Weight Watchers CheckIn Wednesday 8/16


Good Morning Everyone!
Ok- so PMS symptoms hit me like a brick about noon yesterday although its still a week early (thank you perimenopause!)... I didnt do my reg. AM workout so I kept saying later...later... later... FINALLY at 6pm I started to w/o: MMax Upper + 20 Minute Interval: I got thru 20 minutes upper felt so weak and spent , popped in my interval and couldnt lift my legs to save my life.
So basically because I procrastinated I didnt get my much needed w/o in yesterday.... Its just too hot right now 105 to do anything after 1:00,lesson learned!
On to today!
80 minute KPC Circuit w/ Abs

Marie: thanks for the link- very cool video site

Amy: Have an awesome time in Chicago! Happy Cleaning Max

Buffy: LOLOL... I always seem to "forget" how difficult some of Cathes stuff is too

Teddygirl: I hope you know I say this with lots of love but it just seems to me that you aren't eating enough food every day. Maybe its because you have old ww books/sliders etc... or maybe I'm just so used to eating TONS of 2 0-2 point things all day long... I just worry about you with all the exercise and not many points. I could also just be old and senile and totally misreading your posts...but I do care.

Have a great Wednesday and Happy WI Day if any are out there.

I think that Traci and I started at the same time, so here is my post from the other one.

Good Morning!

Another difficult night for sleeping, for some reason. Was able to go for a run, but have having a really hard time being into it mentally. I was still able to go 3 miles, though. Then I broke out the lawn mower and plowed through that project. It's a good thing I did, I noticed lightening in the distance as I was finishing up and we later got a fairly large storm that swept through

Points wise, I didn't eat 6 of my points for yesterday (just had some Kashi cereal and soy milk for dinner and went to bed early).

I have PUB on the schedule today and some cardio, haven't decided what, though.

Traci- I think that there is a lot of "blah" going around. I could barely get through my wog yesterday (I usually go 3.5-5 miles)
Good Morning!!!

Traci, Oh that PMS can be a killer. Don't worry about not getting in your "full" workout. Something is always better than nothing.

On schedule today is PLB and CC#2.

Did ok with points yesterday. I ate my 20 plus 4 AP's. I was really hungry for some reason yesterday. I'm going to try drinking more water today and see if that helps with the hungries.

Have a great day!

Good morning all,

I did pretty good yesterday. It was DH's birthday so we were out and celebrated a little bit. I had a few light beers and small piece of cake, but I counted them and only went 6 over into flex, not too bad considering it would've been a lot worse had I not recommitted.

Today was going to be an awesome day with plenty of time to get a great workout in and it's the last day for work for me this week (using up some vacation) UNTIL I get an email this morning that they are planning an emergency board meeting sometime today or tomorrow. UGH! If I have to come in on my day off it won't be a pretty sight x( But, really nothing I can do about it. These meetings are what put me over the edge, though, I get so stressed out that I eat everything in sight. I need to figure out a way around that.

Hmmmm........wheels are turning. :)

Have a great OP day everyone, be back later.

You did GREAT for DH Birthday! Me... I'd have passed on the beers and eaten the ENTIRE cake! I LOVE cake.....
As for work.... I highly recommend retiring at young ages! I left corporate BS world last year at the age of 43 and havent looked back! My friends and DH said I'd go crazy but truth is I started doing volunteer work 20 hours a week and have gladly thrown out all corporate suits! I had 25 years under my belt and said ENOUGH... we adjusted our lifestyle and I honestly dont miss the "extras" we now do without.
Morning everyone -

Teddygirl - FYI on the deli meats, if your grocer has Boar's Head, go for the Black Forest Ham or Turkey. 2 oz = 1 pt. I have one of the Boar's Head Nutritional flyers and I actually calculated the points on all their deli items. They have alot of really great, low point stuff.

Traci - I took "semi-retirement" last year and LOVE IT. Changed companies and went from 50+ hrs to 24-30 hours a week. I told my DH that when I took this new job, the extra time would be used to take care of me. I have and it was so worth it.

Marcia - I understand totally about board meetings. Can you bring a bag of fresh veggies to munch on during the meeting? Or how about planning on what "bad" thing you're going to have when the stress takes over? That way you'll already have a plan when it hits. Good luck!

Yesterday's eating was pretty good. Ate my 20 plus AP's. Today should be good too - no difficult situations coming up.

Today's wo on the other hand is a different story. Amy's right, there seems to be a definite case of the blahs going around. I had Imax on my rotation. I didn't feel much like doing it, but I figured once I got going I'd be fine. 15 min into it I realized it wasn't going to happen. I mean I was grounding the blasts - that is not the point of Imax!! So I put it away and did Stretchmax. Maybe I'll be up to a wog later. If so, tomorrow will be my official rest day. If not, then I'll try Imax again tomorrow.

Happy hump day everyone!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
I so wish that I could retire or even semi-retire! But, as I am the only paycheck/health insurance provider, it's not possible!

Was able to go back to sleep for a couple of hours after munching on some toast with almond butter (there went the 6 points that I had left for yesterday!), which is good. Now some coffee, then on to Cathe!

Marcia- I am sending you anti-boardmeeting vibes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!
Traci & Gym Mom: Retirement or semi-retirement at a young age must be catching on. About 2 years ago I moved from a major city to a small town in the Northeast. I left my 50+ hour a week job as an attorney and went into retirment. My DH is also an attorney (also in semi-retirement, he's 51, I'm 42).

Well, after 1 1/2 yearss of that I decided I missed the work too much and have recently begun to practice again. However, I only work 3-4 days a week, about 8 hours a day. I'm loving it. I would never go back to my former high pressure law practice. I like having the balance of working and also having time for me.

Hi ladies-

All this talk of early retirement makes me wish I could. But at 35 that is not happening. But I already told DH I could totally be a stay at home stepmom and wife. :D

Corrine- I'm glad you enjoyed your skydiving experience.

Well I think I gone over my points and then some for the week. I am now down to 22points and it is hard. Especially on days when I can't get my workout in. Or should I say I don't get my workout in. I only have one workout in so far this week and I think I have been stress eating. 2 days of mandatory overtime and looking for a new car is stresfull. But I think I found the car. A subaru Legacy GT sport. (how fancy;-). I need 4wheel or all wheel drive in the winter. This car will cost me a good chunk of change and will be me for the next 6yrs. That scares me. :-(

Today will either be BodyMax or HCE Circuit. This way cardio and weights all in one.

Can you do to intervals circuits back to back? Example: Imax2 thursday and then HCE friday?

Have great Wednesday.

Traci - you are a sweetheart :) :) thank you, your right tho. I hear it all times. I have eaten like this since I can remember.

I’m a junk food eater have been all my life, I save my pts just to munch at night and weekends. I keep cookies, ice-cream etc here at work. Confession, stepped on scale this morning and I am up 1 lb }( }(

Now, let’s talk about this lb I have gained. All I did was drink okay, Monday night, when I finally relaxed for the evening I made a Martini (3) with Rose’s mix and that’s some sweet @*%%. Last night, NO workout a friend came over and Martini time once again. I probably have 2 or 3.

This morning, I feel like crap (ISSUES) and depression has set in. I didn’t get in the bed till 3 this morning and up at 7am. Enough time to prepare oatmeal & egg white. Didn’t feel like preparing anything else, I’m THERE! When I get in this state of mind all I do is eat till I’m sick and I mean that till Im sick. Its not even 11 o’clock and I already had 6 cookies, and 99 cent bag of chips, sad I know but...I’m already planning too order pizza for lunch.

Tonight, going home too cry. I will be off the forum for a few days. Trust me I’ll jump back and ride this thing called "LIFE' out. But, for now needing to sort some things out in my life that’s keeping me so UNBALANCE, ttys

Jenn: I feel your new car pain! It'll be OK...cool choice btw
Your ??? re Intervals followed by Circuit next day... Its actually set up like that in many of Cathes rotations BUT as always its whats good for your joints... I can do the Long Circuits (which all have intervals) then do a short Interval... Personally its a knee thing... Do what your body is up to! I'd probably eat everything in the house if I did two full back to backs!

Teddygirl: {{{{{{{{{{{{{major hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} We're all here for you.

Buffy: I love your wording about semi-retirement: BALANCE... thats what my type A personality could never find ... I feel so at peace w/ my volunteer work & dogs & hubby. LOVE PLB... on my schedule next week... the ball work is a goodie isnt it?

Claude: Glad to meet another semi retired person... I still feel "guilty" at times.... and btw- good for you for doing stretch tape when you werent up to Imax.... it never dawned on me until this morning that I could have just walked on treadmill for a bit or done a stretch tape! Next time I'll be prepared.

Amy: PUB should make you feel good today! I always feel so "I am woman" kind of way after that one...must be all the reps!
Teddygirl- Sending Major HUGS to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Traci- I ended up only doing the pyramid up portion of the PUB and no ab work because I also did all of Cardio & weights, so I felt justified in shortening it. That and I just couldn't do anymore!!!:7 My arms are shaky as it is right now! I know what you mean about the "I am woman, hear me roar!". It's kind of fun also when the guys at work (and I work with mostly guys) comment on my strength (you can really see my biceps when I am pulling a patient over in the bed). Last week I was shaking the hand of a co-worker and he said, "Hey, you've upped to the 20's haven't you?"

Well, kids, I stink and need a shower. I have errands to run, food to eat, laundry to do, packing to plan and a house to undust!

Traci - Thanks so much for your workout breakdown! You are awesome! I am also a circuit junky, I get bored very quickly with strength training, therefore circuit WO are the best for me!

Teddygirl - I am sending you hugs and my thoughts are with you!!! Take care of yourself and we WW peeps are all here for you! :)

Amy - Don't you love it when men notice your strength. My bf will touch my arms sometimes and is like "you are getting guns!!!" lol, and I tell him to thank Cathe!!! :D It's an awesome compliment, be proud of yourself!

Jenn - You will soon get use to going down to 22 points, it takes time. I started at 24, and now at 20, and I find it hard sometimes! But your body will get use to it and you won't even miss the extra 2 points! And I did love my skydiving experience, we are definitely going to do it again next year!!!!

Marcia - Good luck with your meetings, it's really good that you know it's a stressor for you which makes you eat. You will be successful with your weight loss because you really are understanding situations which make you eat and you are finding ways to control them. Congrats! You are really inspiring me to do the same thing, to look at my stressors (exams, exams, exams, lol) and to find ways to control my eating patterns so I don't end up binging.

Retirement! Can't wait, lol, and I'm saying this and I'm not even done school yet, lol. Two more years of University and maybe 3 more years to get my CFA a.k.a, Corinne's Freaking Awesome, lol ... I like to call it that way, but it's really to be a chartered financial analyst (I know, the first one was a lot cooler:7)

Have a great evening everyone!!!

Corinne :)
Well I did HCE Interval circuit. I really like this circuit. And then I took the kids to Burger King. So that was my lunch and my dinner.}( I also figured it out that if I did high intensity Cathe workouts for 1 hour a day, that would give me 8points. That would be 30 points a day. But who can keep up that kind of workout not me!!

I will just keep working at the point thing. Have great night ladies.

Busy day with lots of meetings so finally have a chance to check in.

Traci - great service at that site too. It was started by a Video Fitness forum person although now she can't post because of the business but she understands what we are looking for. I usually get things in 2-3 days.

Another one car shopping but not sure what year - maybe a 2006 or 2007. Probably a Ford Focus. I would much rather get the Legacy!

Lost .4 at WI today. Not a lot but always glad for anything.

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