what do you think?


I know Step N' Motion is not going to tell but what do you guys think? Do you think the filming of all 6 new videos is already complete? Or do you think they are filming one a day (each day this week) and choosing a picture each day to show us? Boy would I love to know the schedule! It would be fun to know "exactly" what they were filming on what particular day so I could wonder how it's going. What do you guys think?
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-02 AT 03:51PM (Est)[/font][p]I was wondering the same thing about the videos. It would seem awfully early to be finished taping, but I could be wrong. I only know that I'm so pumped about the new videos. I haven't ordered mine yet, but I know I will probably pretty soon. Oh to be a fly on the wall where they are taping. I keep checking in to see if new photos have been posted.

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