~*~ Weight Watchers Thursday~*~


Good Morning:) :)

We are up early today. Somedays he wakes at 6 and other days its 7...no one knows what way its gonna go. I think I am going to go to baby group today which starts around 9:30. I want to get a workout in first though so its a good thing that he is awake. Im just not sure how much of a workout I will get done. Things are so uncertain with a baby in the house:)

Amelia, I start back to work on Nov 5th. With that being said, thats when I am suppose to start back. But for the first month he said he wasn't sure what side of the schedule I was going to be on. So I may start back in the middle of the week. My first week back was going to be a hard one. I was suppose to work Mon-Tues, then Fri,Sat and Sun night. I haven't worked nights in over a yr so working 3 in a row was going to be tough! Still not certain how and when I am going to get my workouts in. Wouldn't be so bad if it were summer cause I could still run. Lets just hope we get a mild winter and prehaps I'll be able to run up until Christmas.By that time I should have it all figured out.

Belinda, are you all settled in? Takes a while doesn't it?

Cheryl, where are you now? On the road? Glad to hear you are eating healthy!

Our local Tim Hortons sells Smiley cookies in aid of something and they are sooooooooooo good! You would think that they were just normal chocolate chip cookies with icing eyes and mouth, but they aren't. Anyway, smarty pants bought 10 of them yesterday...with only 5 left! BUT I didn't eat 5! Had ya for a sec! LOL I don't think they are going to last a real long time which is o.k cause if they are here very long, I will eat them.

Anyway, good morning to Sara and Conni as well. Hope I didn't miss anyone!!!

Good Morning Ladies!

I didn't sleep well,my head was all clogged upx(.I woke up twice with my mouth open and all dry...ugh,i don't like that!

Atleast my babies are doing a littlebit better!

No workout for me today!:-( Its very frustrating,I love my workouts!

Lori-Im sure you'll get it all figured out,the first week of work is always the hardest! Im just glad your boss came to his senses! Its been awful hard this week for me to stay on my diet,I don't know why? But I've been with in my pt range-with no workouts i need to stay close to it!

hey to everybody else,i've got to go get DD,DS up...I don't feel like doing anything but going back to bedx(
Hi ladies,

I did Body Max 1 (Step Aerobics 24 min., Power Ciruit Intervals 19 min. & Stretch) plus Stretch Max 2:)

Lori I guess I am setteld :)

Amelia hope your you and your little ones are feeling better soon! Take care!

Hi to everbody else!

Hi everyone! I'm back from NYC. Had a great time but I'm exhausted. I thought maybe I would get some rest being away from the boys, but instead I was more tired than ever. I think it was just too much wine at night and too much sitting still during meetings. Of course, we also did quite a lot of walking both Monday and yesterday.

My sister-in-law did a great job watching the boys and right now DH is driving her and her daughter back to the airport.

I have a lot of laundry to do now and some other things to catch up on. I haven't decided what to do for a workout yet. I'm contemplating doing a little low impact cardio or a circuit.

Lori, I saw on the Open Discussion thread that you got your full-time job back--Congrats! That's great news! Looks like you handled that situation beautifully. I hope you made it to baby group o.k. I used to go to those with my kids and it was one of those things where sometimes it was hard to get over there but I was always happy I went.

Amelia, sorry to hear you are sick. I am feeling better this week than last week--but I still have a stuffy nose some--think it's just allergies for me, though. I hope you feel better soon.

Belinda, are you enjoying being back in Germany?

Hello to everyone who follows! I will have to find the threads from the last couple days to catch up a bit.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***


"The worst loneliness is to not be comfortable with yourself." -- Mark Twain[/font]
Amelia, sorry to hear you are feeling crappy! No fun! Take your rest days and hopefully you will be back to your good ole self in no time!

Belinda, good job on the workout. I did that one the other day for the first time in ages! Its a good workout!

Laine, I knew I forgot someone! Trips really don't feel like a break when you have to be certain places at certain times of the day. And sitting all day in meetings??? {{Snore}} I don't have a very long attention span and I get bored really fast:)

I did the Viper today. I didn't even burn 400 cals:eek: All that work! I could have ran for just as long and burned twice as much. Oh well. I still sweat buckets and I needed a good circuit workout.
I also made it to baby group. By the time I got there some of the girls were leaving, so there was just 3 of us. I would have enjoyed my visit more if my baby wasn't so moody! He is o.k now that we are home but while we were there he kept whining!

Ill BBL!

Poppin' in to say hello and good morning... :)

I'm having a rough time right now. I did some emotional/obsessive eating last night and as per usual feeling guilty about it. My uncle, who I live with and is a psychologist, pointed it out to me and I stopped. Still...I knew better and even had plans NOT to do it, but gave in.

I've gotten in 2 good workout the past 2 days, though. I feel really good about that, and my body is grateful. ;)

Welcome back, Laine!

Hope you feel better soon, Amelia!

Wow, Lori, if I did the Viper I'd surely die. lol Cross training is always a good thing, even if you don't burn mega calories. Burning 400 is still a lot! ^5!

Sorry if I missed anyone...not feeling very chipper today.

Connie :)
Hi ladies;

Amelia I hope you get some rest!!!

Laine glad you had fun in NYC! One day I will go to NYC}( Yes, I do enjoy Germany! Grafenwoehr is really pretty! I do miss beeing around my kids;(

Lori I never did the Viper! Nice workout! I need to pull that one out! I bought new running shoes yesterday, now I have to go for a run}(

My best to you all.
Hey Ladies,

Lori-A whinny baby is no fun:-(glad to hear he stopped when you got home:)Whats the Viper? Is that a Cathe workout?

Lainie-Glad to hear you had fun in NYC! I Hope you get your energy back soon,a nights sleep should take care of it;-).

Connie-if you fall of the wagon....you get right back on it agian;-)atleast thats my philosophy,LOL! Ive got bruises on my butt from all the falling-off-the-wagons.Hows sparkpeople going for ya?

Belinda-If you don't mind me asking...What kind of running shoes did you buy? I recently bought some Avia on sale and they feel really good.(I use them for walking)the store also had some Ryka and they were so cute,but didn't have them in my size:-(.They were on sale too,like 39 or someting close! Bummer! Well,Have a good run:)

Hey to anybody I missed!
Ah....just woke from a nap:) I needed that little pick me up.When DS wakes, I may get him ready and go pick up a coffee:9 Sometimes I feel like I need one afer a nappie:)

Amelia, the viper is a workout from the Terminator dvd. Its one C&W cardio, 1 Imax 2 inerval, and 2-3 ME seg. Its about 70 mins long. And a really good workout. I was in the mood to do C&W but only have it on VHS...so I decided to do the Viper.

Conni, ah...I feel for ya. Today is a new day though and you can't beat yourself up over things that happened yesterday. We all do some things we regret and it could have been alot worse. Just try to get a good workout in and call it even:)

Belinda, you've never done the Viper? Do you own the Terminator dvd? Its a great dvd. Expensive...but a good purchase.

Oh and I forgot to tell you guys. I am wearing a pair of jeans today that I have never worn before:) I bought them b/c I liked them and they were on sale. They weren't there in my size but were in a size smaller, that was to snug.This was atleast 2 summers ago. Ive tried them on a million times but they just didn't look or feel right. They were to tight and made me have a muffin top:) Anyway...they fit now:) I think they are size 27...not sure but most of my jeans in my closet are 28's or 29's and some of them are falling off of me now. Prehaps I should have another baby and then I may lose another 5 lbs in the end...LOL

YOU GO GIDGE!!! Its a great feeling to have pants that you know you will one day wear....and then that one day comes,you pull them on and wow,great feeling! Im proud of you girl:)

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