What do you think about what this therapist said?


I went to a new therapist for my ED and we were talking about exercise ans she told me that there are some places that exercise cannot help you, so she handed me a plastic surgeons card and started telling me about this new liposuction procedure that she is getting done and if I wanted more info on it I should call her doctor. I am beginiing to think that I am better off just talking to you guys, than finding a therapist for this!! Just thought I would share what is out there in the ED therapy world.
I definitely think there are therapists out there who can help you figure out and address the issues that are related to your ED--but I don't think it's this woman!! She's supposed to be helping you come to a healthy acceptance of your body, NOT telling you to get plastic surgery because some areas can never be perfect. Find a new therapist.
I go to a therapist and also discuss exercising. I obsess over my weight and have a hard time accepting my body. Even though there are parts of me I know I can't fix I still want to. She told me I have to love my body and it will not be perfect. And I still have a hard time trying to accept that,but I have to. No therapist should recommend liposuction.

No body is going to have a perfect body and all we can do is try to make it look and stay healthy as possible.

Please go see another therapist.

I thought the same thing. It seems like she is profiting from referals. At this point I realize it is mind over matter, I want over 2 years without binge/purge and then one day it just started again. Kinda weird, in fact this week I went 3 days and then the DH ordered pizza which I know is a trigger food for me, I think as long as I consciencely am aware of what might set me off I can do this o my own, I really do believe at this stage in the game it is all in my head. And no amoount of lipo will suckk all that out.LOL.
Yeah, get another therapist and they will help you along the way. A good therapist will help you learn to accept and love your body. It is still hard for me sometimes, but she keeps me going.


Wow!! Please go see another therapist. Sounds like the one you are seeing now needs a therapist herself. Also sounds a little unethical. There are plenty of counselors and therapists out there who can give you the support you need. Take care and good luck!

I'm not sure what kind of governing body therapists have in your state but I think she should be reported. What she did is extremely unethical. She should be well aware that ED realliy are not about fixing a part of your body. There's got to be someone out there who can really help. I'm thinking this lady must have missed a few days of classes when she was in school! Just my opinion.

Now why would your therapist say that? She should be discussing YOUR problem, not telling you what she's getting done and referring you to a plastic surgeon of all things. Did you ask for a plastic surgeon? I didn't think so. So why's she referring you to one?

And why is she already DISCOURAGING you and telling you that exercise can't help you in certain areas? Granted that we all have our trouble spots, exercise helps your heart, it lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol, it helps you focus better, gives you more energy, builds strength and endurance, gives you confidence (and not just body confidence -- which is what we all need;-) )... the list goes on and on. Hey, I'm NOT a medical professional and I know all this... doesn't she?

I'm not slamming plastic surgery or anyone who's gone through it. All I'm saying is you're seeking help for your ED and THAT is what you should get because you deserve that much. My son is on a lot of therapy, and his therapists have always worked hard to zero in on a problem and its ROOT CAUSE. That's why he's made tremendous progress. Plastic surgery as PART of the treatment for an ED? I'm sorry, but I just don't see the connection.:(

That you have been seeking help is awesome and shows how much you want a resolution to something or some things that are haunting or disturbing you. I hope you find the right person.


Editing to add: if this is what's going on in the ED therapy world, wouldn't a lot more people develop ED's since it's the PERFECT body or look that's somehow being promoted instead of relief from some underlying psychological cause?

Sigh. I have a headache now...
I agree 100% with what Pinky said. Couldn't have said it better. I am shocked that your therapist would suggest you see a plastic surgeon. To me, this defeats the purpose of getting therapy in the first place. Try someone else!

It is a shame that your experience of therapy should have begun with this woman. She is not representative of the world of therapy. There are good therapists out there and you will find one. It is not at all unusual to find a chestnut on your first try or even second and third try. MY first therapiust was an unfeeling woman who slotted me in before her lunch break and made no bones about it. I left after I realized that. I now have a much better therapist who cares about me and is not afraid to challenge me when I need it.

Yes, this woman was unprofessional, but don't let her own hang-ups about her body make you despair that there's no-one out there who can help you.

Making the decision and reaching the understanding that you need help is itself a major step for those of us, me included, who suffer ill mental health. Please do not let this woman deter you from your self-understanding, your decision to get help and your path. She is but a blip on the path, so sweep her under the carpet and move on. Feel sorry for her. I do. She needs help herself.

Imagine if you were going to a therapist and telling them that you felt ugly and unattractive and they told you to have plastic surgery done!!! They'd probably lose their license!
I too am learning slowly to accept myself and my body. I know I'll never be "perfect" at anything. And hey we all strive for perfection.
We have to "accept" ourselves the way we are and then "work hard" to feel better about ourselves.
I too would get another therapist. Now.
Obviously she was not thinking or using good judgement w/ that ridiculous piece of advice. What an A~~.

>Ummm, besides erectile dysfunction, what does ED stand for?
>I seriously can't figure out what you all are referring to.

Glad you asked. I had no idea either.

As for the therapist...I agree she must be getting some kind of referral fee. And to suggest lipo to someone with an eating disorder is like telling them "you're right, there is something wrong with your body that needs to change." I would think part of therapy for ED would be to learn acceptance of your body. This is far from that.

I also think she should be reported to her governing body.
What is my first reaction? What do I think? Take that liposuctin tube and stick up her @##. Then go find another therapist, one who cares about you and not getting a comission from making referrels. JMHO

And also what Missy said. Right on, Missy! And I agree with Kathryn that she should be reported to her governing body.
Kim, in case this helps...
Think of someone overweight or ugly that you love and accept as he or she is (a friend, a family member, mother, daughter, husband, etc.) (It must be someone you love to death, someone you could give your life to save him or her, someone you wouldn't change anything about him or her, as imperfect as he or she is.)And you will see you can love yourself as much as you love that person.

Sorry for the unsolicited advice. I couldn't resist giving out this tip that has been so useful to myself. ;-)

Wow I am shocked! This is one of those times when I don't regret I changed majors in college. I agree with everybody, either she's working on commission or she is the most incompetent therapist ever! This is the way I think about this. What if a person that has an eating disorder goes to a therapist, the therapist tells them that they need liposuction, and the person doesn't have either enough money or enough courage to go with it. Wouldn't that send them right back where they started? Feeling fat, feeling not good enough, thinking "even my therapist implied that I was fat because she suggested liposuction", that is absolutely insane! Since when therapists started discussing procedures they have had or are planning to have in a therapy session? Beats me.

I have to say that although it helps coming here and hear our advice, opinions, and personal experiences, you are not better off coming here than talking to a therapist. You just have to find another one. Another thing I have to say is that if you ever take control of your ED (I'll send a prayer for you so you can do it), you know you exercise and eat well and you still can't see results in certain spots then you can consider surgery, but this should not be the first option or the easy way out and it should never (EVER!!!) be suggested by an ED therapist. People like her are doing a disservice to people that are trying to gain control of their mental health and well being. She should lose her license.

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