What do you do when you are sore?


The last few days I have worked REALLY hard. Imax2-whole thing, Bootcamp- whole thing, Mindy Mylrea- EXPLODE and today I am pretty sore all over. Is it better to just rest and recover, stretch, or is it better to do a light workout when you are sore?
Personally, if I have a good, mild sore, I'll work out but do a different kind of workout. Right now my chest is nicely sore from yesterday's bench presses, so I'll do some cardio today. I'll be doing the necessary arm movements but probably not in the same range of motion as Cathe. I've heard some folks say that moving your sore areas can help clear up lactic acid. And from personal experience, I know that's true. However, if it's a mean, bad sore I rest. If my body says it can't do any more, I listen. I've learned early on that if I don't listen, my energy is shot, my form suffers, I can't do the moves properly or finish the next workout, and it only makes for more soreness.

Hope this helps.

If I am really sore I take a rest day. If I am low energy, tired I will do push-pull. Sometimes I do a Yoga tape and stretch. I do walk everyday usually 5 miles. We have had snow and its been very cold so I cut it to 3.

Another thing I do is abs. I will do 2 or 3 Cathe workouts with just abs and core.
But listen to your body and rest if you need it.

For muscle soreness, I try a light workout that I know well, like low-impact cardio. Sometimes I'll do a very short cardio workout - like only 20 minutes of a tape - and then abs, just to feel like I did SOMETHING. I do find that moving helps disperse the lactic acid buildup.

For joint soreness, I take the day off. No excuses or apologies.

I do what Pinky does. When one thing is sore, I work something else. If everything is sore at once, I might rest, or might walk, swim or do some wimpy step or stationary bike. I can usually find some muscle or other that needs a bit of pounding.

If everything is just slightly sore though, I ignore it and usually give it one more day of cardio or total body endurance weights and then rest.
Hmm...thanks! I did a 25 minute easy cardio. It felt pretty good when I was doing it, but I am really sore all over and the stiffness is creeping back into the muscles again. I used to think, "sore is good, it means you worked hard." But this sore is the kind of sore where your muscles wince every time you sit down or climb into the car. Probably I overdid it.
I used to be an athlete in highschool and college and I just never really thought about whether I was sore. You have to do the workouts, so you just "forget" the pain and go for it. I'm considering re-evaluating my stretegy for mid-life adulthood. ;)
When I get that sore, I rest too. I feel virtuous all day, limping around and wincing as I sit. I eat normally, get some other stuff done (always seems like a very long day when I don't exercise, what do I do with all this time?). Then, the following day I usually do something like Boot Camp that hits everything a little bit.
If I'm feeling DOMS really really bad ; I take some motrin then get my jacuzzi ready with some epsom salts, turn on my tub and soak for a good while. Letting the jets massage me. :)
>If I'm feeling DOMS really really bad ; I take some motrin
>then get my jacuzzi ready with some epsom salts, turn on my
>tub and soak for a good while. Letting the jets massage me.

Jacuzzi, huh?? OK, who else is JEALOUS???!!! :p That sounds fabulous!!:7

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