What is your most challenging Cathe abs section?

What is your most challenging Cathe abs section?

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I am asking because I just recently ordered LIC and did it a few times. The banana holds were awful as were the walking planks!!! I have to say I hate planks and also pikes on the ball in general. What do you all think?? Care to add more?? KPC perhaps??

Clarissa ;)
You know, I'm fine with the PUB abs until she does the pikes and then those one-legged things and then MORE PIKES AND MORE ONE-LEGGED THINGS AND THERE'S NO BREAK AND.... well, you get the idea:p
I just tried the abs from CTX kickbox the other day and OMG! Talk about planks of death! I was ready to walk the plank if I could just stop holding them for-freakin-ever! Didn't see that option listed so couldn't vote for it. That said, Ab Circuits looks like a gut buster from start to finish...

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
This is a tough question... I can't do planks or ball pikes because it bothers my lower back / sciatica. So I can pretty much only judge an ab workout from the crunch-style moves. LIC is pretty darn tough in that respect, because of the @#$*%&^@ banana holds. But the ball exchanges in PUB are not exactly a walk in the park either. Hmmmm... I'm going to have to ponder this some more before I vote.
I voted for Muscle Max. I'm the freak that loves the abs section in PUB. In fact, I'm doing it tonight and I can't wait!!

Another tough ab section is at the end SP&J. There are lots of planks in that one and you do the bicycle really slow. I always feel my abs after that one.
It's Pyramid Upper Body for me. I've learned to do them first to be sure I can get them all done. I have no energy left at the end of the workout. Those planks and pikes at the end are killer.

>Evily, I don't think there are any ball exchanges in PUB, are

I could've sworn there were, but I may be confusing it with another workout. *scratches head* I have no idea.
My favorite abs are the core work from the original Boot Camp! Thsoe and ME abs! I did the BC abs 2x yesterday and I right now I have DOMS like there is NO TOMORROW! I LOVE IT!

> I think you're referring to the part where you're holding the
>ball over your head and then you do a crunch and bring the
>ball towards your feet and raise each foot quickly to tap the
>ball. Am I right?

Yes, that's right! The actual ball exchanges are in another workout (KPC maybe? and Coremax 2?). Oh yeah, those ball tap things are killer!
The most challenging for me is PUB. I've never been able to get through all those pikes and one-legged thingies without taking a break.

C&W has ball exchanges, maybe that's the one people are thinking of. I've never cared much for the C&W ab section - it always seemed hard on my leg flexors.
I believe KPC is the one that has the pikes *and* the ball exchanges, another good one!

I did B & G abs (the ones that start w/ the ankle weights & 5# db's) and BC core only today. Great ab work! I think that PUB is still probably the toughest, doing those darn pikes, then raising the legs, then more pikes!

I haven't done MM abs for a while, need to do that one again for a refresher! :)

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