What a great topic! Gives me so many ideas for new things to try.
I love walking my dogs, reading, playing golf with my husband, trap shooting and scrapbooking.
I used to do yoga and one time I told this group that yoga and shooting were my hobbies and everyone got a hoot when someone asked, don't those kind of contradict each other? I replied they just fill different needs!
I've always exercised but since finding videos, it's become more of a hobby and much more enjoyable.
I love walking my dogs, reading, playing golf with my husband, trap shooting and scrapbooking.
I used to do yoga and one time I told this group that yoga and shooting were my hobbies and everyone got a hoot when someone asked, don't those kind of contradict each other? I replied they just fill different needs!
I've always exercised but since finding videos, it's become more of a hobby and much more enjoyable.