What do you eat at work?


It is the holiday as we all know.
I have been really buisy at the salon . Most days i work alone.
When you are working 10 hr days and doing 20-30 heads of hair a day. I have a hard time eating.
Lately I have been doing alot of foils and perms.
Somedays i have a hard time going potty.
Plus the phone and the tanning beds.
Anyone else buisy like this and any ideas on what to stuff down during the day.
Not junk.
No more protien bars.They make me want chocolate all the time.

I hate to order out, I don't have time to sit and eat it.
I am a sucker. I hate to tell people no.
I rarely do.
Last couple weeks, it has been 9-7. I am a little tired . Famished when i get home.Then i could eat the house.

When I get back from grocery shopping I usually make little snack sized baggies of triscuits or trail mix that I buy in a big box/bag. That way in the mornings before work, I don't even have to think about measuring it out or wanting to take the whole box to work. I also bring snack sized cheese and yogurt in an insulated lunch box. As for normal meals...I'm not sure other than a pre-made sandwich of some sort.


I keep a stock of meal replacement bars (whole foods, vegan--Lara bars, Vegan bars, Vega whole food energy bars--, NOT protein bars with lots of artificial and unwhole ingredients that are not much more than glorified candy bars). I also bring my own lunch (often a bean salad or other type of salad, or leftovers from the previous days dinner, that I heat up in the microwave and an apple or two). The stash of bars is a good safety net if I forget to bring my lunch (it sometimes ends up sitting on my kitchen counter because I'm in too much of a hurry to remember it!)
This is a real problem for me, and I've been trying to think what to do about it lately. I love my breakfast in the morning, but after that I just never feel like eating until I get home at night, which can be very late. So I snack on Luna Bars all day. But the Luna Bars are really not substantial enough and I always arrive home famished and tired. Once I let it go that far, I can't work out because I don't have the energy when I get home. I know I need to put an end to this cycle, but I'm always kind of anxious and jumpy during the day and salads and "real" food just don't appeal. I also wonder what others eat during the day?

Cheese & Crackers
Protein shakes
Granola bars, cereal bars, meal replacement bars
sandwiches, roll ups, etc. (make 3 or 4 on your day off for the week)
yogurt with fruit or cereal
popcorn (low fat)
bagel or energy bar with peanut butter
Cup of Soup (there are healthy versions of this - ie Fantastic Foods)

Another good thing is to make a few meals during the week that you can easily take five minutes to heat and eat at work like turkey chili, pasta w/chicken and veggies, etc.

No matter how busy I am, I always take five minutes to eat one real meal during the day. The rest is "grab and go" food when I am busy but at least once per day, I put "me" first. Othrewise, you aren't going to be able to do your job well and get everything accomplished anyway.
I'm lucky 'cause I can sit down, so I have breakfast #2 (10:45 this morning) - old fashioned oatmeal, splenda, non-fat dry milk and cinnamon; lunch about 3:00 is a huge salad with turkey, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, grape tomatoes, baby carrots, red, yellow and orange peppers, and a no-cal salad dressing. Plus a low carb whole wheat torilla. That's is day after day, 5 days a week.
Just Do It! :)
Oatmeal and protein powder
Huge salad with chicken
Sweet potato
Fruit and cottage cheese
In this weather I bring Special K cereal bars and a Lean Cuisine most days. When I make something at home that actually has leftovers I may bring that the next day. In the warmer weather I try to bring salads and more "natural" foods like fruit. I need things quick and easy since I usually work straight through lunch. Of course, there is always SO much food in each office!! It's a real willpower test everyday not to wander into the conference room and just start eating whatever homemade goodie someone brought in that day!!


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