well the roof is caved in at my health club...



That snow we got here in Maryland last week caved the aerobics room roof in on the club where I am a member. Luckily Merritt Athletic Club in Annapolis has picked up all Big Vanilla members. Still sucks because, I don't know about the rest of you, but I have a routine when I get to the gym and now it's completely disrupted. It's gonna take awhile to figure out what Merrit has equipment wise, etc. I am pretty bummed but am grateful to Merritt for being so cool about picking us up. Could be months before I am back at Big V.
Of course, more snow is on the way....lightning better not strike twice!! :)
What a bummer, Trevor!! My sympathies. Don't worry, as I'm sure you'll get yourself a good routine at Merrit. Actually, it might be a positive for you because using different equipment will challenge your muscles differently.
By the way, are you SICK of this weather or what? I'm so mad that we are going to get 4-8 more inches here in the DC area today and tomorrow. Enough already. We soon won't have roads---they will be minefields of POTHOLES. I feel like I'm living in Western Pennsylvania again (big snows, frigid temps, and potholes galore).
Hang tough---think SPRING!!! Suzanne :)
Better the roof caved at your gym & not your house!

Seriously, I get pretty testy when my routine is disrupted so I can imagine how you feel. Hope Merritt picked up some of your club's instructors.

BigtimeBUMMER Trevor! I hope no one was in the building during the collapse??? Like Suzanne said, the change just might do you good! We are about over this nasty weather too, here in Ohio. I can hardly wait for Spring! I want to get outdoors. Stay warm!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Well there certainly are worse things in life than having workouts disrupted so I guess I shouldn't complain.
The thing that stinks is the equipment is different and therefore all the weights are different. In other words, my weekly log for weight lifted is now garbage and I have to figure out the new equipment. At least the cardio equipment is the same.
150 people were in the club at the time and of course all were evacuated. I cannot help but question why they didn't shovel the stupid snow off the roof after the storm. It ain't that difficult!
I went by there yesterday and a construction crew has the whole roof off of the aerobics room......sad sight. :)
Trevor :)

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