what is the name of the song?????


Active Member
Hi guys! On Cathe's Maximum Intensity Cardio video there is a song that is being played while you are doing the step interval blasts. I thought is was " I am what i am" by Gloria Gaynor but after searching forever for that song and finally finding is, it turns out that wasn't it. Anybody recognize the song???
I never paid attention...I am always just waiting for the tape to BE OVER at that point!
While this sounds like a fun guessing game, I don't have MIC.

Last night I saw a show about rock music in films. It was really interesting, on A&E. And it reminded me of a rock tape I had in the late 70's or early 80's and for some reason, I want to know the name of that tape!! (You know how you just get something in your head and it bugs you?) The tape had some catchy name like "The Beat" or something like that. It had songs like "Cars," "Brass in Pocket," "My Sharona" "Heart of Glass". What the tv show called "PUNK". Anyone know the name of this tape? What are the chances???

I think the song you mean is "Unbreak My Heart" by Toni Braxton. It's the dance remix. But I can't remember if that is the song during the last part of MIC's step before the intervals or if it is during the intervals. I guess that proves I haven't done MIC in awhile. You caught me!
I had/have that tape

Hi Jeanne,
I think I still have that tape, if I can find it. It was the first tape I ever got! Mine was called "Rock 80". It also had "Pop Muzik" and "Is She Really Going Out with Him?" on it. I got it for Christmas in 1981.
RE: I had/have that tape

I can't believe it! (I have this big grin on my face.) That is it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rock 80! I still like the songs I mentioned, and the ones you mentioned. So, are you going to dig and out and listen to it now? I sure would! (You don't *really* have to answer.) Thank you!!!!!!!!! Jeanne
RE: I had/have that tape

I had a smile I couldn't wipe off my face when I saw your post. I listened to that tape SO MUCH! From the first song (side 1) "Cars" to the last song (side 2) "Pop Muzik"--That's how much I listened to it!!! (Of course, I only owned two tapes at the time) but I swear it will be ingrained in my head forever. I looked around for it (unsuccessfully) when I first saw your post to make sure I had the name right, but I'm sure it's in a box, in a closet somewhere. Thank You!!! I'm still smiling!
RE: I had/have that tape

Ah... nostalgia.... And did you listen to it on a tape recorder about the size of a shoe box, perhaps with a built in microphone? Imagine how poor the sound quality must have been! I seem to recall fast forwarding through the 1st song on the 2nd side. Talk about ingrained in your memory! Jeanne

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