What is up with this??



On the radio the other morning they did a bit on how traffic is so bad in certain cities (like ours, Atlanta) that lots of babies are being born on the side of the highway.

They had callers who "gave bith in odd places" call in and tell their stories.

One person said he was out to dinner with his wife and she went to the bathroom. All of a sudden she started screaming in agony and ended up giving birth on the bathroom floor of the restaurant.

Another caller said she was walking in the mall parking lot and had to help a woman giving birth in the backseat of her car. Apparently the woman was shopping when her water broke, she walked out to her car and "couldn't get any further" and had to lie down in the backseat and give birth.

As I was listening, I thought -- "Huh???" Does labor really happen so quickly that one minute you're eating dinner, and the next minute you're giving birth in a restaurant?!? Should pregnant women not leave the house the week or two before they're due?!? What is the real scoop on how this normally works?

that's NOT the norm

You have so many cues before you go into labor that if you are tuned in much you generally know what's about to happen. And even if you are clueless until your water breaks or you have contractions, you still usually have HOURS to wait before you're near pushing stage. My labors were 21 hours, followed by 4 hours, followed by about 8 weeks (hehe, really only 5 hours of real unstoppable labor, interrupted by a C-section so I have no idea how long it would've gone). I do know some women who have had precipitous labors (less than 2 hours) but even they made it to the hospital. . . If you are tuned in to your breasts, your bowels, your vaginal secretions, etc. you will know when you are getting close. . . Losing your mucus plug is a big sign that you'd better double-check your hospital overnight bag. I always went into labor within 48 hours of losing my plug. I also got kind of loose stools (gross I know but hey this is a pregnancy forum, right?? The physical details are part of the game) about 12 hours before I had any real contractions. Just pay attention to that kind of thing.
I agree with Susan

Do not fear, Susan said it all. I taught class the day before I delivered my daughter and wasn't worried about being away from home. She was even a week late!

Sensationalism sells as we all know.........
Don't worry about it-

Some people have much quicker labors, but I think 4 hours is about the quickest I have ever heard for a first baby, and that was pretty unusual. If you had a first baby in 4 hours, you might be one of those with second or later babies. Honestly though, it is pretty much wishfull thinking. Most likely you will have plenty of time to realize you are in labor. In fact, there is a good chance your body won't go into labor soon enough, and you will be induced. I don't know exact numbers, but it seemed that about half of my friends (and about 1/4 of my birth class) were induced or augmented for their first.
My first was a 15 hour induction (not an experience I was eager to repeat), then my second was a quick "easy labor"- about 5 hours total, and about 2 tough hours. I still had plenty of time to make it to the birth center, but if I had a 1 hour drive and hit traffic, I guess he could have been a side of the road baby. He was born in a Birth Center without any problem, so I expect the car would have worked just as well, but must admit to no regret that the Birth Center was 10 min away.
quick labor

Most labors are definitely longer than this...but my cousin who just had her 1st baby delivered exactly 2.5 hours after her first contraction, she was shopping for nursing bras when contractions started!!! Most babies who are born quickly (as long as they are at term) are usually the products of a very normal prenatal period and as long as everyone keeps their head about themselves, everything is OK. But seriously-not much reason to boil water
Hi Jen!

Yikes! What radio station did you hear that on? I just hate that--anything for ratings! Just remember how many babies are born in Atlanta every day, and how many stories you actually hear about "unusual" births. Most people's births are relatively uneventful, at least by an onlooker's standards.

BTW, where are you delivering? I used to work in L&D at Piedmont!

Hi back!

Hi Kristin!

I couldn't figure out how to send an email, so I'm just posting this ...

It was "The Morning X" on 99X. I was actually a little suspicious about one of the stories. He said his wife gave birth in a TGIF on Friday night, so they named the baby "Frida," Uh-huh ...

Anyway, I'm delivering at Northside, which I've heard is a good place to be.

Ahhh, THAT explains it! ;-)

My husband listens to 99X all the time. I'm not surprised that's where you heard it!

Northside has an excellent women's center. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful experience. Best of luck!

Hi Kristin and Redhead1

Hi ladies,
Apparently you're both in the Atlanta area. I'm in the Cumming, GA. area. Just wanted you to know that you had a Cathe fan nearby.
The week I had my baby...

There were five other American ladies in the hospital at the same time. One was having a bath when labor started and she made it to the hospital (a half hour drive) with half an hour to spare. One had a perfectly "normal" birth, two of us had 65 hours of labor, and then there was the girl who had her baby in her car. It was her fifth baby, though, and she had had quick labors with all of them. (I think the hospital had sent her home earlier and she had to turn right back around.) I don't think it's much to worry about, though, although you should never assume that because you're a first-timer (you are, right?) you're going to have a long labor. So, like others have said, be prepared. I played it safe, since I didn't have a phone, by not going anywhere alone for the last two weeks. I couldn't drive anyway since I couldn't reach the clutch of my car with the belly in the way.
Another Atlantan!

I've been lurking, but I had to pipe in. Jen, Kristin and Lisa, I'm also in Atlanta (Tucker)! Kristin, you may remember me from the VF Get Together at your house about a year ago.

I'm going to deliver at Piedmont and my husband is afraid we aren't going to make it to the hospital. He listens to 99X... I wonder if that's where he got that fear from. He brought this up to my doctor who reassured him that he would not have to deliver our baby! This thread is also reassuring!

I'll introduce myself officially in another thread.

Hi Cindy!

I definitely remember you! How are you doing? Congratulations on your pregnancy! Who is your doctor? I worked in L&D at Piedmont for years. Both of my kids were born there, too. It's a great place to have a baby.

Good to see you again!


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