What happened to my honey?


I'm a fairly new honey buyer. I'm on my 3rd jar of organic wildflower honey and I love it. But this time...I don't know what happened to it! It's kind of hard and grainy. The last jar was so nice and smooth. I don't close the lid very tight because it's so hard to open once it gets sticky. Is that the problem?
Ha! I thought you were talking about your DH! Glad he is OKAY!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
That is funny. I never call my DH "honey", though. I can't tell you what I call him, as Cathe has requested we keep the site clean. ha ha. (that's a joke, of course)

I keep the honey in the refrigerator.
It could be the beginning of it 'sugaring up' as I call it. Temperature change seems to do it, or just time. Mine will sort of separate and all the sugary stuff goes to the bottom. If you bring a pan of water to a boil (with the jar in there to heat up gradually-and kind of tipped to the side) with about 2 inches of water then let it simmer a bit, it will be fine. You need to stir the honey occasionally. Since yours doesn't sound like it is really separated yet this shouldn't take too long. Nothing like good honey though, and it really helps with alergies if you buy local organic:)
Honey is the only food that does NOT spoil -- ever. If it crystallizes like that, either heat it gently in the microwave or on the stovetop as previously suggested, and stir it till it is restored to it's original consistency. Honey may crystallize on you, but it will not go bad.

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