what are your hobbies..besides fitness???

What a great topic! Gives me so many ideas for new things to try.

I love walking my dogs, reading, playing golf with my husband, trap shooting and scrapbooking.

I used to do yoga and one time I told this group that yoga and shooting were my hobbies and everyone got a hoot when someone asked, don't those kind of contradict each other? I replied they just fill different needs!

I've always exercised but since finding videos, it's become more of a hobby and much more enjoyable.
I've made a lap quilt from Bucilla before, it has a fan and lots of hearts, flowers etc. I bought it in January and wanted to finish it as a birthday present by March. By the time I was done it took almost a whole year and I kept it because it was so much work.
Some of my best friends are INTJ's, as is my husband...

I am not afraid!!!:7 :7 :7

How in the heck can you dive in NC? It's too cold!!! Don't tell me DRY SUIT.
This reminds me of one of Jillybean's fun threads:) .

I love to:
- read
- cook
- sing (choir)
- play piano (very new)

I love to, but wish I could do more:
- hiking
- mountain biking
- scuba diving
- traveling
- going to the movies
Beans, you little scrapbooking slob - you've never mentioned that one! Your Bees are going to bee a little taken aback . . .

Gotta let out the Prince quote (from a high-falutin' basketball player whose name escapes me): "He looks like a dwarf who's been dipped in a bucket of pubic hair." }(

I know this is "still fitness", but my main hobby is aqua group fitness instruction. I love love love teaching my classes, doing new music tapes (which takes an inordinate amount of time but is well worth the effort), continually revising my drills and increasing intensity and effectiveness, yadda yadda.

Other than than, hangin' out with Der Hubster, renting mediocre DVD's at Blockbuster, reading political biography, and writing a monograph on The Bald Broad in Art and Literature.

Quilting, cross stitch and crocheting doilies (Grandma taught me when I was 8. My girls are not interested in learning :-( )

Home improvement projects (love power tools!)

Reading, but don't read much any more.

Camping, hiking.

Future hobbies: learn to play the piano and golf.
No, just in the summer, but I just use a 3 ml wetsuit. Jeez, it's not THAT cold! 75 or so at 40 feet. And I do most of my diving in the Caribbean like most "normal" divers. I did coldwater in Catalina Is, CA and some of those springs in Florida. Miserable! I am not dry-suit certified.
I just tease you because my husband is from the D.C. area and he certified in cold water, not dry suit but close. Yes, you are right, those springs in Florida are cold. That's where I was certified (of course, wearing a hood). I did a Manatee dive a couple of years ago in February. Of course, it was very cold but worth it because a Manatee and her baby decided to come with us!

We do most of our diving in the Caribbean. We've dived in in Exuma and Harbor Island in the Bahamas, Saba (near St. Kitts), Bonaire, Hawaii, Florida Keys and West Palm Beach. Last Caribbean dive was in Cozumel, Mexico a couple of years ago. I was certified in 1997. Planning on going to Leu Key in June and maybe back to Mexico in September.

Seriously, you are just hysterical! Love the Prince quote.

Is "Der Hubster" what DH stands for? Who came up with that lol?

Oh- and I find political bios to be pretty interesting also- I've only read Ruldolph Guiliani's so far, though.

I love to crochet (afghans, doilies, etc.), crossstitch, read, draw, scrapbooking, play the piano, and apparently keep a cluttered, messy home. I don't get to do these things very often (except the messy home part) because of time constraints but some day!!!!
oh FUN!...

Graphic Design... although it's my work I think of it as a hobby.. can do this stuff all day.
Play Piano
Holistic Medicine

There's a lot of other things but as for right now I can't do them
:( but some day soon!
Fun thread! My hobbies are:
Birdwatching, general nature watching
Watching sports live or on TV
Laughing at politicians

What a fun thread to read!

I enjoy:

Cooking (all kinds: gourment, quick and easy, baking)
Reading (which I never get enough time to do)
Horseback riding (another hobby I don't do frequently enough)
Learning about nutrition and natural foods
Taking pictures and scrapbooking (I'm way behind on that one too! LOL I am noticing here I don't get enough time for my hobbies)
Listening to country music (I am such a huge fan!)

Fitness is of course the biggest hobby.

I love watching pro football
playing with my animals
listening to music
always trying to figure out and learn more about this PC
watching Hannity & Comlbs (sp)...more learning!
taking pictures with my digital camera

and of course....reading these forums!!! Good thread....:)...Carole
Cool thread! I really have way too many hobbies. They are:

Golf - this is kind of a masochistic hobby
My dogs
Experimental cooking
Woodworking & DIY
Organic gardening & landscaping

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