weird neck pain


Okay, I get this stiff neck, aching pain which I think originates in my trapezius muscle. It seems to come around every month or two for a few days. It's painful when I turn my head and just generally aches - sometimes the pain radiates downward into my upper back or toward my shoulder. Well, I got it this month about a week ago and it's still here today. Now it's starting to irritate me because I can't really workout. It just aggrevates it so much more. I'm wondering if some deep massage might help. Anyone else have this type of weird pain or have any suggestions?

I had a similar issue a few months back. It started in my right shoulder blade, then to btwn my shoulders and finally up into my neck and and boy did it hurt!! The whole thing was one big knot and it hurt even to barely touch it. About the time I was ready to go to the Dr, it finally, slowly went away. I credit mine to lifting too much overhead on the barbell. I took a lot of hot, hot water pounding showers, heating pads, Aleve, and deep, hard massages from DH that hurt like crazy when he did it, but felt so much better afterwards. I also got a foam roller, which once I figure out how to roll my back without gettin my hair stuck, really helped. I also found that holding heavy wts, and letting them pull the muscles down (at my sides for my neck, and in a one arm row position for my back) for short periods of time, helped to stretch things out. It probably took a month or so for it to completely go away. I believe Kathyrn had also posted me a few good suggestions. If it doesn't clear soon, you need to go to the Dr, there may be something truly wrong. I'd go with heat, Aleve/Advil, massage, heat. In that order. The massage may hurt like crazy, so I'd take the Aleve 1st. If it doesn't clear up, call the DR, better safe than sorry. Good luck, and I hope you're feeling better soon.

I've had bouts of neck pain, on both sides, going down into the traps.
The other day, I did some neck exercises and stretches from Debbie Siebers "Total Body Solution" (a rehab/prehab workout) and my neck has felt pretty good since then. Obviously, I needed some deep stretching. Barbara Benagh's "Yoga for Stress Relief" also has some nice neck stretches that have helped.

Yes I have that same pain you do. Mine is caused by arthritis, bulging disc and stenosis all in my neck. I am now having physical therapy and along with that I have acupuncture that is combined with a little massage. This combo works very well in getting rid of the stiffness in my neck and upper back muscles so I think it is worth a try if you can find someone who combines the two.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to try some of the stretches suggested. The pain is not nearly as bad as it was a few days, but it's just so aggrevating that I can't really exercise because everything I do seems to just irritate it more. I guess I'll have to call the doctor if it doesn't go away completely in the next couple of days.


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