Weightloss Check-in

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-09-02 AT 07:50PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi everyone!!! I decided for this, I am going to start a Body For Life Challenge on Monday. I already signed up, took my pic, weighed, measured, and had my husband measure my bodyfat. I have 12 weeks of Cathe workouts figured out. First, I am going to do 3 weeks of S&H, with Power Hour. Then I will go to P&S, each tape twice a week, and then MIS. I will do the UB workout 2 days, and the Lower body 3, only one LB day will PS legs. Then my last 3 weeks, I will do CTX. I also have the LBSolution all figured in. Cheryl S., from virtualfit-trainer is my friend, and she said my rotation sounds good. If I start Monday, my 12 weeks will be up May 6, just in time for my swimsuit. I am ready to go!!! With Cathe along for the ride, how can I go wrong???? Best of luck to everyone today!!!
Lori S.
Good luck!!!
I have a few questions:
1. How did you "sign up" for the Body for Life Challenge? (I loaned my book to a friend; I'm assuming you're talking about this program)
2. I had my husband take pictures and help with my measurements about 2 weeks ago. What kind of results are you looking for?
3. What about cardio?
Thanks, Mary :)
Good luck Lori & Mary in the Body for Life challenge!

I am just going to keep on with the food journal http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/nichtani/cookie1.gif[/img], regular
exercise http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/ju_gifi1.gif[/img] and checking in here http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/teddybear.gif[/img].

I'm going to try to wait a while before I weigh myself again. I find I weigh myself too often, when once a week is all I want to chart.

Good luck to everyone on their journey to better health.

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
Good luck everyone! Susan I tend to weigh myself too often but I'm trying for just once a week.

I must confess something. I have done extra good since the first of the year as far as my eating is concerned. Yesterday I ate...dare I say it....some ice cream! Oh my it was good but I felt guilty afterwards. About a week before my period I have such cravings for sweets that it is almost uncontrollable. I caved this time. Oh well, I feel better getting off my chest except that is not where I need to lose anything!!!!

Have a great week everyone!!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
I signed up for the Challenge at www.bodyforlife.com. I would like to get to 18% bodyfat. I had my husband measure me, and I took the average of 3 checks, and I figure I am at 23%. I am going to do the Aerobic Solution he talks about in the book 3 times a week, and do a 1/2 hour of Cathe's CTX cardio sections a couple of times a week. I do not think 3 cardios per week is enough. Just my opinion.
Lori S.

RE: I hear ya Kelly

Most of the time I eat pretty clean, but right now I am PMS. Last night we went to a steak house for dinner w/ kids. I ate cookies before we went, then ate major french fries and dessert. I just had to do it. Some months are bad others are not. But, guilt is something to abolish. it is phisiologic, and as long as we goes back to clean eating, I feel a minoer deviation is OK
Sorry I'm late with this. I had a HIDA scan for my gall bladder yesterday and got sidetracked....

I let everything fall of for several weeks, so here is my action plan:

I have re-started my food record journal
I am eating clean, watching portions, and increasing water and fiber
I will get on my bike for at least 10 minutes 2x per day (I'm so competitive with myself that should get me at least 2 20 minute cardio sessions)
I bought a barbell.

Talk to you next Monday with an update!

Can I join in?

I don't know how I NEVER noticed this check-in before, but I just did and can I join or am I too late since its already Feb.?

If I can, what are the requirements? (other than losing weight I mean :)) listing a plan for the week/month?
RE: Can I join in?

Hey Donna,

Certainly you can join our little group. There are no requirements. Just share as much info as you feel comfortable. Such as your eating plan, exercise, weight you want to lose and how much you have lost thus far. And anything else you want to share. You have done so well so I think you could really help a lot of us by sharing what you have done and how you have had to change your plans along the way.

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
RE: Can I join in?

Hi all...is this a check-in??? Well, I've been keeping a food journal for many weeks now. Something I used to do in the past, but got away from. Bad idea!! I've lost about 10 pounds since Christmas. I'd like to lose about 24 more. It seems like the older I get, the harder my body holds onto EVERYTHING!! :( OH well...at the same time that I'm looking forward to these check-ins, I'm also...chicken!!!

Okay, well, I'm doing pretty good. But, I'm also craving some ice cream lately...eek!! I'm really trying very hard with eating as clean as possible. It's tough sometimes. But, coming here keeps me inspired.

RE: Can I join in?

Thank you :)
Well, I started a new rotation this week-CTX, hoping to "shake up" my metabolism. I had just finished 4 weeks of S&H and I noticed that each of the 4 weeks I went over my "targeted" calories for the week. Obviously lifting like that was requiring more calories or something because I COULD NOT stay within my normal daily range for the entire 4 weeks. I still lost, but 1 week the scale didn't budge, and the other 3 wks were small losses like 1lb or 1.5lbs. So I'm hoping the faster pace of CTX will help me get back into my normal calorie ranges (1500-1800).
I weighed in Monday @ 208lbs so clearly I have many, many, many more lbs to go :)
I just wrote a cheery little note with little encouragements to everyone and then when I came back from seeing if I missed anyone..my note was gone :eek:!

So just take this as an encouraging note from me.....all right :-rollen?

Keep on truckin' everyone!

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
Glad to see you!

Donna: Glad to see the scale is moving for you again! I actually gained 2 pounds with the last several weeks of inactivity! EEK!! Oh well, I just start over...

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know I'm here and still trying. So far this week has been kind of so so. :-( Seems like I have one little "slip" each day and that could be why my weight's not budging. Thankfully it's not going up.... but it's not coming down either.

I seem to be able to keep a food diary Mon-Fri and then when the weekend comes, I can't even remember what I ate for breakfast. :-hmmm I'm curious how most of you do your journal. Same time each day or as soon as you eat?

This week I've been trying to get organize as I'm taking a 9 hr drive to see my daughter :-jumpy who recently got a job and moved away from home. This week has made me realize stress and tiredness affect my eating big time. I've read about this many times, but this week it finally hit home - this is messing up my goals so its time to quit thinking about it and really DO something.

Step One: I will get enough sleep. :-sleepy (I'm sure I eat for energy when I'm tired instead of going to bed) It's time to change this cycle.

On that note, I'm off. Keep up the good work everybody!:)

I'm strivN2Bfit , Paulette
Food Records

I use a check book register for my food records and keep it in my purse and just add to it as I go. My purse is usually in the kitchen on weekends and handy when we eat out. Katie
I record my meals or water (if I don't log it I might not get in enough) either right after I finish eating or sometimes (especially w/dinner) before I actually eat. I start my day with a clean slate of X calories, and from the first meal it's just a matter of deducting the meals/snacks for the rest of the day, so by dinner, sometimes I'm dealing with more of, "now how many calories do I have left for today?" Some days are UGLY! I've had dinnertime come around and during a PMS time of month have like 150 cal. left for the day by 5pm., so clearly, I do go over! :) But those days, I try to eat a dinner of really "good for you stuff" like a big plate of veggies and a baked potato since I over did it earlier in the day.

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