What effects does taken 2months off exercise have?

Hi Cathe,
I discovered you on FitTv last winter and you have really changed my body! Prior to finding you I exercised 3-4 times a week to other videos, but those tapes never gave me the results I've seen from doing yours.
Anyway, in June I slacked off of exercise due to a couple of times being sick(mild sickness) and I have only exercised 1 or twice since then. I just wanted to know what effect, will that have on all my hard work (ex. increased endurance, weight and inches loss)?

I did notice after not working out for the period of time I lost 10lbs. Does that mean I lost any muscle I might have gained? I still do see defintion in my arms and legs and I've been told my back side has never looked better ;-)

I plan on getting back on track, but vacation and other things have not allowed me to do so just yet.

Your thoughts and the thoughts of others on the board are appreciated.

Thank You
I'm not Cathe, but I had to take 4 months off exercise due to a back injury. The only exercise I could do was walk or elliptical. No weights, no other cardio. After starting back I was suprised how fast my body adapted and I re-gained what I had lost. The cardio came back quickly, but the strength took time, but that could be because I'm still not 100% over my injury. I had to start at 1/2 the weight I used before my break, but it DOES come back. Just get back in the saddle and start again. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. :)

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