Weight loss while breast feeding


New Member
Dear Cathe,

I just had a baby about 10 months ago, and still breastfeeding. I have gained over 60 lbs and lost 40 lbs so far. (She was 11 lbs) I just purchased all your DVDs online and I just want to know which one to start with. Thanks for your time.
Hi! Not Cathe but thought I could help a little!

It may be helpful if you can post your exercise experience? Are you familiar with step? Lifted weights in the past?

I started exercising again when my baby was about 6 months old. I started with Pure Strength and rhythmic step and walking.

I wish I had eaten more protein while breastfeeding b/c working out made me more hungry. (I was eating too few calories and more sugar than I should of).


Congrats on ordering all of her dvds! you are going to love them.
I am curious to know, I too am breastfeeding and though I only breast feed at night. I don't think I am producing as much milk anymore. Do you think this can be attributed to working out.
You may want to take these breastfeeding questions over to the Pregnancy and Post-partum section (not that you're not welcome here, but Sheila Watkins - -the moderator over there -- is an expert with all this).

My experience with exercise and milk production was that it didn't slow it down at all (I've had 6 children and exercised daily after the last 3, was sporatic with the second 2 -- was a bump on a log with the first :)) But it may be individual.

As for what to start with first, if you're a beginner or are just getting back into exercise right now, Cathe's Basic Step/Body Fusion dvd would be perfect. It has both step and weights and can be done at a beginner stage through intermediate. It also has shorter workouts to work around a baby's schedule.

My second choice would be Cathe's CTX series - -the cardios are intense but short (you could lessen the intensity by lowering the impact or lowering the step) and has the weights divided into different days for a variety of combinations.

Cardio and Weights is also great because the cardio sections aren't that complex and can be done as a circuit or as all cardio (the pre-mixes are great) - -the weights cna be done in a variety of ways too.

I also love the Step jump and Pump combo possibilities.

Have fun with Cathe -- I sure do!!!
I agree with Renee that you should post this over in the pregnancy/postpartum section. We have moms check in there as well as a postpartum check in. My daughter is now 16 months. I breastfed until she was about 9 months old. Research shows that breastfeeding moms need an additional 300 calories. Also ,keep in mind some of the weight is what I referred to as boob weight. That being said, you are smart to recognize the need to exercise. CTx is a great series for moms as it short. Listen to your body though if you are just returning to exercise or have never exercised before. Also realize while nursing your body will hold onto a few pounds of fat. After my daughter weaned herself , my final 5 pounds came off. At the end I was only left with 5 pounds but I did exercise starting at 1 month postpartum, so be patient with the weight loss, it will come off but gradually.

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