Weight Watchers check-in, 08-07-06, Monday

Good morning everyone - Oh MAN, did I fall off the wagon this weekend. UGH!!!!x( x( x(

It's time to pick myself up and back on track. I did last night go through all my WW material - organize it - make sure it is at my fingertips - put copies of things in my purse and now I'm ready to recommit and get this weight off once and for all.

This is a very busy week!!! At home and work, so I will need to be very organized and put togheter. I'm still working on that, but think it should fall together. :)

I hope everyone has a great OP week and I'll be back later to check in with all of you. I need to get here more so I'm familiar with everyone.

Happy Monday Friends-
Yesterday: 19 points + Did Total Body Stretching all 3 segment...that was like a piece of heaven!!!!!!!!! I love stretch only days...
Today: Spin Class + SuperSets Lower Body + SuperSets Back
Plan on eating all APs this week as the only days I was ravenous last week thus made poor choices, was the day after not eating my APs. I am enjoying looking at these things this time around w/ WW ... more indepth at WHY I do /dont do things that are good for me VS just using program to lose weight... finding interesting things already.

AMY: You said you ONLY ran 2 miles & then Step Blast Combos on saturday.... well you just sound very lazy to me! (NOT!) Goodness Lady you must be training for a triathalon or something... I'm impressed! (not motivated to do the same mind you but very impressed!)

MARCIA: I can actually picture you "getting organized" after an off track week.... Heck, if we compared notes I bet we would all be using the "GET ORGANIZED" method to help ourselves.
Its a new week- go for it!

Someone has exams this week.... Sorry I cant recall who but know I am rooting for ya!

Chat later

:) :) :)
Good Morning!!!
Marcia- don't kick yourself too hard for falling off! I read something interesting in the book I am reading (Intuitive Eating). Your body catches up in it's own time. If you binge and overeat today, your body feels that it was "underfed" sometime in the recent past.
Today is another day and the start of another week!!!

I hope that everyone has a good day!
I will be snoozing most of the day and have a mandatory staff meeting this evening. Eating will not a problem.
Thanks Traci for the luck on the exams!! It's only on Thrusday, so I still have time to study, but both my midterms are on the same day, so it makes it hard to allocate my time between the both. Oh well ...

Heather, I also am striving to have a balanced life, and making this weight loss adventure not a diet but a lifestyle change. It's hard, but I also do believe that this forum helps!!!

Marcia, I have problems on the weekend too. Junk food seems to be everywhere around me, lol, but it's a new week, and with you organizing yourself for success, I'm sure you will stay OP and do great!!!

Amy, the more you talk about the book, the more I want to read it, lol. It sounds awesome, and I think it's a good idea to know why we eat and what drives us to overeat sometimes. Have a great sleep today!!!

To everyone and the others I did not mention, hope you had a great weekend and have a great week!!! I think it's Jenn who goes back to work today (sorry if I am wrong, I am bad with names, lol) so good luck with going back to work. Hope your vacations was awesome!!!

Morning everyone -
Traci - I didn't get a chance to log back in yesterday.
- You now know what a poutine is (decadent, really).
- Nope, never been refused a kiddie size. I generally order kiddie sizes for ice cream. In restaurants, if the restaurant offers it, I ask for half portions or lunch portions. If not, I ask the server if they can cut back the portion size. If they won't, I ask for a take home container as soon as they serve the meal. I put half into it right away so I'm not tempted. Never had a problem with that.
- 200 walking lunges - well I sort of do them. I don't like to actually go up and down my hallway since I usually workout way before anyone is up. All my grunting and groaning would probably wake someone. So I do 100 forward lunges (50 right, 50 left) and 100 back lunges (again 50 right, 50 left). I figure it's almost as good as the walking lunges since it works the muscles in both forward and backward motion.

Heather - I know what you mean about workouts that you don't like. My current rotation calls for Cardio & Weights almost every week. I've done it twice, but I just don't like it. I was supposed to do it today, but I ended up subbing LowMax because I just wasn't motivated to do it. Better off doing something you like, you're more apt to stick to it.

Marcia - it happens to all of us. Sounds like you've already got it under control. You're set to do great!

Yesterday did not go as planned. I went downstairs to pull something out of the freezer for dinner. Well DD forgot to shut the door all the way on Saturday - half the freezer was thawed out! We salvaged what we could, threw out the ice cream and a few items that should have been tossed a while back. Obviously, we ended up eating what we couldn't refreeze. So I had a burger for lunch (lowfat beef and turkey, but definitely not the salad I usually eat). We had chicken and turkey kielbasa and oven fried potatoes for dinner. Fruit was for dessert, but I think the potatoes and burger did me in.

I never quite got out for that walk I had planned and the painting we wanted to do didn't happen either. Oh well, such is life.

Today is a work day so I know my eating will be good. I can only eat what I packed - that always help keep me on track. My WO was Lowmax plus 10 min of abs from PS.

Happy Monday everyone!

"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige
Gym Mom-
Thanks for answering all my questions! Those restaurant ideas are great...must admit I've even thought about anything but just the takeout box one. DH wants to go out to dinner 2x this week (usually once every 10 days for us) but he's feeling guilty about being gone all weekend I guess or he's just tired of healthy dinners (I think its the latter!)
So sorry about your freezer but gotta tell ya I'm impressed that you didnt "drink" the thawed ice cream.... see, making good choices all over the place!
Have a great day!
Hi Everyone -
Sorry I haven't been posting much. With DH in Brazil I am busy watering, walking the dog.... so not much time. My workouts are suffering but this is the last week.

Eating has been going OK. Anxious to see how WI goes this week. Greater than a pound would be a big morale boost.

Not sure who mentioned the one off program day but I thought that was a great idea. Saturday I did very good all day but had pizza at night and just enjoyed it! I found a real small one so there wouldn't be leftovers to worry about.

Yesterday for lunch I had one of the South Beach wraps - Southwest Chicken. Very good and filling for 5 points. Tons of fiber but 10g of fat so they must use regular cheese. Actually this could be easy to duplicate and probably reduce the points if I was feeling ambitious enough to do it. I thought the little tortilla in there would taste like cardboard but they didn't. I will have to check if Perdue makes precooked chicken strips in a southwest flavor. The wrap was just seasoned chicken, shredded cheese, and salsa. The kit also has a small jello cup which I didn't eat yet. I guess there isn't always room for jello! :+

Marcia - any idea on why you fell off the wagon? I know you had a menu planned that one day that seemed quite a bit under your daily points and if you are eating like that every day, maybe your body just needed more food. I am trying to stay close to my daily points and save my flex points for the weekend.

I have been reading a lot about the whipped peanut butter and ordered some of that. Hope I like it since it looked like the only way to order is 6 jars.

I am enjoying my egg beater omelette breakfasts. The Walgreens omelette maker was the best purchase for me!

I would like to try the vitalicious muffin tops but don't want to order while the weather is so hot. Have any of you tried them? The brownies look good too.
If I remember right, I have ordered the vitalicious muffins (not the tops) and they were decent. Actually very filling for 2 pts. Some mornings when I worked my part-time job, I would have 2 muffins and an apple for breakfast and had to save part of the apple for later, I was so full.
There's a company that makes "Brownie Bites" (I can't remember the entire name, but it's got "Bakery" in the title) that makes pretty decent 1 pt brownies. Especially if you pop them into the microwave for 5-10 seconds!

Sorry my sign off was short and curt this morning. I was posting from work and the next shift started coming in, so I had to get off the computer in a hurry!
Went back to work today. I wish I was still on vacation.

So far I have been op all day which is quite impressive for me I might say.

I haven't done a workout yet today but would like to. It's suppose to be upperbody but I would also like to add some cardio. Problem is the siding guy was here when I got home from work and when I called my DH to ask him a question he said he would be home in about an hour which means by the time I get into it he would be here to interupt me.}(

Marcia don't feel bad I fall off the wagon every other day it seems. It always feel great when your organized. Hopefully you will have a great week. Just take it one day at a time.

Heather I didn't really care for IMAX1 the first time I did it either. It just reminds me of a bad 80's video and the music is crappy. But I love MIC and RS on that dvd. But swapping is great. I love the compendium it lists everything in the same category which makes swaps easy.


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