What is your ideal vs. realistic weight?


Ok, I know The Number is sometimes a sensitive issue, so I apologize in advance to anyone who might be offended by the question, but I am just curious. (nosey!) :)

My ideal weight (the weight I'd love to be) is 120, but my realistic weight (the weight I can comfortably maintain without feeling like I am killing myself and giving up all sense of normalcy in diet and exercise) is closer to 130. I am happy if I stay within the 125-130 range, although anything over 128 makes me feel positively anxious.

I'm just curious how big the gap is for other ladies, because that last 5-10 pounds is SO hard for me to get off and keep off... does anyone else feel similarly?

I've been holding at 127 forever now, except if I weigh right after I do a killer workout and am dehydrated... then I might be 125. I would love to lose about 4 or 5 pounds (only in fat, not muscle)and am currently trying to see if it's even possible.

I'll tell anyone my weight - doesn't bother me a bit.
My ideal weight would be about 105. I have a small enough frame for it and miss the days when I did weigh 105. However, since I've put on some muscle, 105 would make me look positively emaciated. So now I'm shooting for 115, give or take a couple pounds. That's only 8 pounds away! My body tends to hover around 120 when I'm sorta careful and not too indulgent with my diet.

Becky :)
How's it going Marie? Miss you!

I'm with Becky. My ideal weight is 110. However I am 5'2 and right now weigh 154. My goal is 130 by New Years. I was 175 when I started Cathe seriously in July. If I can get to 120 next year sometime I think I'll be happy.


My ideal weight is 120. I think I would be happy with 125-130, though as long as I could maintain it. I was 131 for a few months last year and I really felt like I looked a lot better.
I don't know anymore. I'm 5'3", and I use to always dream of being 115. Now I can maintain my "ideal" weight of 115, and I still have about 27-28% body fat and a 28-inch waist. What gives with that? Obviously, weight doesn't tell you what's really going on at all. I don't know what to make of it.

And yet, the NUMBER means so much to me. I am elated, yes ELATED, every time I see it on the scale. It makes my whole day. I forget that my body fat is too high, forget that I don't have enough muscle, forget that my measurements aren't what I want them to be, and fall in love with that number all over again.

That magic number is the frigging holy grail. It's completely insane.
I honestly don't know what I weigh now. I don't own a scale. :)

The weight I loved being though was about 101 lbs. Gosh that was awesome! I felt so light. This was back in my semi-starvation days though. I'm heavier and healthier now and doing my damndest to be content with that.

It's always been interesting to me that so many women feel psychologically better when they physically take up less space in the world.


Hi there--

My body likes to be at about 132-135 (a loose size 6 for me) at 5'4". I, however, would like to weight more like 122-125, a loose size 4. My husband prefers me much heavier than I like to be(he's happy when I'm 140-145), which has its advantages, I suppose, since my desired weight is so elusive.

Now, however, at 23 weeks pregnant, even my 132 weight seems far, far away:-(and I'd just be happy reaching that again at this point.

Oh, I just hate the scales--that stupid number can dictate my entire mood for the day.

who continues to jones for the long awaited "Announcement"
Ideal weight? That would be 120. I'm 5'7".

The weight I can maintain and still eat more and less like a human being? 128 to 130.

What I am now? Never mindx(
I am currently 115, but I want to be at 125 because I am taller. My body fat is in the 14% range, but I would like it to be at 11% and weigh 125. I am still pretty content with the way I look so if I never make it to 125, I will still be happy.

Yes - I have a similar problem. My ideal weight is about 117 lbs and I have only been able to get down to 123-124 without doing double aerobics consistently. I don't think my body wants to hear it!
Before I got pregant I was 125 and that was a comfortable weight for me even though I think my IDEAL weight (in my mind anyway...I don't know how I'd look, to be honest)is probably closer to 115.

I certainly weigh more than EITHER of those #s at this point..still trying to lose that dang preggo weight!:eek:

ETA: My body could definately stand to be lighter than 125 BUT my face thins out first and so I have tended to look drawn/sick if I go any lower. :-(
Oh boy, I don't have any. I'm down to 109 from 111. That's still 11 lbs. more than where I started, at physical therapy, and that's good enough for me.:)

Hi Marie!!
Interesting thread.....here's my weight history: When I got married 14 years ago, I weighed 142 (I'm 5'11"). I maintained that until I graduated from vet school, when I slowly went to 147, then 150. Five years ago I was down to 147 again and felt absolutely wonderful. Haven't seen it since, though. I think more realistic for me now is 150-155. I'm currenlty 167, so I have some work to do!
Nancy, you are so right - the number on the scale doesn't tell you the half of it. I am also 5'3", but I weigh 122 lbs and have a 25-inch waist! I weigh MORE, but have a smaller waist (but probably have MUCH bigger hips!). So clearly, weight is a meaningless number.

However, I still pine for 120. Maybe even 115. My weight is still falling slowly, so I may get to 120. If I stop eating this cake that DH baked, maybe there's even hope for 115! :p
Ok, I'll chime in and be the heaviest in this group. I am 5'4 and am right now right around 173, down from an all time high of about 245. I have absolutely no idea what an ideal weight would be, but right now I am shooting for 150. We'll see if I can realistically get under that when I get there. It seems like it would be pretty darn thin to me. I would love a BF% of around 22.
I can maintain 128-130 and eat whatever I want.I have to clean up my diet now to get to 125 and I don't know what I would have to do to get to 120 lbs, where I would like to be.Maybe cut off a limb or something!
I have no clue. My weight is between 125-130 lb since high school and I'm 48 now. According to different tables my weight is "ideal" for my 5'7 heights.
I'd love to be 122 or so but it is very hard. On the other hand when my weight occasionally approches 129 I freak out and watch what I eat for a while plus add some more cardio until I'm back to 125-126. Mari
You are doing fabulously well. Heaviest has nothing to do with it: I reckon you've achieved the most already!

Good luck as you continue on your road to great health.

I am sure according to weight charts I should be heavier. My parents and family certainly like me heavier, they think I look better that way, that I look heavier.

Certainly 2 months after giving birth to my first child I was still heavier than my norm, about two dress sized larger than my norm, and in photos I see that I looked great.

But, year after year since having children my weight stays around 128 pounds on my 5' 8" frame. I feel good at this weight and have no desire to lose any. I am a size 6 and happy with it.

My fitness goals are never weight orientated, just fitness orientated: gaining cardiovascular endurance, gaining muscle and strength. Then my body composition changes, but the weight always stays the same. Weird.


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