What am I doing wrong?


Active Member
Hi, everyone. I'm pretty new to this site but I have a question that has been bugging me for quite a while, and I am sure that you will know the answer. When I do squats/leg presses/lunges, I feel the burn in my quads not in my hams or butt. In fact, I don't feel anything in the back. Is this because I am doing something wrong or are my quads so weak that they give out first? I try to "push through my heel" when doing these moves but I can't quite seem to get it to work. The other day when doing PLB I didn't feel the lunges or leg presses in the hams/butt like I should. So then I got the bright idea to put the front part of my feet on two db's to do squats (to isolate back area more). Seems like an OK idea, right? However, I haven't done PLB before (just previewed it), and I forgot how much work is actually done on the butt/hams. I am still feeling some DOMS in that whole back area and it has been...(counting)...4 days!
:eek: Talk about sore and stiff! My hams still feel tight even though I tried to stretch them out. So, what do you think the problem is for the presses/squats/lunges? Does anyone else have this problem? I would be really interested to know what all of you brilliant ladies think.:D
Bought yourself a few days worth of DOMS,did ya?! Gotta love that!

Cathe uses 3 lb dumbells under her feet during the deadlifts in Gym-Style Legs. That give the hams a serious after burn.

The only advice I can offer is this. A long time ago, I did a video, I think by Karen Voight. She had this advice: when doing lower body work, put all you weight in your heels. You can make sure you are doing this by making sure you can pick your toes up off the floor and wiggle them around when doing your squats, lunges, etc.

Does that make any sense at all? :D
So, if I'm reading your question correctly, when doing the actual exercise, you get burning in your quad and no place else. But the following day, you've got DOMS in you glutes and hamstrings?

I am no science or medical professional, believe me. I only speak from experience.... This is *normal*! I can do quad work, and my quads are burning like there's no tomorrow - but I never get DOMS there! The opposite is true of my triceps. I'll work those puppies until they are shaking and nearly giving out on me, but they don't burn like my shoulders will during shoulder exercises. So, where are my DOMS the next day? Right, in my triceps!

You are probably doing lunges, squats, and leg presses correctly. I think there is something about the different muscle groups that respond in different ways to weight work. My hamstrings are the first to get DOMS from legwork.

If anyone with a science/medical background can answer this, I'd be curious too.

Diane, I think that she means that she got DOMS only after she used dumbells under her feet while doing PLB, which she hadn't done in a while. When she used the dumbells under her feet, she felt too much DOMS in hams and glutes afterwards, but if she doesn't use them, she doesn't feel anything at all in hams and glutes. Does that make sense? Simash3, correct me if I'm wrong.
You are exactly right, Mariela. So do you think my quads are just not strong enough yet and that is why they burn instead of my hams/glutes?
While I am doing the leg squat, I pull (extend) my glute back like I am about to sit in the chair. This also allows my legs to form the perfect right angle and straight to the glute. I always feel the burn in my hams, quads and glutes. Major DOM very next day if I have done this for a while.
I just got a DVD by a strength training coach ( Mahler's Agressive Sterngth: Kellebell Solution for Size and Strength), and he has some interesting tips from other strength training coaches. One was to do the lowering part of a squat (it would apply to lunges as well, I think)using your hamstrings: thinking of pulling your hamstrings and lower leg together. I tried that yesterday when doing squats, and I think it really helped focus the move into the glute/hamstring area. I've got theh DOMS there to prove it! It may actually be a technique that works better if you have been traning for a while, so you know how to isolate the muscle (like some guys can make their chest muscles "twitch" without flexing using their arms).

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