what i like about cathe



when she shows a new one,for me almost everything is new,and we (me cathe and the crew)repeat it the 3rd time or 4th she says something like "i think you got it" and everytime its exactly when i really got it.its like she is here with me,and it makes the whole workout more intimate as if it was made especially for me.
did anyone of you felt this way?

cant wait for the new dvd's
:) :) :)
I don't know if this counts but in Step Blast when she says "Are you still with me?" I always answer -"Barely!!!"(gasp) We have the same conversation in another step dvd also:)
I feel the same way, Sharona, especially when we're doing ab work and she reminds me not to let my back hike off the floor. I always think, "How did you KNOW my back was off the floor?"

Also, the first time I listened to her introduction to I-Max 2, and said, "Double-knot your laces" I almost fell off my chair. HOW DID SHE KNOW I DOUBLE-KNOTTED MY LACES?!

It does make me feel like she's right in the room with me!

I know what you mean - I friend of mine (new to Cathe) came over to workout with me the other night and she said something and Cathe replied - she turned as white as a ghost! I couldn't stop laughing!!!

That is called an expert in cueing. She is fabulous isn't she? I talk with her all the time while doing her workouts.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
I know exactly what you mean!

When I first received the Body Blast series, I just sat there with my mouth hanging open, thinking I had just blown a whole lot of money on DVDs that I would never be able to do. I was used to the FIRM, and a little Tae Bo, but that is all.

Well, I finally learned the choreography, and was doing SJP, and being pretty pleased with myself, thinking, "I cant believe I am actually doing this!" when all of a sudden, Cathe says, "Didn't think you could do this, did ya?" Yup, I answered her, too. Sometimes I still feel that way.....Interval 9 from Imax 2, for example.

I also love that about Cathe, she knows where I'm at in my workout in my own living room! I sometimes find myself talking back to the TV then catch hubby giving me one of those "you are nuts" looks... But I know the rest of you guys understand :)
i know this one, my gym room in near my husband room and when i answer to cathe on one of her question he mumble "did you say anything" and i with the little breath i have i say "no im talking to cathe" and i know that he nod his head like saying "i dont understand what she find in killing herself in sport" i know this because i see this face when i tell him about u girls or about cathe

man u cant live with them and u cant kill them
}( }( }(

I like it when in some step workout (can't remember which), after doing a sort of complex move a couple of times, she says sympathetically "that move's a little tricky, isn't it?" or something like that. Even if I didn't get the move I still enjoy the workout after she says that, I feel like it's not my fault if I didn't get the move. In general I feel like Cathe's always on my side and with some other instructors I feel like it's them and their over-complicated choreography versus my poor little brain, and the brain makes a poor showing some days...
And she knows exactly when to start counting--like, just when you think you can't take anymore she'll say "four more to go" & it gives you that extra push to finish it off......

A-Jock, I thought the same thing when I heard the double knot thing on IMAX2! I'm wondering if her DVDs all have this secret spy software that moniters everything we do to keep up w/her so they can use it in future products........:eek:
I love it at the end of Imax 2, last blast segment, doing those power L's and power squats (those are supposed to be EASY?), and she says how many more you have and then she says "yes, you can!", just as you're thinking "I can't!".

I can't remember which workout it is right now, but we're doing tricep dips and she says something like, "and if you're really tired, your butt probably just hit the floor" and mine ALWAYS just has!!!
Oh and there's one (Power Hour?) where she tacks on ONE more shoulder exercise, and at the end of it she says "OK put the weight down. You didn't THROW it down did you???" And in fact I've been SO close to throwing that weight down each and every time lol...
The funniest moment in my Cathe career was my first time with the KickMax blasts (in HCE) and she says that it's time for explosive plie squats. I let out a few choice words and she leaned forward and said, "What was that?" I about tripped over my feet!

My DD13 frequently tells me, "Cathe cannot hear you! Why do you talk to the tv?" I love her dearly, but there are times when I'd like to lock her in her room and let her out when she's 25 or something... :p
I think Cathe does have little cameras in her videos that report back to her :) LOL. One of my favs is: "oh stop that moaning and groaning" and "...breathing back there." Meanwhile, I am saying, "Cathe you are sooo mean" in jest in some exerices. :D. I am afraid one of these days Cathe is going say something via the TV :D Annette
in the 9 blast in imax 2 when she says something like i need all your energy i need.... and i need it NOW i think that if she runs for the president (never mind which country) i defently vote for her.


if she will be the president everyone will start sproting just imagine all the political-sproting possibilities
hey im drifiting awwwwaaaay
I think my fav is on Legs and Glutes when she says Oh I had a count down on that one, they are tired of my little games of add ons. :)

Cathe is truly an inspiration, I also get okay okay you have my commitment when she asks for it on Imax 2, "I need your energy, I need your commitment and I need it now" and its like okay you got it and your just about ready to die and quit.

I'm thinking it was in LM when I did it for the first time, Cathe asks "are you ready for the next combo?"...I promptly yelled "NO!" to which Cathe immediately replied "Sure ya are!"

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