Weight Watchers Check In 7/31


Doing good today so far. I earned about 5 AP this morning doing BC and treadmill.

My plan is to eat my APs and use some of my Flex Points on the weekend when necessary. I'm going to try this and see how it works. If I need to tweak it in a few weeks I will.

Hope all my fellow WW's are doing well.

When I read your post yesterday, it reminds me of my story. I'm 42 and I think I'm beginning to see the signs of perimenopause. After so many years of weighing 112 lbs. give or take a few pounds, over the past two years I have gained 10 pounds or so. I'm 5'2". Granted, I'm not technically overweight, but a lot of my clothes don't fit and the ones that do are quite tight. I hate it.

I've tried every diet you can think of, but, I find them all so rigid i.e. no room for a bit of fun on the weekend. I end up going off the diet on Friday nite and then just getting fustrated and giving up. I've resisted WW thinking that it wasn't for me, but, I've signed up for 3 months on-line and I'm going to stick with it. I like that you're allowed flex points so I'll use some on the weekend to account for some "fun." I'm generally a pretty healthy eater but I do like some wine and sweets on the weekend. I don't expect to get down to 112 again because frankly, I think at least some is muscle gain. That being said I'd be happy if I got down to abou 115. I think at that weight, my clothes will fit me.

I just stated with WW and haven't had my first weight in yet but I am finding it pretty darn easy to stick with. I'm going on a 5 day vacation on Thurs. so that will be a true test.

Good luck to you. Please continue to check in so we can compare results (that goes for the rest of you weight watchers also).

This is great! I am so happy to find you guys doing Weight Watchers! I have been doing WW since mid '02 and made goal in mid '03. I have had a lot of ups and downs since then but right now I am back on track and doing great! :7

Found Cathe about a year ago and have seen some awesome changes in my body. She is the best instructor I have found out there!

Did Muscle Endurance today. Am very pooped. :) But love it.

I will make sure to check in here regularly. It's great to see a regular WW/Cathe forum!!!

Have an awesome day everyone!

Hi everyone,
Today is my day off, and I was really glad because I had a horrible night sleep. I find it really hard to work out when I don't sleep well. Alls good on the food/points front today. i didn't plan as well as usual my lunch was pretty blahh. I had a yogurt drink and hummus with carrots. I have this too often, I need to start working on some new recipees. Let's challenge everyone to bring a recipee no more than 5 points to share by next Monday. What do ya say?
I read your rotation schedule, and I was wondering if you have tried any of Cathe's Imax's? I have read many times of people breaking through plateau's with interval training. I have not been on WW for very long (I'm in my 6th week), so I can't give you perspective from one of those long time members. Good luck I look forward to sharing the combined program of WW and Cathe with you.

I all and thanks for the warm welcome! I feel a bit more empowered already.... THANK YOU!
Buffy: Thanks for sharing your story it really makes me feel less isolated. I swear I woke up last year and had a body I never had before...all the old rules no longer worked for me and I just cannot resign myself to being 15 pounds heavier for the rest of my life.
Have a great trip!

Sherri: Glad to see theres a WW pro here! I bet you know all the tricks to get out of slumps and plateaus... I am looking forward to your wisdom

Heather: I know what you mean about exercise and sleep! I need 7 minimum these days but my body likes to wake up after 5.... working with it to just stay in bed.

So do you wonderful ladies follow rotations every month? Do you make up your own or follow Cathe's? How much cardio do you find you need? I have always done intemse cardio 4-6 days a week but w/ all the changes in hormones I swear I need less but much more focus on weights... does that sound crazy?
This is awesome that there is a check in for WW!!! I started WW in March and started doing Cathe in April, and so far have lost 40lbs!!! BUT, the month of July was not a good month for me :-( Hit a plateau, got discouraged, started eating badly again, no longer tracked my points, and gained 7lbs from it. But, I really reflected the past few days, realized that I have to stop beating myself up, and that I AM worth it to put all my effort in losing the last 25-30lbs I have/want to lose. I really think this Check In will keep me on track, so thanks to whoever started it!!!

I'll see u guys tomorrow!! August is a new month and excited to get back on track!!!

Corinne :)
Thanks for the feedback... Actually I have been doing 2 of Cathe's Imaxs a week for several months and nada...except for pure exhaustion (ha)... Since my Interval Spin class is 90 minutes on Wednesdays I thought I'd try "easier" cardios like Kick on the other 2 cardio days.... Did you ever up strength and not cardio to break a plateau?
Corrine- YOU GO GIRL! 40 pounds since March OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!! You need to stand tall and be so proud of all you've accomplished (I'm standing for ya!):7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7
Corrine, Whoah!!! What a great accomplishment. That said, I'm confident you will get back on track and meet your goal!!!

Traci, It's great to have someone who can understand that 10-15 pounds can make a difference in how someone feels about their body. Some of my friends are significantly overweight and while they give dieting a lot of lip service, they don't take the step of making any changes. I can't really talk about my wanting to lose a few pounds to them because they are like "what do you need to diet for?" It kind of makes me feel like I'm being overly vain. But, I know I can't live with the extra weight and I'm determine to take it off. I'm hoping WW and Cathe will be the winning combination for me.

Thanks sooooooo much Traci!!! That means a lot to me! I find not getting down on myself is the hardest part in my weight loss adventure ( I love to exercise and I do enjoy healthier foods, but do have a sweet tooth :9 ) so your encouraging words mean a lot to me!!! Thanks!!!

To reply to a post u made before, I make up my own rotations. I am new to Cathe, so I do do a lot of modifications, but I try to get 3 Cardios a week (Switching from Imax 2 and 3, KM, Lomax, and going on the elleptical trainer), 1 total body workout (ME, GS) and usually 2 circuits (BC, C&W and another DVD that I have, I don't remember the name though, lol). I also walk every night with my dog, usually only 20 to 30 minutes, but lately it has been shorter because it's been so hot out, and my dog is a Bernease Mountain dog, so it's dangerous for her. What I realized though, I have to do WOs that I truly love, or I will not do my workout that day, lol. Ohhh, and I coach also, a softball team, so I try not to do my back and shoulders on the days that I coach, because it hurts too much to throw the ball and hit to my girls, lol ... Cathe works ya good!!! :D

Thanks again Traci, you made my day :)
Thanks Buffy!!

And it's not being overly vain, it's doing what's best for you!!! And I'm almost 100% confident that WW and Cathe are a winning combination, you just have to follow the program and if you bite it, write it :D ;-).

Corinne :)
I haven't been doing many Cathe's lately because of working out in the morning so I hope you still let me join in here. I have all her workouts and probably have premixes that would work for shorter workouts but haven't had the time to explore. I did do Pyramid Upper Body Pyramid Up Premix and that worked for morning. I post on the Buff Badgers check in with others from Wisconsin. I am 53 so know all about perimenopause and how it can impact weight gain and the ability to lose weight.
Good evening, ladies!!!

Today is my "rest day" which means I will being doing Stretch Max! I haven't eaten any points today, mainly because I work nights and just got up from nap.

I also have a problem with wine and sweet tooth! But I have been trying to be good and keep both earlier in my weigh in week (which is Thursday night) so we will see.

Sherri-congrats on making goal, I have yet to get there, but it's in sight now!

Hope everyone has a good evening!
Hi Marie!
Glad to meet you and have you on the WW Train.
I think its fine you check in regardless of what type of workouts you do... changing things up is good for mind and body!
How long have you been on WW?
I have only been in WW a month. I have lost close to my first 5 so it will be slow going but I am happy with just seeing the numbers on that scale go down by any amount.

I like the little WW cakes if I need something sweet. Only 1 point too. The lemon is my favorite and tastes even better with a few seconds in the microwave.

I have been good about not drinking wine or at least cutting back.

My WI is Wed morning.
Congrats on your 5 pounds Marie!! That is a great accomplishment! :)

I must say I'm jealous with all the WW food selection you have in USA, in Canada, we don't have too much selection. And the WW food we do have, isn't very good, lol.

A trick my Mom would do for wine is fill her glass up with half white wine and half mineral water, which comes out to being 1 point (for only 2oz of white wine and the rest mineral water). I don't drink wine, but I know that really helped her out.

Corinne :)

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