What everyday activities do you do that keep you fit?


I think it's good to remind ourselves that physical activity comes not only from exercise, but also from everyday actitivies. What do you do that 'counts' as exercise? I'll go first: I walk from my parking garage to my building, i garden like a crazy woman, I have multiple sets of really tall stairs in my house that i must travel at least 20 times a day, i clean a pretty big house with no help, I always take the stairs at work/garage/court house, i chase a 2 and 4 year old.
Grocery shopping - and putting everything away! - hey I did that this last week, so I'll count that as workout number 2! LOL

**Trying** to tire out my 3 year old - as normally it's just mama that's tired!

Going up and down my stairs to the basement every day to get to my car, our big pile of *stuff/junk*, and to the dryer and washer

Any shopping w/a 3 year old as I'm mostly running after him, cause he - wants to walk mysellfff!

Thanks Kristan - I feel a little better about myself! :)
Laundry - I seem to do it daily. So I have to bring it down from the upstais, carry the wet clothes outback to hang on the line and then back upstairs to put it away.

I try to walk at lunch - even though right now due to our summer schedules I can only fit in one 1 mile

I was push mowing the lawn before we got this awful humid weather.

Carrying in all the water jugs for our water cooler (when the Culligan man drops them off monthly). I also am the one who puts the new jugs on too!

We have a big house too and I do all the cleaning myself! That really works up a sweat.

And basically just being a mom. I have a very active 4 year old and we spend a lot of time together doing fun stuff. I try to take him to our local amusement park at least once every two weeks which is a lot of walking, he likes to go on nature hikes, playing tag, playing hide and go seek, he also weighs 44 lbs and sometimes I have to carry him.

I'm sure that I forgot some things so I'm looking forward to reading all of your posts.
RE: What everyday activities do you do that keep you fi...

*Taking Joey for a walk outside in his stroller.:)

*Cleaning my house-if I'm really motivated and into it-it's a small house.

Umm...that's it! LOL I can't think of anything else, to be honest! I guess my w/o's are even MORE important now that I realize how little exercise I get otherwise! :eek: :eek: :eek:
RE: What everyday activities do you do that keep you fi...

I am still push mowing the lawn, as long as it is not too hot outside. I also edge the yard and weed the beds what seems like daily!

I never thought about cleaning the house counting but I do clean our 2 story myself. I have also been cleaning out closets like crazy which includes carrying tons of books and clothes to and fro.

I also always park as far away as possible and walk the stairs.

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