What are your primary fitness goals this month?


So, ladies: what are you hoping to achieve this month? I am feeling unmotivated lately and am hoping to catch some of yours...

Here are my three primary goals this month:

1. Get my workout schedule back to 5 days a week.

2. Work one body part AND do cardio each workout.

3. Master IMAX2! I am so ridiculously choreographically challenged when it comes to the IMAXes for some reason. I need to get over it!

Well, like I posted earlier, I have really not got to workout this month thanks to a sinus infection, and strep throat....but when I get back at it,

1.I would like to lose 4-5 lbs this month

2. Try to learn the rest of the choregraphy for low max....I know the first 3.....trying to learn the rest (I am a clumsy dope) LOL

3. Try to shape up my big ol' thighs.....plie squats here I come!

wishing all of you a happy workout!

Hello! I'm new to this board, and am just hopping in to get started! :)

My primary goals for this month are:

1. Continue to lose fat! I want to break out of the 200s this month. Only 4 pounds....seems like the first 80 came off fairly quickly but now, well, who knows?! lol

2. Do 1 yoga and 1 pilates workout each week.

3. Have fun with my first Cathe Friedrich workout rotation! Yippie! :D

Good luck to all,

WELCOME! 80 pounds??? Terrific! Keep up the good work. I have a feeling Cathe is just what you need. Keep us posted!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Well, doing Cathe workouts are sure to do the trick. Congratulations on 80. That is an awesome job.

Mine is to try to build up some chest strength & do more push-ups. Good, God! I admitted to everyone I don't do push-ups! Gasp!

My lower body & my upper body don't match each other in strength & I've always been that way. Maybe I'm just lazy. I don't know.

Anyway, DebbieH, I could have sworn the Push-Up Nazi was a SHE not a he. And I could have sworn her name was Cathe....

or annette!:+

my goals are to :

stick to my rotation:eek:
pound lossage:p
more ab work (not going so well thus farx( )

congrats on 80 lbs! that is great! i'm jealous too!!:*


i can't do many pushups either Marla!:(
Connie, WOW! 80 pounds is awesome! Are you doing Weight Watchers or Atkins or some other diet? (If you don't mind me being nosey, lol)

Cathe is definitely a recipe for getting in shape.... so welcome!

Marla, lol. I do most push-ups on my knees. Someone here suggested doing the first few in each set (of GS Chest) on the toes and working your way up, so I am doing that, too...

My current goal is to build upper body strength and definition. I'm doing my own version of the Tank Top Rotation.
I need to build up upper body strength as well and get some definition going.
My body fat went down to 14.9% this morning, but I still want to be %13 by end of the month which will help in the definition dept. LOL
I would love to have hard toned legs which I am forever working on.

Great thread :)

1. Adhere to my rotation and get my workouts done in the morning. The day is just better that way and it is one less thing to worry about fitting into the day.

2. Stick to eating well and occassional treats but NO JUNK! I just went through a phase of too much junk but have been doing well this week on brining lunch to work and not snacking out at night ;)

3. Focus more on Core. I have been in an *anti-core* mood but that is about to change.

Christine :)
Mine is an August goal.

In August I'm going on vacation and my stepmother-of-the-groom dress will have to be fitted. I just want to look the way I did before I started down this stress-induced slippery slope of skipping workouts and eating ice cream every night. I just want my waist to not be too big to fit into the dress. I just want to be able to put on a bathing suit in case I want to swim on my vacation. Not huge goals. I just want to get back to being me!

Why is it that on the weekends my lunch is a few forkfuls of low-fat cottage cheese but on weekdays when I'm sitting at my desk at work I'm scarfing down Luna bars all day long?? If I could just have a month of weekends I'm sure I could reach all my goals. But work just stresses me out. x(
>I think we already kind of had one of these - we're all going
>to report back at the end of the month.

Oh darn, I missed the original one somehow. Should I post my goals there even though the month is half over and I don't expect to meet any of them by the end of the month? LOL! ;)

Well, here are my goals anyway:

1. Lose bodyfat - 5-10 pounds would be nice
2. Increase upper body strength (ie, be able to do pushups on my toes)
3. Increase vertical jump height

I think that's a good start... :)
RE: Connie!

Thanks for the warm welcome!! :) I'll be around here pretty often as I think this is my new board "home". I was active on another board, but it's moving and downgrading in a week or so. So sad! But this board looks like alot of fun and motivation- which is just what I need. ;-)

Connie :D
LOL, Marla, I agree! Cathe's workouts are totally kickin'! I'm fairly new to her workouts, but I'm fascinated with them and love the ones I've done so far.

Connie :D
Hi Marie, and thank you! I'm following Kathy Smith's Jump Start plan-which sounds like a short term plan but really is just a clean food plan. I eat 4 meals a day, the first and last don't have a starch. I have to modifiy it some so I get enough calories so I add in 2 healthy snacks a day. I've been following this plan for about 1.5 years now and I really like. Eating clean has made such a difference in my weight loss, energy and skin clarity. Before doing this plan, I didn't follow any specific plan. I just tried to eat healthy and cut down on empty calories/low nutrition foods. I've done alot of reading about nutrition and fitness and put as much "good and solid" info into practice as possible. It's been a progression- every week and month is an improvement on the last. The best part is that I've been enjoying it instead of feeling like I'm giving up foods. Instead I feel like I'm reaping so many benefits that it would be silly NOT to eat healthy and clean. :7

It's taken me about 3 years to lose the 80 pounds. I've got at least 55 more to lose, and I think this board and Cathe's workout are just the Rx I need! ;)

Thank you for the welcome!

Thanks, Jes! It's been a long journey, but very well worth it!

I stink at push-ups, too. But I'm getting stronger and I'm feeling confident that I'll be able to do "real" push-ups soon. ;)

Connie :D

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