Weights once a week?


I know some people just work one muscle/body part a week, only they do it in various splits - legs one day, chest and back one day... you know, sort of like Cathe's Four-Day Split, or any other variation.

My question is, is there anything "wrong" with just doing an entire total body workout one day a week?

That's actually what I'm doing right now, and I intend to continue, because right now it's what I need to do. What this change has done for me is allowed me to fit two lovely days of yoga into my week, and that's something I very much need right now.

But I'd still like to hear your input on the concept of weights just one day a week, from a training or general fitness standpoint. Thanks!
Good question! I'm currently doing 2 strength days - training for a half marathon so that's my focus. Be curious to find out what you hear!
I don't think one day a week would be enough for most people (exceptions might be mesomorphs and other easy gainers and/or those who have a more physically active life).

For most, I would think that for muscle stimulation and release of growth hormones, you'd have to do at least 2 total-body workouts spaced apart.

In splits, even when you are working just part of the body, other assiting muscles are working as well.
Hi Shannon! It is nice to *see* you! :)

According to ACSM guidelines, a person only needs to lift once per week for maintenance. Just be sure to use challenging weights, and you shouldn't lose any strength.

Yoga helps maintain strength as well because you utilize your body weight. It has done wonders for me, so I highly recommend continuing the two days per week.

Good luck!
Kathryn - What you say makes sense for those who are trying to increase muscle mass. So I'm glad I'm not trying to gain, or I'd be rather disappointed. :D

Kara - Hi! How are you? I hope all is well! Ah, "maintenance." The magical word. Thank you! Yep, that's all I'm interested in at this point in my life. I go as heavy as I can.. or dare... and give myself quite a workout, so hopefully I'll be ok. Thanks for your input about yoga, too. It's really helping me, both physically and mentally.
First and foremost, I belive it is important for your workout to be meeting your primary goal which for you is to include yoga, be it for mental recuperation of muscle lengthening or whatever. So congrats to you on not doing something different because perhaps (I don't want to put any words in your mouth) some nagging thought indicates that you should.

But I do think there is a difference between working a muscle group just once per week in say a "one body part per day" or a "pushing only" split vs. a "total body" once per week. In the former situations you would probably be giving each muscle group more time and focused attention. In the latter you would be devoting less time to each muscle and by the time you reached the last muscles you would already be a bit fatigued.

For me personally, I agree with Kathryn that the typical once a week 60 min. total body workout, like say Muscle Max, would not leave me feeling like I was maintaining my current strength level. Maybe, if that one strength workout per week were a solid hour and a half long, like say 4DS upper body premix combined with the 4DS lower body, it would be ok. But otherwise, I don't think I'd emerge as strong after a month or two of this.

At the same time, it did occur to me that yoga may use your muscles throughout the week, but I don't do yoga and can't say with any conviction how well I believe that may happen.

But really, it doesn't seem like you care too much if you lose a little bit of strength gains in the short term. And I think that is perfectly fine. And maybe you won't lose any strength if you truly give your once a week strength workout 100%. This was just my gut reaction.

I'd put whichever body parts strength is most important to you first in your strength workout.

Jeanne - actually right now my once weekly weight lifting is a longer session as you describe, about an hour and a half. And I do agree that a workout like Muscle Max wouldn't allow me to maintain at once a week. I'm hoping these longer sessions will, and that I don't end up overworking myself on my weight day.

Based on past experience, I think that for me, working each muscle twice weekly is optimal if I want to focus more on gains from weight training.

I was just cruising around a couple of body building sites and came across an interesting explanation about the "each body part once a week" theory. I should have copied the link... oh well. Anyhow, it basically said that one reason this sort of split is so popular is because the average person really wants to emulate the professional body builders - and this method works best for these professionals. These are the people who have been training for a very long time, have very "mature" muscles and also, let's face it, have the genetics for it. But for most of us, once a week isn't enough for real gains - as you ladies have said.

That said, of course I'm still going to continue with my current routine. I'm sure it's enough to keep me fit. But more important, I hope what it does is help me get through a rather long and annoying period of recurring injuries. And yes, I'm also making changes to my cardio. It's a real challenge, both mentally and physically. My brain does not want to accept that I can't keep up with all you super-Cathletes anymore!

Thanks for the input. I'd be glad to hear more if anybody else has thoughts on this.

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