weightloss with carb blockers


New Member
I received this brochure in the mail for a product that is all natural plant based called Stopcal.
Apparently it is a carb. burner and seems to have a high success rate – 80%, which seems pretty decent to me. I'm really thinking of ordering it as I’ve tried to lose with exercise and it is not working. I think I need a shove in the right direction. Maybe this is it. Has anyone tried this??
RE: Throw it away

"Never underestimate the Barnum and Bailey quality of the diet industry." (Annette Q. Aquajock)

Any product that claims to be a cal-burner or a carb-burner is snake oil pure and simple. Don't waste your money or your health on that bilge.


Please post here what your exercise history has been and what your current exercise program is; I think we'd be able to give you some input on modifications you can make to that can get you closer to the results you want.

Hope to hear from you!

RE: Throw it away

I have seen articles about carb burners and fat burners too. They should be called "money burners" because that is the only thing you will lose with this stuff.

I agree with the Aquajock.

Do give us more information about yourself and we will see if we can help.

RE: Throw it away

I agree with the above comments. Also I wouldnt blame everything on your workout routine, diet has alot more to do with weight loss than working out in my opinion. I was working out about 4-5 times a week and wasnt losing anything. I changed my diet and kept my workout routine the same and so far I've lost about 9 lbs.

RE: Throw it away

I agree with the above comments. Also I wouldnt blame everything on your workout routine, diet has alot more to do with weight loss than working out in my opinion. I was working out about 4-5 times a week and wasnt losing anything. I changed my diet and kept my workout routine the same and so far I've lost about 9 lbs.

RE: Throw it away

I agree with the above comments. Also I wouldnt blame everything on your workout routine, diet has alot more to do with weight loss than working out in my opinion. I was working out about 4-5 times a week and wasnt losing anything. I changed my diet and kept my workout routine the same and so far I've lost about 9 lbs.

RE: Throw it away

I agree with the above comments. Also I wouldnt blame everything on your workout routine, diet has alot more to do with weight loss than working out in my opinion. I was working out about 4-5 times a week and wasnt losing anything. I changed my diet and kept my workout routine the same and so far I've lost about 9 lbs.

I have never heard of that one.BUt I have heard of a few. The thing with those pills is that you still have to eat fairly healthy( like we should be doing) although they pretend that you can eat this, and this and this, and still lose weight.
However, I have tried a couple of different things. I tried Proenzi 99 which I found did work.And it came with a eating guide.And the lady that was the owner of the store tried it and she lost a lot of weight.
Although when I was taking it I was also alot more strict then I am now.Back then I wouldn't even eat an egg.
Then I started taking this other stuff.I went into a health food store and I was looking for something to take while working out.She gave be a carb blocker...I took it for a while and then through it out.
And now I am taking something for endurance and with clean eating should help lower my body fat percentage.The guy who got it for me uses it off and on.BUt it isn't working.
I would have to agreee with the other girls that most of these things are just gimmicks but if you would like to try it go ahead.I've wasted a little bit of money in my day...let us know how it goes.

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