Weight Watchers Check In- Thursday 8/10

Well, yesterday went just fine! I was actually around the points that I like to consume for the day. I did about 25 minutes of Kick Max (tried Low Impact premix and stopped at the leg drills) for the first time since receiving it. It felt good, although, I almost punched myself a couple of times with getting my arms mixed up in the combos :7 ! Anyway, then went on the PUB (as it was a weight day). I tried a different order this time....I did the abs first before the rest of the workout. I was very surprised that I was actually able to almost keep up with Cathe!!! Although I do have to do the pikes on my elbows, still, but they felt really good! I could feel the difference, though when I moved on to chest flys, the muscles were starting to fatigue at that point so the latter 2 sets felt much harder. Not that I'm complaining!!!

Anyway, baby DOMS have layered into my upper back and shoulders this morning (probably from the pikes???:p )

Today Low Max is on the books for me and WW meeting with WI is tonight. I have been trying really hard not to get frustrated with my slow progress (have only lost 13# since a year ago!) and it's hard, but then I look in the mirror and am continually amazed and the transformation that is slowly taking place.

I am sorry that I am so verbose this morning. But I saw something very disturbing on TV last night. Primetime did a piece on 3 people who are not happy with their bodies (no news there, right?) Anyway, what these people didn't like was their legs...creepy! They fantasized so much about being amputees that 2 of them actually buried their legs in dry ice so they'd have to be amputated!!!:eek: DH and I couldn't believe it!!! It's like they have the mental picture of an anorexic and do not believe that they are beautiful people if they still have their legs!
On that note, I turned to DH and told him that I have NEVER liked my legs as they have always been big and muscular and tended towards fat (thanks, Mom;-) ). I have always hated wearing shorts, skirts, etc. Anyway, over the past several weeks, however, I have noticed and huge change in my legs. I am very pleased that they are leaning out and gaining definition. I am starting to like them!

Anyway, sorry, again for the novel. It's interesting in today's world!!! I hope that you all have a great day and to keep riding the OP train!!!
Hi Amy & all to follow-
lololol...I always smack myself at least once doing Cathes punch combos! I'm glad you have DOMS today- those always make me feel like I got in a good w/o + am recovering
I saw the Dateline story too....made me want to cry that so many of us have so many "hate" issues w/ our bodies.

Yesterday stayed OP 20 + 4 APs and healthy! I had a mexican lunch but made a great choice w/ a ceviche salad / and 1 teaspoon of their dressing... did do 24 chips but I planned on that so I'm ok with it.
LowMax Intervals 1-4 + SS,MM,PP Shoulders

Today: Plan 20 + 1/2 my APs since I ate all my flex on my bige day Monday and WI is tomorrow morning.
IMAX 3 (60) + CoreMax Complete Core Premix (21) + SS Lower Body (33)

Hope all is well with everyones jobs, family, & exams!
Morning WWs,
I think I might be worrying off some pounds with the news about the London terror threat and raised security threat. DH is leaving late tomorrow from Brazil and should be back in the US and on the ground just after 5am Saturday.

I ordered some of the whipped peanut butter and it arrived last night. Hope I like it since you need to get 6 jars at a time. 2T are only 140 claories and much less fat than regular.

Went to the restuarant in my building for lunch but had a half of a turkey sandwich - and a bag of potato chips. Still don't think point wise I did too bad and it was good to satisfy the potato chip craving.
Marie- I hope you like the PB, it's pretty much the only one I buy in the grocery store! I love the texture. It doesn't rip up the bread like most PB!
I hope that your DH has a good and safe flight!
Good Morning!

Yesterday went well. Stayed at 20 points which was my goal. I'm going to try that again today. Tomorrows my WI.

I did BC/ME combo this morning (that one usually makes me sweat bullets but its quite cool here in the NE so didn't sweat much. I had to cut the abs section short as I was running late. I'll do some ab pilates later.

Food plan for today:

1 cup Fiber One - 2 pts.
1/4 c. Raspberries - 0 pts.
Lite soy Milk- 2 pts.

Pria Bar - 2 pts.

Turkey Sandwich 3.5 pts.
carrots - 0 pts.

Stoneyfield Lite Smoothie - 2 pts.

Dinner - Not sure yet, maybe Chicken and Rice w/ green veg.

Have a great day!

Please...Please... may I join? :) I have 5 lbs that I’d like to get rid of. I think WW is the best diet out there, too, I've had good success following WW plan. My goal is to "TRY" too maintain 20 points or under each day.

I joined WW over 2 years ago I know things have changed and believe me my book is very out dated. So please, your comments and suggestions are very much appreciated.

I hope you guys don’t mind too much if I ask questions about the new WW plan, points system and how to calculate activity points. Honestly, I never did add activity pts that's probably why the weight melted off so quickly Here’s my day.

Meal 1
1 c flax cereal (1000g per serving) 3pts
1 c ff skim milk 2pts
1 tsp PP 2 pts

Meal 2
WW Angel hair Marinara 3pts

Meal 3
T – Bone Steak grilled on GF ( about size of fist guessing around) 5 pts not sure
1 c broccoli 0 pts
1 whole tomato 0 pts
1 slice of ff cheese 1 pt

Meal 4
sm Peach 1pts

Total pts 17

Tonight workout going speed walking (5) miles.

I’m having a hard time getting back into my regimen for some strange reason. I just don’t feel like it, tired all the time. I am starting on my iron pills today and my vitamins should help.

>Pease...Please may I join? :) I have 5 lbs that I’d like to
>get rid of. I think WW is the best diet out there, too, I've
>had good success following WW plan. My goal is to "TRY" too
>maintain 20 points or under each day.
>I joined WW over 2 years ago I know things have changed and
>believe me my book is very out dated. So please, your
>comments and suggestions are very much appreciated.
>I hope you guys don’t mind too much if I ask questions about
>the new WW plan, points system and how to calculate activitie
>points. Honestly, I never did add activity pts that's probably
>why the weight melted off so quickly Here’s my day.
>Meal 1
>1 c flax cereal (1000g per serving) 3pts
>1 c ff skim milk 2pts
>1 tsp PP 2 pts
>Meal 2
>WW Angel hair Marinara 3pts
>Meal 3
>T – Bone Steak grilled on GF ( about size of fist guessing
>around) 5 pts not sure
>1 c broccoli 0 pts
>1 whole tomato 0 pts
>1 slice of ff cheese 1 pt
>Meal 4
>sm Peach 1pts
>Total pts 17
>Tonight workout going speed walking (5) miles.
>I’m having a hard time getting back into my regimen for some
>strange reason. I just don’t feel like it, tired all the time.
>I am starting on my iron pills today and my vitamins should

Welcome Teddygirl.

I'm new to WW also. I'm not attending meetings but I'm doing WW online. From my understanding so far, 20 pts. is the minimum you should be eating. You also get 35 flex points a week to use however you want. As for Activity Points, the WW online has a calculator where you input the activity and the duration and it will tell you how many activity points you earn. I find the AP's difficult to calculate because, for example, I did BC this morning and there is no corresponding activity in the WW activity calculator. What I've decided to do is to add 1 activity point for every 100 calories. This is easier since I use a HR monitor. I figure since each point of food allowed equals approximately 50 calories, if I allow 1 AP for every 100 calories, I'm not eating up all that burned off food. I hope this makes sense. Again, this only how I do it and I welcome any imput from some of the more experienced WW'ers.

BTW, I don't always use all of my AP or my Flex Points, but its nice to know they are there if I need them. LOL.

Thank you Buffy :)

Nice thread guys, glad to be aboard :) :)

Aw………Flex Points its’ starting to come back. I never did use em. That’s why I melted down so fast. Never counted Flex or Activity Pts. This time I plan too, its just not that serious for me now.

At that time you talking bout someone who was very focused I didn’t put anything in my mouth that wasn’t accountable for. It was a beautiful thang.

Not trying to go there now, my goal is to lose 5 lbs I'm more concerned with getting my beautiful tone back that I had 3 months ago before taking on a PT job. My exercises lacked and eating was off the hook :+ :9 mostly sugary things I love sweets.

But now, that I've QUIT pt job, starting to get back to myself, and that's woking one job, afterwards home shut/slam door and its’ me and CATHE........me and you Cathe :) Anyhoo, I'm excited as you can tell because now I am 100% FOUCSED.....

Do any of you eat WW Smart Ones? I’m having one now and I must admit its pretty darn good, I’m having the pasta and the thing is I usually never ever eat pasta, but the wheat when I do. But figured what the heck WW have already done the work, prepared my food and cal pts.

Alto, it is a nice break from my normal lunch routine. Probably like most of you guys, I usually stay away from processed foods but since it is WW I can’t go wrong........can I? :p }( :9 Okay boss lurking gotta go....

I probably eat Lean Cuisine or Healthy Choice much more often than Smart Ones. Most of the WW ones have very little protein - exception is the Truth About Carbs line (I like the turkey with green beans). LC has the Spa Cuisine which uses whole grains - I just had the Lemon Chicken which has 2 nice little chicken cutlets. So do Kashi frozen entrees.
Hey Marie: I am keeping your DH in my prayers for safe travels... I live in Houston where Continental(targeted plane) is home to so we are seeing major delays (5-6 hrs) at airport today due to increased security. All VERY unsettling isnt it!

Buffy: You must be feeling so great with sticking to program and exercise! Great job.

Teddygirl: WELCOME! We just love having you... I just started with the group a week ago so come on aboard! Just like Buffy I count APs at 1 PT per 100 cal burn based on my HRM...only way I can control the number of points. I also like Marie eat more Lean Cuisine... Its a staple for me because I can find 3 point ones and I usually have it "as is" for a late morning snack cuz' I'm always most hungry then.

Have a great Thursday afternoon!

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