Weight Watchers Check In Sunday 8/6


Good Morning Everone!
Hope you al are having a great weekend!
KickMax BC Challenge (its a goodie for 50 minutes!- 10 blasts + 3 combos) + SuperSets Back, Chest, Biceps, Triceps
Target Points 20 + 3.5 APs (earned 6)

Today: RECOVERY w/ 3 segments Total Body Stretch

Just cleaning on the agenda today as we have company coming Mon-Tue

Have a great day!:) :) :)
Congrats Corinne on the 41.2 lbs!! That's awesome!! And poutine is da bomb. I haven't had it in years, no restaurants serve it around here (TG!) and I don't dare make it at home. I only get it when we go to Canada. At least we only go every couple of years.

Traci - what a workout yesterday! I was exhausted just reading it! You definitely earned a recovery day.

Yesterday's eating was actually pretty great - 21 pts in total. I had salad w/ chicken for lunch and then a spinach salad with lobster (yum) for dinner. I was only at 15 pts by then so we splurged on some lowfat soft serve ice cream. I get the kiddie size. I have to watch because sometimes the servers don't believe me when I say kiddie size. It was a perfect size last night. I followed with some grapes for a late night snack.

Today's WO was S&H Legs & Shoulders. My muscles are fried now. I already had DOMS in my legs from the leg drills in Kickmax yesterday, so I know I'll be hurting later. I was supposed to do 200 walking lungess too, but my legs just couldn't take it. I'll do a 30 min walk later to make up for it.

Happy Sunday everyone!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
I have ??? for you/
1. What is poutine?
2. Do you ever get refused a "kiddie size?" Like restaurants and stuff post age limits...Its a fabulous idea!
3. Do you REALLY do 200 walking lunges??? Let me bow to you now!

I did SH Legs /Shoulders for the first time a few weeks ago and gotta say I adored the shoulder work! I really enjoy shpulders but boy oh boy did I ever get the doms! Combine it w/ a Kickbox routine and ouchie wowie! So glad you had a great day overall yesterday!

Chat Later:) :) :)
Traci, a poutine is Quebec's delicacy, lol, well not really, but it is fries, cheese (curd cheese to be exact) and gravy, and it is delicious :9. I use to be addicted to them, having them atleast twice a week, but now I have them every once in awhile, like except for yesterday, I had a poutine last year, lol. It is my weakness, and Gymmom, you are super lucky that they don't make them around you, because trust me, it's really hard not to give in. My brother brings one in atleast once a week, and I go crazy with the smell in the house, but then I think of all the calories in it, which is ALOT, and I realize it's not worth it, just good for a cheat food once in awhile!!!

Have a great Sunday everyone!!!

I did bodymax today and wow was that fun!! I did the step section twice, and the circuits and abs. Tomorrow is pub so I skipped upper body.

I hope I burned some major calories.

Poutine sounds like cheese and gravy fries how yummy. The local diner near us calls them disco fries and my 8yr old dsd likes them and the order is so huge I always eat a couple. Luckily we haven't been there lately.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend. I am back to work tomorrow, vacation is OVERx( !

Corinne-YUMMY - I gotta find some now!

Honeybunch- Thanks for tracker will check it out

Jenn- I'm sweating like crazy just thinking about your workout today- goodness girl! I bet youre psyched!
Today I did Imax 1 and I really am not wild about this workout. I find it boring. Making it wicked hard and boring (for me), it becomes an absolutly agonizing workout. I think I will swap it out in the future. Yesterday, I took the day off. I am finding my body is really feeling ragged from my meltdown/overheated incident on Tuesday. I don't know if I should take an extra day off, or just try to ease back slowly. What I really should have done is take the day off after this happened, I wanted to stick to my rotation and didn't factor in how my body was feeling.
I've been doing well on the eating though. So, I'm not feeling bad. This to me is one of those wonderful things about weight watchers I am taking into account the calories(points) I haven't burned and eating less on my less active days.
Talk to you tomorrow
Glad your eating is going smoothly! 1 less thing to think about...
I totally agree that doing any wo that you dislike is agony! I also find it harder to stay w/ regular plan if I am dreading any workout... you're smart to swap it out next time. Take another day off if you need it either mentally or physically....OR you could try to pick a wo you really love and give it 10 minutes...if you just arent into it then take the day off and congratulate yourself on a good decision for you!
Take care.
Thank you, Traci for your encouragement. It is wonderful to be able to have this exchange. I think it'll help me keep my focus, my focus being the pursuit of balance. Make it a life change and not a "diet" or "fad".

Good Evening, all!
I hopa that you all are having a good weekend.

I was called off of work last night, which was very nice. I hadn't slept well at all yesterday (very unusual), so when I got the call, I ran to the grocery store (muchly needed) and had dinner and fell asleep.

I was a little frustrated at that the call hadn't come a little earlier, I really had wanted to do more step aerobics (only was able to run about 2 miles before giving up in the heat then came in and did Step Blast WU/#1/#3 combos), but wasn't able to because of time constraints.

Anyway, I was right on the money with points and didn't get into the Flex points.

Tonight was Kick boxing (from CTX) and PLB.

Have a good evening, ya'll!!!

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