Weight Watchers 8/26, Saturday

Good morning, girls!!!

I have weigh in this morning and I'm really nervous. I'm afraid it won't be going down, BUT I do have other NSV - feel better, lifted more weights this week than I have in a LONGGGGG time and stayed OP!!!

I'll be back later and let you know how it went. I had quite a bit of salt last night which wasn't a good idea, but nothing I can do about that now. That might not help me at w/i.

Hey, Ya'll!!

Forging through the dial-up to check with you all!!! Yesterday, I went the Nautilus gym just down the street and inquired about a temporary membership or passes. I got a tour and for $19, I got a week of all the classes I want, with all the cardio machines, weight machines and free weights. I signed up and this morning was on the ellliptical machine for 45 minutes before taking a sculpting class. This morning's class was lower body sculpting (they usually do entire body with abs using weights/bands/balls) with a bit of kick boxing. I was very proud of myself for being able to keep up with the whole class at the intermediate level and the instructor even singled me out on my kick boxing form (Thanks, Cathe!!!), saying, "No one's going to mess with you in a dark alley, you've go a great punch!"

Anyway, haven't weighed or worried about the eating. Having a good time, although DH is nervously watching Ernesto. Please pray that it doesn't come up the Gulf of Mexico!!!

I will try to check in with you all later!!!
Hi ladies!

It's the start of a new week for me, and I decided to dial things down a bit to 20 base points a day (I'll definitely be eating my AP's and weekly allowances LOL) since I've been quite lax lately.

I did a 10 mile run today and earned A LOT of AP's (some of which I had to use on my electrolyte drink and during-run fuel), so I'm trying to be judicious about what I eat for my extra points. Right now I'm having my favorite snack: cottage cheese, honey, pineapple, and a sprinkling of pecans. Yum.

Hopefully this week will be a good one and I can avoid those temptations :).

Good job on that run, Jennifer.

Today I took an unintentional rest day. I drank a bit too much wine last nite and didn't get up in time to work out. We went on a road trip with some friends and ate in a diner. I think I've used up all of my Flexies for this week so I'll have to extra good througout the week.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


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