What do you think of GS Legs?

I read a review of GS Legs on videofitness.com. The person who wrote it says that besides S & H it is the easiest Cathe lower body workout they'd done.

I did it the other day and thought it was as tough as any of them.

What do you think?

Beside S&H it was easy?...geeze they must have bionic legs or aren't using ANY weight. Maybe they were alseep???? IMO GS legs is an awesome workout...:)...Carole
S&H Legs is the toughest on my knees so far. I don't do it anymore. Whoever claimed it to be easy must have thighs of granite. GS-Legs ain't a walk in the park either. I think GS-Legs has the toughest floor work among Cathe's lower body workouts.

Easy!?!! Oh my! My legs are shaking in at least two parts that I can remember those slow 4 count lunges and the stability ball part where one leg rolls in for what it seems like forever.

Everytime I do this work out, I think of Leaner Legs which I still don't have. I think the vote around here is that that work out is the hardest leg work out. Is that still true? I can't even imagine.

GS Legs kicks my @ss every time. It is TOUGH (but I love it!). Anyone who thinks it's easy must have been doing it without weights.... (even then, I'm not sure I'd call it "easy"!)
I think there is a contingent on VF who would diss Cathe no matter what she did. Not everyone loves her like we do.
I have been contemplating GS Legs as my next Cathe purchase. OOOHHH, pain...now I'll just have to get it, LOL! :D
Any workout is easy when your not putting your heart and muscle behind each and every rep. Good luck getting results THAT way!

GS Legs is one of my favorites...those lunges..."go down for 4 counts, hold for 4 counts, pulse for 4 counts, hold AGAIN for 4 counts, then up for 4 counts" Yowch! You know it is going to be hell when Cathe uses only 2 8 pounders for leg work!
I LOVE GS Legs...very effective workout. Those slow count lunges are KILLER and the floor work if very good also. This is my new favorite lower body workout by Cathe...it used to be PLB...no I've decided that PLB is a close second.
I have to agree with predominant opinion. GS legs is a super effective workout. It has strengthened my legs to the point where I can up my weights on Leaner legs, matching Cathe and going beyond. So you know.......!

The person who griped about it is either a super conditioned athlete or full of hot air.

Elaine: get it, it's a must have. The floor work is her best yet. After the first couple of times you do this w/o, you may not be able to walk without bowed legs!!!

I disagree with the poster on VF. I think it's a great workout. I suppose it could be easy if you use really light weights. I would get the workout for the floorwork alone. It is excellent imo.
If it's too easy, you're not using enough weight! I love GSL. The only modification I make to it is during the stap ups using the band. There isn't enough resistance for me, so I wrap the ends of the band (where I would normally hold it) around a pair of dumbells. That way I get the band resistance and a bit of extra weight to make it more of a challenge. The floor work is an absolute killer! }(
I don't know, because I didn't even make it half the way through. ;( I gave up and went back to S&H immediately.
>GS Legs kicks my @ss every time. It is TOUGH (but I love
>it!). Anyone who thinks it's easy must have been doing it
>without weights.... (even then, I'm not sure I'd call it

I normally match Cathe's weights when doing GS-Legs (because if I go heavier, my thighs look like sausages in my skinny jeans), but the last time I did it, I took a cue from the blast premix in LM and used just 3's and 5's, skipping past most the rests and stretches. My legs were shaking so bad I didn't think I could make it through the floor work. My HR monitor also registered that my heart was working at 94% during the lunges. It's THAT tough -- you'd feel it even with very light weights.

>I think there is a contingent on VF who would diss Cathe no
>matter what she did. Not everyone loves her like we do.



{biting my lips here...}

I don't have any of the Gym Styles but I'm going to get them on my next DVD purchase. I have learned that I can't pay attention to people's reviews all the time. I heard Kick Max was easy and I did it for the first time last week and it was not easy (no freaking way! And I've been practicing Kenpo and Kickboxing since I was about 8yo). Some people don't have a lot of experience with kickboxing and I'm pretty sure they don't punch and kick as high, or strong as they're supposed to. I'm guessing that's what happened with GS legs too (they didn't give it a 100% and now they say is easy). Of course everybody is entitled to their opinion. They don't know what they're missing!
I agree w/everyone that GS Legs is extremely challenging and effective. I've been doing it once a week for about 7 weeks and I STILL can't get through the floor work without resting. I think it's tougher than LL because the low ends have 7-ct pulses rather than 3 and because of the floor work. It's my current favorite and I haven't tired of it in the least.

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