Well I Went n Injured Myself Somethin' Awful1


Im so stupid.. I got excited using exercise machines I havent used in a few years (I have always used freeweights)..

Ive actually always miscalculated where my lats are spossed to be and so, when I work them and do not feel them where I *think* I should, I get frustrated thinking that I have not done the exercise right.. stupid I know.. I have been lifting for years but using these machines really threw me for a loop..

Anyways I went and did way too many sets with waaaaaaaaaaaay too heavy weights and really effed myself up good :(
The first thing I did was overhand pulldowns, my forearm started burning and felt real tight before all the sets on this first exercise were complete, making it hard to grasp a bar (I tried stretching the area as Ive felt this before, like when handling heavy db's or doing reverse curls).
The I went ahead and did even MORE pulldown-like moves with waaay too heavy weight.. (I think you see where Im going with this..)

So I woke up the mext morning and couldn't move. Can't today either. Not DOMS, had it many times before..
The rear shoulder area (teres area especially), parts of the deltoid and the forearm (brachioradialis?) insertion into the elbow are excruciating and even tender to the touch..

Any ideas what is going on here??

Can't describe the pain but if you've ever been PUNCHED straight-on in the side of the arm REAL HARD, that bruised bone feeling, multiplied by many.. I can't lift my arm (and especially anything requiring bending at the elbow or pulling my arm back horizontally).
Im worried as all hell and really kicking myself in the butt for being so careless!
I tried research online but its have much for finding possibilities of what it could be and how to address them in the first few days..

Anyone know anything of this or have any advice (other than the obvious consulting a doctor)??
Do you think it might be inflammation to the rotator cuff? Have you iced and drugged yourself sufficiently with Advil?

I pushed myself way too hard in April. The pain was EVERYWHERE along my spine and shoulders. Now, it's mainly in my shoulders. However, I have to be careful that my forearms don't compensate for the shoulder stiffness or they start giving me grief too. I took a break for about a week, iced, and started getting weekly massages. I slowly added in weights, but it just triggers the pain again. Lately, I've been sticking to cardio and yoga. I am still not fully healed. There's still a constant dull ache. If I overdo things, I get the sharp pains. I still can't put my arms straight out in front of me in child's pose without a sharp pain. Next week, I have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon/sports medicine doctor. I'm tired of being on the injury list.

Take it easy on your body. Maybe, you'll feel better if you rest and reduce any inflammation.

I think you should see a physician before you make a wrong move and do permanent damage. I know what you mean about those machines, though. When I used to use them I could never get those pins in the right places.
I'm with everyone else here, go to the doctor. I do the same thing, put off going to the doctor because I think I can handle it on my own. He always figures out what is wrong and it usually isn't what I thought. Then of course it takes me twice as long to heal because I didn't treat it right away. Hope you feel better soon.

I agree, go to a doctor.

Did you do the pull-downs behind the neck? That's risky for the shoulder. Always pull down to the front of the body.
Another to say go to the doctor if it is that bad.

Don't put yourself in a position of being so badly injured that it takes you way too long to heal. You wouldn't want to be off exercise for that long.

Take it from Wendy and see how long she has been watching it and still in some pain.

Myself have had forearm and lower tricep pains but they were more like inflammed tendons that would get aggravated with over use. Thus, between the ice and advil I took it easy with any exercises using those areas.

Please get checked out before too long - you may need physical therapy or stretching also.
Yup, you done it.....there myself...and its been 2 years...never back to baseline again...that's why I cancelled STS...broke down and got cortisone when I could no longer sleep on either side, and even just walking with my arms hanging on my side was too much....at least 8 weeks of NOTHING may help, and then it might be the end of really heavy lifting...but then....the fitness trends are returning to lighter weights anyway...because of what happens to die hards like us!

Let us know how you make out...maybe rest, aleve/advil will do it for you! Lots of ice and those ice patches help too....

What did the doctor say you did to your arm? I can't wait to find out exactly what my problem is. Well, I'll soon find out next week. There is just so many possiblities. I would hate it if heavy weights were out forever. I still have hope. I haven't canceled STS yet... waiting to hear what the orthopedic/sports medicine doc has to say first.

HI Honey,

I waited 2 years - finally couldn't sleep on either side because the OTHER shoulder went bad! Xray of the first - some degenerative changes consistent with years of DOING WEIGHTS, wear and tear....the second, didn't get xray, just went right to cortisone...likely impingement from rotators wearing away....I really downshifted my weight work, doing only the Codman kind of arm moves with bi's and tris...NO overhead press - there are other things you can do...no deltoid lifts with heavy weights and no higher than shoulder level and thumbs rotated up, never the pouring from the pitcher position...
Heavy weights and lower reps were the rage for the past 3 or so years....and now, according to the sports med docs, the injuries have skyrocketed...simple fact. Sigh....Makes Red Carpet Ready, NYC and some of the current plans coming out, MUCH more reasonable!

Let us know what happens...see an orthopod....


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