What do you think 50 feels like?



A drag, for the most part. I hit it last week.
HOWEVER, I went to the "Y" on Sunday and used the leg press and donkey kick machines, and felt s-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- smug when a couple of much younger chicks used the same machines after me & they had to DECREASE the weight by about half!!!!!!!! What a gas.I'm 50, but I fit into my size 6 jeans. So there. I'm trying to cope.
Hitting 50!

Did you say that you are TRYING to cope? Lifting more weight than "chicks" who are much younger and fitting into size 6 jeans sounds VERY positive to me. I think you are coping quite well. You go girl

P.S. Happy Belated Birthday!
to honeybunch

You just go KNOCK 'EM DEAD girl!! (or should I say "woman"??
) You are something marvellous! -susan p

I was 53 this year! I went through about 2 years of trying to mentally adjust to what I thought was life: part 2. When my personal analysis was over, my assessment was I felt better than I have in my life, I am happier (all those endorphins flying through me daily), and healthier than ever. I am greatful to be in this condition and hope I'm doing flying angels with Cathe when I'm 93 (modified of course - or maybe not). I'm in the process of creating a workout room of my own and I'm so excited I feel like a little kid.

I know it's easy to feel depressed because you are not 22 anymore...but at 22 I smoked, didn't workout, and although I weighed 97 pounds (4'11") I was not in shape at all. I think they call it "skinny-flabby".

I agree with Cathe...if your'e kicking younger butt in the weight department, you are awsome!

Have a great day...
Fit Granny
Better and better


You go girl! LOVED your story about the gym!

I know that at 42 (almost 43) I'm more fit than I was at 22. I don't think I could have done 12 pushups on my knees then. Now, I do 2 sets of "big boy" on your toes pushups with no problem!

You are an inspiration!
I love posts like this . . .

. . .cuz it just makes you realize in our youth focused culture, life does not end at 30 or 40 or 50 or more! What a great story -- thanks for sharing!
I'm 45 and Looking Forward to 50!

For me life didn't even begin until my late 30's. The decade of my 40's has been my best yet.

Someone asked me on a Firm roadtrip if Cathe's roadtrippers tended to be chronologically younger than the Firm's. I think because Cathe's intensity is so challenging. I told them that there were several women over 40 who regularly did Cathe workouts.

Think of it this way -- which would you rather be? An out of shape 21 year old or a butt-kicking, strong and healthy 50 year old? I'll take the latter any day!
Amy how funny

I had a mental image of you as a blonde 26 year old (or so) --"Amy" just sounds like such a young name to me! My mom told me that your teens are hell and your twenties aren't much better, in the thirties you start to see some serious improvement but in the forties you start REALLY cruising and the fifties are absolutely ideal. Or something like that (not an exact quote I am sure. . . ) POINT IS, things get better as you get more and more of life under your belt. And thanks to Cathe we can get more and more of life under our belt without getting more and more waist under our belt!!
-susan p
Thank you all!

You give this 24 year old on the knee pushup "chick" something to look forward to. Because, it seems like I'll never be able to do a straight leg pushup, but now I know I will! THen comes pullups right?!
35 and looking forward to 40.

I am looking forward to my forties--since my kids, (I have four) will be older and less dependent on me for everything. My last child is currently two years old and I've had a toddler in the house for the last 10 years so I'm looking forward to getting some of my life back!! ha. I have friends who are in their forties and are enjoying a new career or going back to school and enjoying their school age kids as well. I think it only gets better as long as you are healthy and fit enough to enjoy your life. Ranae
Military push-ups

The most I've ever done is about 43 at once. I used to do 4 sets of 25 (100 in all), but I figured, "What's the point?" So, when Cathe does them on her tapes, that's all I do.It DOES feel good to be able to do them! See what you have to look forward to? !
Ya know, Sophia Loren is in her mid-sixties, and is considered one of the sexiest chicks on the planet!
I agree TOTALLY!

Still enjoying the moment but I too am looking forward to my 40's for the same reason. I have 5 kids- my youngest is 20 months and I am reveling in the amount of freedom this allows. I can only imagine how great it will be when everyone can get their own juice and go to the bathroom all by themselves!!

I turned 40 in August and my youngest daughter started Kindergarten the end of that month too. Let me tell you I am getting things done around here that have long been neglected!

Actually, 40 is great! I love the looks I get from people when they ask how old I am and I tell them I'm 40. They get this surprised look and usually make some comment about how I "don't look it". Well, what IS 40 'supposed' to look like anyway??? hehehe If THEY did Cathe's workouts they probably wouldn't be surprised.....isn't there a saying or something about "Strong Women Stay Young"??

Cheers everyone!

Bev K.
Turning "50"

Hi To All
I turned 50 the beginning of September.
I have never felt better. According to my 28 year old daughter, I am looking the best I ever have.
I was always thin, now I have some definition in the muscle department.
I stopped smoking back in January [I take 1 day at a time on this subject]
Been working out for about 3 years.
Working out about 6 days a week for the past
5 to 6 months. I work out at home using Cathe,
The Firm, Tae Bo, Crunch and some straight
Ab tapes.
50 I laugh at 50 HA HA HA HA !!

Hi Louisa,

As a 42 (almost 43) year old who quit smoking in January of 1996 (wow, almost four years ago) after more than 20 yrs, I can certainly understand your 1 day at a time attitude! Congratulations - quitting smoking was by far one of the hardest things I've ever done but boy, has it been worth it! Keep it up - as I'm sure you know by now, it gets easier as time passes.


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