Weight Loss Checkin


Hey everybody. I thought I would start the ball rolling today. I have definitely lost 2 pounds. It only took me a month and a half to do it. :-rollen I'm down to my last 8 to 10 pounds so I know that it's going to be difficult and extra slow. My exercising is going great and I have done relatively well with my eating also.

I guess I just need to keep it up and it will all eventually be gone!!!!!

Let me know how YOU are doing?

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
I am here!!! I weighed yesterday, and I lost zero. It really didn't bother me though, sometimes my body is slow to respond. I have been eating well, and exercising, so that is what is important. I go to WW's tonight, hopefully I lose some there!!!!
I mostly rely on my home scale, but it will still be nice.
Hi!! Well, for me...same ol', same ol'!! :'( And, I'm 4 days away from my you-know-what. :-rollen <sigh>

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-19-02 AT 09:42AM (Est)[/font][p]Sorry...double post.


I made a deal with my sister & brother in law to lose a size by May 15th and I've gained two pounds since the last time I checked the scale (before bet). I haven't been able to exercise due to an overload of work and I always overeat at those times. Well, I have time to exercise this morning, so I'm signing off to do it.

Hi Everyone :)

I lost 1 lb., but I'm okay with it considering my eating REALLY sucked last week! I didn't mention it, but we buried my firstborn grandson last Wednesday, the 13th. He was born stillborn on the 8th, and between trying to console my daughter, and make funeral arrangements, and phone calls to family, from family, etc., I found myself popping cookies in my mouth, eating fast food, etc. But I still worked out every day, working out seemed to be the only time I wasn't thinking about anything else but working out! So, that was a happy 1 lb loss for me, I was actually surprised!
But before I go, let me tell you about my demon scale (from here on out to be referred to as DS). Well I remembered a prior post talking about how a scale will give you a different reading depending on where in the room you are, so here I am, 5am yesterday morning, butt naked, scooting around the room trying my weight in every corner, on every wall, searching for the "best" spot and "best" reading! I must have weighed myself 12 times, I actually worked up a sweat! And all of this for 1 lb! And I believe that DS waits for me every Monday morning just to mess with my mind! But funny how when I told it, "okay buddy, if I don't get 3 consistent readings right now, out you go today!" That's when it could suddenly give me a consistent reading!
I don't know why I put myself through it!? :)
But this week I vow to stay on track with my eating, my body is really craving what it missed last week, so at least I know if I fall off the wagon, I won't fall too far.
Congrats on your 2lbs Kelly, and to all other "losers" this week.
See ya next week :)
I know exactly what you and your daughter are going through...it happened to me in 1971. It's really tough, because few people take it seriously. They say stuff like, "You can have a lot more kids," "You're still young," and s..t like that. Mine happened when I was 7 months along. I had to stay in the maternity wing with women who had babies to take home, which I thought was wrong. I wish they had moved me to a diffent floor. That was before instant hospital discharges.

It will get easier, but it will take time. Good luck to your family!

I am so sorry about the death of your grandson. What a tragedy and shock. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts.
Take care,
RE: Donna...

Thank you guys :)

We're taking it one day at a time. My daughter's first thought was, "I want to try again right away" but now she's decided to give herself time to heal both physically and emotionally.

But I do have a question for someone who may be in the medical field or psychology field:
The hospital allowed my daughter to keep her deceased son with her for 2 days. It seemed natural to my daughter, but it freaked me out! I understood allowing her time to initially hold him, make peace with her loss, and say goodbye, but they allowed her to keep him 24hrs around the clock for 2 days, which I thought made it more difficult for her to accept. She even said at one point, "Mom, I just feel like if I hold him tight enough he'll wake up!" It hurt me to my soul to feel her pain, and for the life of me I don't understand the reasoning behind it? Can someone who know tell me? In my day, you were allowed to see the baby, but it wasn't an option to "bond" for more than a few moments. Maybe it's better this new way, but it just seemed so much harder for her to leave the hospital and for her to accept that he was gone.

But thank you all for your warm thoughts and wishes, I don't know how I ever got along before this forum! :)
Hi Donna!

I am sooo sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you and your daughter. I've never heard about an incident where the Mom could keep the child in the room for two days! I also think it might make it harder for her to part with him after all that time. It brought tears to my eyes about your daughter holding him tight. I guess if your daughter wanted to hold him and be with him, then that is okay too. I'm glad she will have that memory to hold in her heart. Sending a big hug out to you both. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hi Donna!


My heart also goes out to you and your daughter; I am so sorry for your loss. I don't know what to say about keeping her son in the room for two days, but can only hope that it did your daughter nothing but good to hold him and cherish him for that time. Hopefully that memory will help heal her heart.

Your daughter is very lucky to have you for her mother. My hugs and prayers are with you both.

RE: Donna...

what a sad story!! i don't have any children yet but when i hear a situation like that it just really hits you. hopefully peace and relief willcome to you all soon. take care.
RE: Donna...

You could call the hospital and ask to talk to one of their chaplains. They may be able to help you or steer you to a staff person who is trained in grief recovery. That's what they're there for.
RE: Donna...

Donna: I am so sorry for the pain your family is experiencing with the death of your Grandson.

I agree with Honeybunch...the hospital should have some good resources through the Chaplains office and through Social Work Services. I don't know how common or leniant other hospitals are, but the ones I've worked for allowed a bonding period with the family and the baby, and encouraged naming and funerals and all those things that used to be denied to mothers in these situations.

God bless you and your daughter.

RE: Donna...

I just wanted to send you a note of sympathy. I will pray for you and your daughter.
Do you have a clergy person you can turn to? Or maybe you have a trusted friend/relative who can recommend a religious person to just talk to.
I have heard of Mom's being able to be with there deceased child. I think it may help deal with the reality of the situation.
My good friend and nieghbor went thru this with a full term pregnancy also. Within 6 months she was full time trying to adopt. ( She required a hysterectomy after delivery) And I am happy to say she adopted 2 children within a year of her son's death. Those kids are now 10 years old. Every year is hard at his anniversary. But it gets better.
If your daughter wants to talk to her, I'm sure I can check with her and get you her email. My email is [email protected]
OK Kelly, I didn't want to post....

Because I didn't eat well last week. tsk,tsk.
But I got a ww email news letter, and it encouraged me to move on and not feel defeat. So I am pledging to be positive, and follow my points for WW.
The quote from Dotti'e weight loss zone comes to mind. "Take one day at a time, no guilt and move on." I guess we are all human and imperfect, darn that is hard to swallow!

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