Weights 1/2 of Cathe's for PLB-Am I a wimp?


Active Member
First of all, I have been working out for 14 years...But started late. Now for a 54 yr old. I weight 130, am 5"5" and find myself doing, for example, plb with 8-10- and 12# weights. This was today, for the first time in a long time. I have been doing mostly the TS workouts during the week, 4-5 days a week. I am not quite in Menopause yet, but it is absolutely incredible how the weight is harder and harder to get off. On top of it all, I run around as a busy RN in surgery 4-5 days a week. Do you think more weights would help. Lots of cardio for the past three months has just kept me surfing at 130 #! Any suggestions, especially from those in my age group who have found a good rotation would be great!
I highly recommend more weight training That is what iahve been doing and it seems to keep the weight off better I sitill do my Cardio but not as long but more intense like intervals about 20 minutes every other day or at most 5 times a week I really like Muscle endurance very hard almost feels like intervals to me I wear a heart rate monitor and mine definitely peaks lots durign this I also really like the pyramids very intense But easy to follow I also like the pure strenght series and Max intensity strength is agood workout too.
Hope this helps
I am 33 but my suggesstion would be to stick with the pyramids for a while and gradually increase you weight then switch to another type of weight workout. Good luck to you and I think you're doing GREAT!!!
I'm with Lisa. You may want to do more weight training. A plateau means a change is needed in your routine. I don't know what your diet is like, but you might want to tweak it a bit. Maybe more protein, less carbs, more (or less) fat? Ratios differ among everyone, so it might be worthwhile to see which one works for you. In my experience, if you find a good ratio that works for you and that you can stick with/incorporate in your daily life, you don't really have to kill yourself exercising. Hope this helps.


P.S. You're not a wimp. I started out with the same weights as you, and at the time, those weights kicked my butt. Like Cathe always says, pick a weight that works for you. It's YOUR workout. The strength will come in time.
Hi Lidochick!!

As always, Pinky beats me to it and says it perfectly. How does she do it?

Weight training is the key. Once you reach this age, from late 30's onwards, all the cardio in the world is not going to shift the fat that comes with lowered hormone levels. The secret really is to weight train regularly to build lean muscle that will burn up those calories for you. And the good thing is that this will also protect you from osteoporosis as you head into menopause.

After you have spent some months building up a strength base, I suggest trying Cathe's Slow and Heavy series. I am an ectomorph and it is hard for me to build muscle, but on this series for 4 weeks in June this year, I came away so much stronger and pumped, and leaner than ever, combined with throwing Cathe's Circuit Max into the weekly mix. My husband joked that when we next move house, I would be lifting the washing machine up on my own from the basement!.

So I recommend the Pyramids for several months to grow with, then interchange with Slow & Heavy, I think they are awesome together, and again, they helped me break through a plateau.

There was a whole article on this (keeping the fat off as women age) in last month's Living Fit magazine, the second issue since its relaunch, and it is still on the newsstands. Give it a whirl, even if you just read it while in line for the supermarket check out!!! If you can't find it, I can mail you my copy if you send me your address!

You are all wonderful! Yesterday I did PLB, and I just now finished PUB! I forgot how pumped up and shaky this type of workout makes you feel. And sweaty too! I have S&H, and pure Strength. I think, Clare, I'll give your suggestion a good try! I think I might be an ectomorph, as most people think I have no weight problem at all. It's all on my stomach and hips! Easily hidden by the right clothing, but it still grosses me out. My diet is probably too high in carbs...I am working on a modified Adkins, just reduction the percentage of carbs. What really got me thinking about a radical change was a new scale I received with a fat cal. in it. It says I am 33% Fat. And, more depressing, it came with a chart that had me "overweight" and my hus. one percent away from Obese. Now, We are both a little overweight...but I don't think most people by looking at us would go THAT far. So...WEIGHTs is it for me. I'll try and throw a bit of cardio in too. It's hard to do both the same day, unless I go into TimeSaver or CTX. These are great and fun, but after just finishing PUB...well, there is a difference! Dianne

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