What is your favorite "cheat food"?


I am here at an office filling in and today is my usual "cheat day" and this girl had a JAR OF OREOS on her desk. I think I just had 8 of them.

So, make me feel better, tell me something you eat on your cheat days so I can feel ok and not feel like I just gained 20 lbsLOL

RE: What is your favorite

Ice cream. I'm an addict. I seriously can't even have it in the house, or it gets eaten, lol. I like most sweets, but ice cream is my biggest downfall, by far.

RE: What is your favorite

Do I only get to pick one?

How about in order of preference:

1) Creme Sticks
2) Birthday/wedding cake from a bakery (with the sickening sweet icing)
3) Tater Tots/french fries/home fries
4) Ice Cream
5) Hamburgers
6) Fried chicken
7) Potato chips
8) Jelly rolls
9) Peanut M&M's
10) Peanut butter

Now do you see why I've said SOOOOO many times that it's a miracle that I don't weigh 600 pounds?!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
RE: What is your favorite

>Do I only get to pick one?
>How about in order of preference:
>1) Creme Sticks
>2) Birthday/wedding cake from a bakery (with the sickening
>sweet icing)
>3) Tater Tots/french fries/home fries
>4) Ice Cream
>5) Hamburgers
>6) Fried chicken
>7) Potato chips
>8) Jelly rolls
>9) Peanut M&M's
>10) Peanut butter
>Now do you see why I've said SOOOOO many times that it's a
>miracle that I don't weigh 600 pounds?!
>"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias

HB, I love your style!!!!

My favorites:
Chocolate ice cream
french fries
black berry cobbler with french vanilla ice cream
I could go on and on,...


RE: What is your favorite

I eat chocolate chips every day and peanut m&m's almost daily. Can't stay away from fries or cookies fresh from the oven. So many, not even enough space.
RE: What is your favorite

icy mocha from Panarra Bread-not sure how to spell it. its mostly crushed ice,coffee,and syrup-yummy
i go there once a week.
and i'm addicted to cheetos

RE: What is your favorite

White bread, still warm from the oven, with lots of butter and molasses (I think this is a french thing, my DH thinks it's gross, but I can't get enough)
Chocolate and caramel, together, mmmmmm
Soft serve vanilla ice cream
Chocolate chip cookies
Any other type of cookie

I usually stay far away from the white bread and cookies. The chocolate and caramel is tougher and the soft serve vanilla ice cream is the hardest. DH likes to walk to the local ice cream shoppe at least two-three times a week. I make him walk at least one time extra around the block to make up for eating the ice cream!
RE: What is your favorite

Cheese popcorn - but the cheese is a thick gooey sauce made of butter and velveeta "cheese". If you put your wrist to your ear while eating this you can actually hear your arteries clogging!


"Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever"
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
RE: What is your favorite

Oreo's are one of mine, but I gotta have the double stuff, you know the more crisco the better. I'll also include the sickening iceing on the bakery cake, again, crisco. Yikes! Another huge favorite, is sugar cookies, again with the sickening crisco icing.:p Cookies fresh from the oven, I don't think I've EVER turned one down.

Then on the flip/salty side, I love Chips, the plain crinkle kind are a fav, with a good sour cream dip. I love french fries, with fry sauce.

I try do stay far away from all of these, but, I do occassionally indulge.}(
RE: What is your favorite

Jaimoca (sp?) almond fudge ice cream with carmel sauce
cookie dough ice cream with chocolate syrup

Oh, and you can't have just one scoop of ice cream...it has to be two, and what I've given you here is only the tip of the ice berg for me!

I forgot my german chocolate cake. :9

RE: What is your favorite

I forgot about pizza! Let's add that to my list!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
RE: What is your favorite

A pint of ice cream is my minimum serving!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]
RE: What is your favorite

Ewww. Oreos. When I was kid growing up, my mother had a rule: no more than 2 cookies from the cookie jar. I had a sugar addiction, and always despised the rule. So when I was finally old enough to drive, the first thing I did was drive to the store, buy a few packages of Oreos and eat them all. To this day, I can't look at Oreos.

Count me in as another ice cream addict.

RE: What is your favorite

I realize more than ever now how strong of a hold that blasted sugar has on me ~ once I start......I go off the deep end.

I have a serious Peanut Butter and Jelly addiction.

Or Fluffer Nutter sandwiches; does anyone remember those??
RE: What is your favorite

Lorrie's cheesy popcorn sounds yummy! But as a Vegan no chesse here...but chips (no trans fat) salsa and guacomole...OMG....I could tackle you....:)
RE: What is your favorite

Nachos....yum, the more junk on the better (except jalapenos, don't do hot)
Addicted to baked Cheetos, peanut butter, cashew butter

total cheat food: Doritos/tortilla chips in general, Krispie Kreme doughnuts
RE: What is your favorite

Can you believe I've lived to my current ripe old age of 56-1/2 having never tried a Fluffer Nutter sandwich? Remarkable since I love marshmallow fluff and peanut butter!

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias http://www.clicksmilies.com/s0105/musik/music-smiley-004.gif[/img]

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