What is a good Pilate video?


Hi everyone, what Pilate videos are good? I want to add pilate to my workout since right now I really can't do any high impact aerobic for 1 month because of bad knee. Thanks:)
Ana Caban has a gaiam workout Pilates Abs that's decent. There's a bit of a modification but it could use more...I can't do a teaser or that neck pull move or the open leg rocker and rope climb move...but she modifies something like leg angles for easy stuff. ODD. But I did actually feel my abs work in this pilates workout. There's Core Breakthrough that's decent too. Not artsy fartsy. Some like the CRUNCH 10 minute pick your spot but I don't really get that one. It's ok I guess but dull.
I just aked that very question a few days ago. Here is the link to that post: I went to www.collagevideo.com and previewed a lot of Pilates tapes. I bought (at Target) Gaiam's Beninning Mat Workout with Ana Caban. I've only done it once (just got it), but I really like it. I like that it's under 30 minutes, because I plan to do it in addition to my regular workouts, not as a substitute. I've been feeling really tight and heavy--almost like I'm on the verge of an injury. I'm hoping the Pilates will help. Anyway, couldn't hurt. Good luck to you. Lynda
Don't get Pilates for the Lower Body with Kathy Smith. It's an excellent Pilates workout, but she does a move that's a one legged
bridge where you kick up with the opposite leg that's absolutely murder on the knees. Her Pilates for Abs would be an excellent choice however.

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