Weight training~yeah baby!


As a series...

Negative reps
Lowering more weight under control than you can lift. Use as the last or last couple of sets per exercise.

Front Slope pyramid
Where REPS decrease. The advantage is the muscle is fully warmed up before the use of heavier weight. Using the high and low reps serve to hit the different fiber types. Example/ 5 sets 15,12,10,8,6.

Back Slope pyramid
Where the WEIGHT decrease. Start with heaviest weight and go lighter. Example/ 4 sets 8,10,12,15.

For variety and intensity. 3 exercises back to back for the same muscle group. Similar to supersets with no rest between exercises. You drop weight on the last 2 exercises, but you do not need to use the same weight to get the same effect. Example/ Back: T-Bar row, One arm row, then pullovers.

Giant Sets
Upping the level of intensity. This involves putting 4 MORE exercises together. This will blast stubborn muscles and your work cardio system as well. Best for large muscle groups.

Drop sets
Lifting to failure and them quickly lower your weight and bang out a few more reps.
Example/ Back: T bar-Row Heavy for 12 reps, slide a plate off for additional 6 reps.

Staggered sets
To allow you to perform extra work for lagging muscle groups. In between sets of legs or back, for example, bang out a set of rear delts or calves. A muscle that is not worked as often, but could use some special attention.

Twenty ones/Crazy eights
Shocks lagging muscle groups. Do 7 reps half way, on the 7th rep curl all the way up lower. This is used in MIS and ME for biceps. It works so well, Cathe only does one set of these.

Extended sets
This carries the muscle past the point of positive failure. So a set on one angle to failure, then do additional reps from another angle. Example/ Triceps: first, lying extensions, Second exercise, narrow presses. Or Chest: dumbbell flyes. Second exercise, dumbbell presses.

Susan C.M.
This quite possibly could be muscle heaven on earth. Specifically because I can see all kinds of DVD combinations possible.


Briee (I can feel my veins bulging with excitement just reading your thread, thanks Susan)
Posting on this thread again hoping Cathe sees it...}( We need some super intense heavy weight training!!!
I love the idea of doing giant sets and extended sets. Another type of pyramid training sounds great too!! Great ideas!!
This sounds wonderful. An Intensity weight series maybe.

I run and am rather klutzy on the step, so a complete weight series would suit me on some weeks. Cool!

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