What class at the gym would

My gym has the most kick a** Bosu Bootcamp class and if they forced us to pay for it in order to take it, I wouldn't hesitate for a second!

Allison, that's an interesting response b/c that's what I was gonna say! I have a bosu at home but I never use it b/c I just don't know WTH to do w/it. I have the bosu DVDs but I get nothing out of them. I would love a serious bosu workout that made me hurt. ;-)
Hmmm...I probably would pay extra for a martial arts class (especially for self defense). I really enjoy variety, which is why I have a gym membership. With the membership I can attend all of the classes. The bootcamp, crosstrain and step classes actually are all very good at the gym I go to. They offer a salsa class, but I haven't been to it yet as it is during the kiddos naptime. Not sure if this helps you at all! ;-)
>My gym has the most kick a** Bosu Bootcamp class and if they
>forced us to pay for it in order to take it, I wouldn't
>hesitate for a second!

I would be very interested in this. Definately would pay to take this class.
Pilates reformer. Our gym has a package of 20 for only $200. It is a bargain and I am sorely tempted.

My gym did a special latin dance class a few weeks back. It was a Saturday at 11 a.m (which is pretty late). 40 people came and the instructor was someone from our sister gym who I'd never met. Before we started she told us we would work our core and our abs would hurt the following day -- I'm thinking yeah right! Can I tell you 15 mins into the class I had a CRAMP in my obliques! I have never had more fun working out in my entire life. It was a group of women just having fun and MAN what a WORKOUT! This I'd pay for! }(

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