well, i got me some whey protein, now what?


aren't you all so proud of me?! :p now correct me if i'm wrong, but it is best to have a shake after my workout correct? and should i have one any other time???? TIA!

jes! Have you done a "search" girlfriend LOL!!!!


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
Have one after a weight workout, in the morning, in the middle of the afternoon or anytime you want to visit Country Burger.:p

Hi Jes,

I have been taking my whey protein immediately after weightraining. My husband has been bodybuilding for 30 years and has always taken his protein supplements right after training. I found an article online about it:


"Recent studies on whey powder have focussed on muscle hypertrophy and resistance training in elderly males. Subjects who took whey protein powder immediately after exercise achieved positive results (less hypertrophy or muscle wasting) while those who took whey protein 2 hours or more after exercise who had no significant change".

Here is a different article from the Bodybuilding.com site:


I love to make my shakes using Vanilla flavored ON whey, milk, frozen bananas and strawberries. Yum... It's more of a treat than a meal!
That Bodybuilding.com site is the bomb.I find so much info on there. I love it. I see why Cathe does what she does from reading info on that site.

I should drink more protein, as it stands, I mostly add it to foods, like my cottage cheese and milk.

Wehn I work out, I haven't felt the need to use a drink after so I go on and put it in whenever I'm not feeling like cooking.

But..... the hardcore people do ingest it after their workouts.

Working towards Perpetual Motion
Hi Jes,
I take mine in the right after my workout in the mornings mixed with a carb like a small amount of oatmeal and/or berries or other fruit. I also use one at night before bed, but leave out the extra carbs since I am not needing them for energy. I just think it may help my body repair muscle while I am resting.
Diane Sue
Thank you all! i will try it in oatmeal. i hadn't thought of that.

and Miss Marion: as for you, i was chuckling as i typed this post thinking you would say that! :* to you! by the way, don't you have anything to add about protein...??????? you know how much i value your opinion!:D

Hello lady: Diane Sue. the one they rave about. I see you know. You are a gorgeous 50+ woman.
Keep doing wathcha doing woman. It's working. (S)

Working towards Perpetual Motion
>Thank you all! i will try it in oatmeal. i hadn't thought of
>and Miss Marion: as for you, i was chuckling as i typed this
>post thinking you would say that! :* to you! by the way,
>don't you have anything to add about protein...??????? you
>know how much i value your opinion!:D

Well Miss jes.........I knew that you knew I would say that LOL! so I just couldnt resist

As for my valued opinion................I suggest you listen to EVERYONE eles because the only "Whey" I know is the Nursery Rhyme "Curds and Whey"
so I'm full of BS really


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
LOL! i think i am going to start calling you "Little Miss Muffett Marion"!!!!! How perfect! you will have to email me all your other nicknames! i am sure you have dozens:7

Hmmmmmmm nicknames!

well there's #$*@*
and there's &*$#@
and the one thats really rude %&**@@@#

Get the picture?


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
Hi, First of all, I don't post a lot but spend a lot of time reading about all of you. I get a kick out of your lovely personalities!!! You make my day. I was in Vitamin World today and the cashier told me that the body can only take in 40 or so grams of protein at a time. Is this true???
Hey there! i am not sure about the consupmtion rules, but i am the goober who tried to drink all 64oz of my water at one time! Hopefully, one of the brilliant ones will chime in on this for ya! Thanks for posting!

64 oz at one time!!! wow. My tummy would sound like a 2 liter bottle of soda being shaken. lol lol.
>Hi, First of all, I don't post a lot but spend a lot of time
>reading about all of you. I get a kick out of your lovely
>personalities!!! You make my day.

And you'll soon learn that we have has least "four" personalities each! and you never know which one is coming out to play.


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres
Hey now, don't make it tooooo hard on me. lol. There should be a personality limit. Actually it really shouldn't matter how many personalities we all have as long as they are informative right??? hehehe

You are making so much progress. I'm soooo proud of you, LOL! :7

P.S. No adding gravy to your protein shake, okay? That's considered cheating, :p

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