Weight loss while breastfeeding


New Member
Hello Everyone,

My baby girl is 10 months old and I am still breastfeeding. I am having a very hard time losing weight. I have been doing The Firm for a long time but it is just not enough. I just purchase ALL Cathe's DVD online and I can't wait to try her workout. I would really appreciated if anyone can give me any advise. Thanks.....
While some women report that they have an easier time losing weight when they breastfeed, that just wasn't the case for me. I would lose some after the birth, of course, but there were always stubborn pounds that just didn't want to move while I was still breastfeeding. Your body wants to protect your milk supply, and the way it does that is by being very reluctant to release fat stores. I would say that while you are still nursing, make sure you are making the healthiest food choices you can, but don't worry too much about the scale right now. You may find that changing to Cathe is such a big change from the Firm that you lose some weight at 1st ( which would be great :) ) but then hit a plateau again. Or it may be such a shock to your body that you are able to lose the whole bunch you want to before your body adjusts. It's hard to say. Every person is so individual.

The most important thing is to make sure you continue to eat healthy and enough to maintain your milk supply. If you don't make sure you're getting enough calcium, for example, your body will steal what it needs from your bones, and you don't want that! :)

Best of luck with that beautiful baby girl!!

I did Weight Watchers when my baby was about 6 months old, I was still breastfeeding, and lost those last 20 lbs. I was allowed to add extra calories for the breastfeeding, (extra "points") and it worked great. I did not find that I had any problem once I figured out the eating part. You definitely need to eat enough to allow for the extra calories burned for breastfeeding, but you still may be over eating. You might check into it.

Hi there!
Just wanted to pass on my $.02

I am about 6 1/2 months post partum and still nursing. The weight loss is also slow. What has helped keep my insanity are two great books...
~ Fighting the Female Fat Cell after Pregnancy
~ Eat Well, Loose weight while breastfeeding

What seems to be doing the trick for me (so far) is:
3 - 45+ min cardio workouts per week
2-3 strength training workouts per week
Eating balanced, sensible meals and cutting out the junk

As much as I wanted there to be a magic solution for the weight loss, I found there is no such thing. I've always worked out 5-6 days per week, so, for me that is not the hard part. The hard part is the making good eating decisions. If I remember right the eating part of the equation accounts for about 75% of the weight loss solution... with the other 25% going to the exercise.

Anyway, I hope this helps. Enjoy your little one.
I am curious to know, I too am breastfeeding and though I only breast feed at night. I don't think I am producing as much milk anymore. Do you think this can be attributed to working out.
scrichlow03 ,

I am no expert on this, but, if you are not doing extreme workouts then I would think that exercising is not affecting your milk supply. It makes sense to me that if you are doing extreme workouts then you may have issues because you would be burning too many calories and placing too much demand on your body. Again, no expert on this, just my thoughts...

I've found that when I exercise (or not) I need to make sure I eat enough and drink lots of water and everything is ok. My exercise rotations currently consist of P90x and Cathe.

If you have questions or feel something is wrong, you should probably talk to your lactation consultant or somone from La Leche League.
>I am curious to know, I too am breastfeeding and though I
>only breast feed at night. I don't think I am producing as
>much milk anymore. Do you think this can be attributed to
>working out.

It could be that your baby is needing less milk at night and you are producing less. Supply fluctuates with demand!

I am also breastfeeding a 10-month-old DD. Weightloss has been at a standstill. I could have written that first post myself! I agree with all the posts that follow. For the past few weeks, I have been slowly making changes to improve my eating, and have managed to clean it up a lot. . I also "discovered" Cathe workouts a few weeks ago, and have put the Firm, FitPrime, and TLP all aside for now, while I learn these new workouts. I have lost 6 pounds since then, which is great incentive.

I know how frustrating it gets, but don't give up. This is my 3rd baby, and from past experience I know the weight will come off.
I did speak to my doctor about this and hge did mention that as one writer said it is usually based on supply and demand. So I guess it is because he doesn't brestfeed as much now. Thanks

Don't worry about losing the weight until you are finished with breastfeeding! I nursed my two sons until they were a year old and it wasn't until I was finished 3-4 months later that the weight came off. Keep working out and eating healthy and you will be fine!

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