Wellbutrin XL


........300 mg, once per day.

Does anyone know how to wean off of it?? I have been taking it along with 5mg Lexapro (been on that a few weeks..the 5mgs) since Monday and I feel like I am losing my mind. All jumpy, paranoid, insomnia, total anxiety....road rage. LOL. I know I should talk to my psych but I told her last session that I was not for sure if I wanted to be on these pills and she just said that "if one doesn't work we will just keep trying until we find one that is right for me". We know she doesn't make any $$ unless I take pills. I don't think I want to take pills anymore.

Any ideas?? I suppose I could just quit with the Lexapro, since I am only on 5mg, but the Wellbutrin is extended release, right? Can I cut it??

Janice, I hate to say this, but thinking that your psychiatrist is going to do what's best for her, rather than what's best for you DOES seem like paranoia. Psychiatrists these days are busy enough; I doubt she needs your business that badly. Just call and discuss the problems you're having with her. If you don't want to be on anything, tell her so. That's what she's there for. If you don't like her, find someone else.

Let us know how you're doing,

You really need to talk to your psych. The doc doesn't make more money due to you taking pills. You may just be able to call the doctor's office and speak to her (or she would call you back) - describe your symptoms and follow her direction. I know that you may not want to take pills anymore, but I really don't think you should make that decision on your own.

Hope that helps (I'm an RN and work in a behavioral health center)

:) Kris
Oh, the psych doesn't even really know me. I mean, last session she asked me how my smoking was going. I don't smoke!!! She is a nice enough lady but last session when I said I might not want to continue on the pills she said that it was in her opinion that I needed to stay on something, that we would find a pill that works. But I am tired. I am also broke and the pills are expensive. I don't like taking meds in general. And, the serotonin drugs make me all sleepy and I don't want to be asleep to not feel anxiety.

I don't know, just a bunch of reasons why I don't want to stay on them, some of which I won't go into here. I am afraid if I call her she is going to say to up the lexapro and down the Wellbutrin, which will be a whole nother prescription!

Thanks for the advice. I guess I will have to call the DR.;-)
Janice, it sounds to me like you need to find a Psych that you like. And maybe one that will remember you and make you feel important. I'm sure that they're out there. For now stay on what you are on, and see another Psych that will listen to what your concerns are.

hey Janice! sorry you're in such a funk. i feel ya. i was on 300 mgs of Wellbutrin XL 1/day for several years and when i decided that i didn't need it anymore, i just stopped taking it. i did not experience any strange withdrawls or anything like that. i did not consult my dr. i just quit. i am NOT advising you to do the same and i am NOT a medical expert. that is just my personal experience.

I don't take Wellbutrin but I do take Zoloft and all I know is that if I run out or skip even a day I turn into a big freak - I get the jitters, start talking 100 miles an hour, am dizzy and can barely drive, its like I'm drunk only its the opposite I guess. Anyway, everything I've ever read says to not just stop taking anti depressants but to do it with your doctor. You might consider taking to your GP, I get mine through a general practitioner.

Be careful and don't make any major decisions on your own right now without discussing it with a doctor or a loved one. Our brains to funny things to us when we are anxious or depressed, and these medications while a godsend, are still strong and need to be respected. Talk to your doctor!!
You must be very careful when withdrawing from selective serontonin reuptake inhibitors. Wellbutrin and Lexapro are both SSRIs. I know it is frustrating, but do talk to your doctor. Don't quit medications cold turkey, it can be very dangerous.

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