

New Member
Hi Cathe,

My question is can I workout with weight everyday or should you take a day off in between? right now I do one day cardio and one day weights.

Muscle builds and repairs itself on your off day so you need rest days in between (do cardio then). Back in the day, resting each muscle group 24-hours was The Way and the 4-day split was king (work out upper body twice weekly, with an off day in between and lower body twice weekly with an off day in between. Off days were for cardio). I sort of stopped working out for a long time but when I came back everything had changed. Now, at least 48 hours rest for each muscle group is recommended and the 3-day split rules. In the 3-day, upper body work is divided over two separate days/workouts. IT works like this:

(Mon) Weight train Upper Body: Chest/Triceps,
(Tue) Cardio,
(Wed) Weight train Lower Body,
(Thu) Cardio with Abs
(Fri) Weight train Upper Body: Back/Shoulders/Biceps
(Sat) Cardio
(Sun) REST
Then repeat the sequence week after week...

I couldn't understand how working each muscle group only once a week could be effective but I gave the 3-day split a try after getting so-so results with the 4-day and circuit and got such awesome results so fast I'll never go back. The new STS system Cathe's coming up with (see blog) should take the effects of the 3-day split to the maximum level by mixing up the way weight training is done from week to week. Obviously, I'm a fan - and the science backs me up. So for maximum results give it a rest.

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