What happened to your fat?


For some of you who had some weight to lose when you first began exercising and changing your diet, when you started exercising did you notice anything different about your fat?

I am working hard at exercising at least five days a week using Cathe, Firm, and Fitprime. My eating habits have drastically changed, but I still could work on consistency in that area. Anyhow, I can totally tell how my body is changing underneath my fat! Muscles are appearing and I am getting smaller, clothes are getting loser. It's just that my fat seems to have gotten softer...almost like it is sliding around on my body. Gross, huh?

Is there anyone out there that may know any data on why this happens? My husband who is a weightlifter says, this is what happens when the body is breaking down fat. Have you had any similar experiences or have any knowledge in this area? Please share! Thanks, Dawn :0)
Hi Dawn,
I lost 82 lbs. about 3 years ago. It's kind of a weird thing, I agree. It seems looser. I was just complaining about that the other day . When I was huge at least it felt firmer. I don't have any answers, but I do understand:)
You must have been reading my mind. I have had the same question but was embarrassed to ask. Since I have been on BFL and even prior when I lose wt, particularly in lower body I can feel these little bumps almost like it is breaking up. Then all of a sudden they are gone? They will usually be in specific areas. One time it will be on the quads, then next the saddle bags, etc.?? Hmmmm... I sure don't know and would love the answer! Maybe someone knows?

Hopefully it is a good thing, right?
When I started doing this www.physiquetransformation.com thing, I joined their yahoo support group. One of the ladies there talked about her fat changing. She described it as "gooshy" fat or something like that. I don't remember her exact words but that sounds like what you are describing.

I'm not having that happen to me at all. My whole body feels firmer. Even where the fat is most "concentrated." I am seeing a difference & I'm a few pounds lighter doing this, so I know it's working.
FitnessGoddess - yeah.. my feels firmer too but just the little bumps pop up now and then. They usually are only there for a few days then go away. It is usually right before I get firmer or lose inches all of a sudden... make sense? My legs overall are firmer,,, just sparatic bumps? hmmmmm.....
I have had the same 5-10 pounds of fat forever, just on my saddlebags/lower butt area. It is very soft, flubbery and lumpy (disgusting!). I remember when I weighed about 10 lbs more it was firmer.
If it's getting ready to "go away" it sure is taking its sweet time! It's been there for about 15 years.
A very fat friend of mine was commenting on how "gross" my fat was, where hers is very firm and smoothe. I had to agree, although I didn't want to trade quantity for quality!
Interesting topic. I thought it was just me. Maybe the last bits do get soft and flubbery. Maybe there is hope.
Hi, I believe that fat cells expand as they are filled with fat.So, the fatter someone is the more "firm" the fat will feel. Kind of visualize a ballon filled with butter. If it is half filled it would look and feel softer and lumpier than a ballon that is more fat filled, which would seem firmer and smoother in comparison.

So, as the fat drains from your fat cells they don't feels as firm and smooth. Skin firmness and underlying muscle tone probably also adds to how soft and squishy the fat appears.

So, who wants to fill up their fat cells so that they can appear firm and smooth? How about firm and dense muscles instead? :)

I'm wondering if fat gets "liqufied" or broken down as it gets burned off. Either way, I always picture the fat "melting" off while working out. It's a little visual that keeps me motivated!

Maybe that explains why my sticky-outy belly has suddenly fallen and is much looser. Oooh, I hope this is true that the fat is ready to melt away!

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