape, THANK YOU!!! I could do without the wedding excerpts but thank goodness they are short. It is a great workout and I am able to do it with no problem (although I am tired after!!!). I was wondering what I should do next - step jam?!?! I like dancey type steps even if it takes a few times to learn them. Anyway, any suggestions would be great!!! Thanks, Sandy
Rhythmic Step is Cathe's danciest in my opinion and the trickiest for me to learn, but very fun. I also think Step Works has some great choreography, and it's an awesome workout. Step Jam, though I dont it's quite as dancy is one of my favorites. All of them will make you sweat! Of the three, I thought Step Jam's choreography was easiest to learn.

Everyone suggested the Wedding tape for me when I first found Cathe, and it sounds like you are in the same position I was--the choreography just isn't challenging enough, though the intensity is right up there. I completely agree with StepWorks and Rhythmic Step being the next tapes you should get. They are the best choreography, in my opinion, and I think you will love them!
The wedding tape is a great one. You won't go wrong with any of Cathe's tapes.
P.S. I just have to add that I loved the wedding excerpts. I thought it was nice of Cathe to share her special day with us.

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