what do u think???


hi everybody

i want to order the high step with the 3 dvd's that goes with it
(i forgot their name) BUT i read that cathe is going to film some new dvd's so should i wait until the preorder and then i order the new ones with the high step or shell i order now the high step and not wait.

I'm asking u that because only the delivering of the high step to Israel will cost me 100$ so really it's a question of money and patience

thank u

Oh my...Personally, I would wait. Can you get a high step or something like it nearby? I have been using a workman's bench from a home improvement store for years - it is the same height as the high step. One day I will get the real thing, but this has worked great for me. $100 shipping seems way too much, IMHO.

Take care!

You should try looking at other companies which sell high steps to see if you can get a better price on the shipping. I ordered mine from collagevideo.com, and it comes with the high step circuit dvd. You should also check out amazon, target.com, or just try googling "high step"... you'll be surprised to see how many different companies sell them and how varied their shipping rates are.

Take care,

I use a workman's bench also! I thought I was the only one. It is the same height so I am happy with it. Plus DH would kill me if I bought more eqipment.
thank u for the advice

what is really good buying at cathe is, she has a deal which include the high step and 3 dvds all in 99$, that's 2 dvd's more than the others.

I'll keep looking around.


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