Weight Watchers check in 8/5


Hi ladies-

Happy Saturday.;-) Hope everyone is ready to have a great weekend.
The waterpark was so much fun and I got so much sun. Today might be the fair not sure though.

Gym mom- Thanks for the advice. I guess I will just keep trying. I just feel like 'what's wrong with me' when I read other peoples food posts. You guys all eat so clean and make great choices, but I do think this forum is very helpful. So thanks to everyone for being here.

Today is my weigh in: I am at 175 down 2 from last week, but this is where I orginally started.

I don't know what I am going to do today. My choices are FitTv KPC, a workout off of rhythmic step or a workout off of Hardcore extreme. I did interval circuits yesterday so I don't know if I should an interval again today.



Don't worry about what other people are posting for what they eat. I have yet to post what I eat and I really don't plan to. That's what's great about this check in, if you want to, go for it, if not, no biggie!

I am glad that you had a fun day and the waterpark.

I have been reading a really good book that is making more and more sense to me....Intuitive Eating. It basically outlines that dieting is what makes us overweight and that the entire mentality of "dieting" causes us to have "the last supper (eat everything in sight because tomorrow we diet) syndrome, as well as the rebellion that comes with being told what we are not supposed to eat. The best thing that I have read so far (and I am only on chapter 5) is that the undereating mandated by dieting rebounds and causes the overeating! All I have been able to say is, "That's me! This is me!" over and over!!!

I have changed my total relationship with food since being a regular on this forum and it's funny how that relationship with food has almost geared itself toward being a more intuitive eater.

For my workout today, depends on the weather. If it's decent, it's a run day (usually about 3.5 miles), if not, it's probably either Step Blast, Imax 2, or something on CTX, I haven't decided.

I still have about 9 points to eat for the day (yes, still today, because my point day runs from 5pm to 5pm). I didn't eat all my chicken salad that I had allotted for lunch, I wasn't hungry after the 1st wrap (had planned on eating 2). I will probably snack on some fruit on the way home and have a PB and J (3 pts) wrap when I get home before going to bed.

I hope everyone has a good day, I am sorry that I have been rambling. I tend to do that when I am tired (I am so ready to go home and to bed!!!)
Morning everyone -
Well, the humidity finally broke and it's gorgeous outside!!

Amy, you are so right. Dieting is the problem. I had to convince myself that it was a lifestyle change, not a diet. I didn't start the shift in my thinking though until after my weight loss. Not sure if that's because I wasn't ready for it or if it's becasue that's when I started checking out this forum and learned more.

My week usually starts on Saturday and ends on Friday, my WI day. When I was losing, on Fridays, after weigh in, I'd binge. Usually not anything horrible, but definitely over my points and food that I knew I shouldn't be eating. About four weeks after becoming lifetime, I noticed that I wasn't bingeing on Fridays anymore. Plus I noticed that I don't crave the bad stuff like I used to. I used to look at a menu and think "Oh I wish I could have that" Now I think, "Yuck, who would want all that cheese or cream or fat?". It was definitely a mental shift for me.

Well, enough rambling - My rotation called for Kickmax (Cardio leg sculpt premix) and 10 min of abs, but I feel like I haven't given my upper body a good workout in a while so I added S&H Chest & Back in addition to the rotation. I feel great.

No food plan today. Breakfast will be my usual - 2 egg white omelette w/ spinach and mushrooms and fat free salsa along with some high fiber bread and fruit. It comes out to 3-4 points depending on what I put on the bread. Lunch and dinner are up in the air as we have errands and chores today. I still have 2 lbs left to lose (Lost one in the past two days, despite my binge on Thrusday!) so I'll be good.

I hope everyone enjoys this beautiful day!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Good Morning all!!!

Today was my WI and I lost 1.2#, total of 41.2!!! I really believe I've gotten back on track because of this forum!!! Thanks for all your support!!! :)

Jenn, don't worry about what others eat. Some days, I look like I'm the cleanest eater out there, and other days, I look like the biggest junk food addict out there, lol. Like today, I am having a treat, which is going to be a poutine, followed with one chocolate chip cookie!!! I'm sure that will eat up all my flex points, but it's so worth it!!! And thanks for the info for the feta cheese, I think I might buy some along with cranberries, just to add some flavour to my salads!!

Amy, that book sounds really interesting! I might take a look at it!!!

Today will be a rest day for me, but probably will go for a walk with Yogi (my Bernease Mountain dog, hehe):).

My stomach is getting already a little queasy, I'm going sky diving next Sunday!!!! My heart rate just went up a little with me just typing it, lol!!!! So nervous, but sooooo excited!!! I wonder how many AP I should get for jumping out of a plane, LOL!

Oh Traci, I bought KPC, couldn't wait any longer and I really think I am going to buy Terminator, but I am going to wait a bit! Thanks again for all the info! :)

Corinne :)
Oh yeah Corinne! When KPC arrives maybe we can do a planned workout same day and compare notes! (like how many buckets of sweat we had!)

CONGRATS on the great loss this week and overall! I totally agree that this forum helps so much...dont ya just love the group of people we have w/ us????
Way to go on the 2#s!!!!!!!! You must feel great about that!

I also have good clean days where my body/mind just crave good food and then I have days like yesterday where my blood sugar seems all over the place, I'm starving but cant even think about eating anything healthy.... those days happen if I dont eat all my AP points the day before...I earn 6-8 per day just on workouts and dont count anything else.
We all have that little devil on our shoudler whispering...."go ahead, 1 chocolate chip wont hurt, you can have just 1 cant ya?"
Glad the waterpark was fun!
The book you're reading sound right on! We have all really been so cruel to our bodies w/ all the extreme dieting havent we.
have a great weekend!

Off to do Supersets Upper Body + KickMax Bootcamp Challenge
{{When I was losing, on Fridays, after weigh in, I'd binge. Usually not anything horrible, but definitely over my points and food that I knew I shouldn't be eating. About four weeks after becoming lifetime, I noticed that I wasn't bingeing on Fridays anymore. }}

Oh my gosh Gym mom-
That is me EXACTLY! Yesterday I weighed in- had a nice loss and proceeded to eat 38.5 points! (12 over what my plan was)
I really am starting to really think about what mught be triggering this so I appreciated seeing that eventually you stopped doing it yourself.

I hope maybe my body will just appreciate all the food and continue to trust that I will feed it... got all the goodies at store for the salad I read about here... dried cranberries, feta, almonds....cant wait for dinner!
Went to the fair today and I was very proud of myself. One slice of pizza and my dsd ate some of it. Shared a big fresh squeezed lemonade and snacked on kettle corn and reg popcorn. I did splurge and had an ice cream with cherry dip. I also have my caramel apple w/nuts. My fav fair food.

Lots of walking around and lots of water drinking. Watched Bodymax today I am going to do it tomorrow looks like a lot of fun.
Hey Jenn- Sounds like you had a blast!
I have a recovery day tomorrow... I really need it my legs felt like led doing KickMax BootCamp Challenge and it was only 45 minutes of w/o time.
Enjoy BodyMax.... I still cant thru the full 90min!

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