Weight Loss Checkin 4/22


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-02 AT 10:29AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi! Hope everyone had a great week. I found some motivation from somewhere and lost 2 pounds. I'm now at 180 and waiting to see 17* anything! I started my food records and exercise journal again. Maybe I'm more motivated now that I'm planning to move in JUNE!!!!! I'm not going to post detailed exercise this week because I'm late for work, but I can't wait to hear from all of you.

Have a great day! Katie
Congratulations on your 2# loss Katie :) I can't wait to see 18* anything myself!
I had a 1# loss this week. I'm not too disappointed since I am right in the middle of TTOTM, plus my eating was kind of so-so last week. It wasn't horrible, but I made some really stupid choices, can't even say poor choices, just actually stupid ones, so 1# was a blessing this week. :)
I plan on not so much worrying about the actual numbers (calories), but concentrating on just making really good, healthy choices this week. (mental note: stay away from the Ben & Jerry's!) Plus I started a S&H rotation last week and it always makes me hungrier, so I really want to make better choices this week.
Keep your fingers crossed for me :)

Hope everyone else had a good week last week~and a better one this week!


I did not weigh myself this morning because I ate a lot over the weekend. Also, I did not exercise yesterday or today. I had my sister and best friend (and her 10-month old baby) over for the weekend, so my schedule was wacky. We did some wedding planning, but not too much wedding dieting!

Hopefully tomorrow the number on the scale is not too high! I'll post tomorrow!

Congrats to Katie and Donna for your losses!

Katie: Congratulations. I know EXACTLY how you feel! I don't know that feeling right now (more on that later) but I've been there and been soooo glad to reach a certain number. 2 pounds is great

Donna: Stay away from Ben and Jerry. They are not there for your best interest. They only want to pack on the pounds. ;-) I'm glad you lost another pound. TTOTM can really throw you off. I'm there right now and feel so out of sorts and just plain FAT!

Linda: I'm afraid to weigh also because I haven't eaten the best this past weekend either. I hope you enjoyed your sister's visit.

Okay, my week...it wasn't that great! My eating from about Thursday to Sunday was horrible. I did good before then. My period started yesterday and I'm frustrated with everything. Needless to say I have been PMSing big time. I cannot seem to get off this plateau so what do I do...I eat...MORE! Of course this week is a new week but I need a game plan. I have been doing three weeks of heavy gym workouts hoping this would break the plateau. No luck so far. I'm going to weigh Friday but I don't suspect there is much of a change. I think something has got to change with my eating but I'm not sure what it is exactly. I'm having good workouts and really can't do too much more than I'm doing there. I'm so near my goal but I can't seem to get any closer! Oh well, enough complaining, for now anyway. :)

I hope everyone has a great week, me included!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hi all, i thought i would join this since i am trying to lose some of this weight.. i am 5'4" 195 .. BUT i was 191 all of last week.. CRUD!!! Anyway.. i ate about 6 3muskateers over the weekened.. i went on vacation 2 wks ago and can't seem to make myself eat like a normal person again.. HELP !! LOL Wish me luck that i can check in next monday and say i am losin again.. so here i am at 195 .. and i did it myself.. but i did workout 5 days last week.. skipped sat and sun.. no energy.. must be all that sugar..

best of luck to all.. and thanks
Candy: Welcome!!! Thanks for joining us. I wish I had wonderful words of wisdom to give you on getting back to healthy eating but I know that there are times when it "clicks" and times when it doesn't. Keep on trying!!!

Donna Fonda: Congrats on the 1# loss! That is so hard during TTOTM. Lots of reason's to celebrate, keep Ben & Jerry's numbers but let them know you're seeing other people these days...

Linda: Have FUN with the wedding planning!!! Besides, playing with the baby burns calories too!

Kelly: I hate to hear you sound so down. You really are accomplishing a lot every time you get up and go to the gym and every time you DO make the healthy eating choice. And please know that your warm comments are part of the reason I look forward to this thread every week.

Have a great day all. Katie
Hello All

Welcome Candy!

Congrats to the losers. Kelly, with your determination I'm certain you'll reach your goal. You'll look back at your cursed plateau and laugh.

I had a rollercoaster ride of a week. I was really discouraged with my appearance and slow weightloss at the beginning of last week. I did some reading and decided to try more protein with every meal. Before Thursday, I'd lost 2 pounds to 197. Now for the rollercoaster. My friend and I decided to take a girlie roadtrip to New Orleans Friday morning for the weekend! Had a blast, danced till sunrise and when I arrived home at midnight last night the scale said 202 :-wow

Anyway, I'm not too discouraged since I think some of it is water retention.

1month, 8days, 19 hours...till I leave for Miami and my cruise! Yipeee! I'm going to stick with my newfound program of high protein, high fiber, low fat, lower carbs and my AM and PM workouts and make a significant improvement in my appearance by 5/31

Have a great week all
Congrats to all you losers!!

Katie, Work hard this week so you can see that 17* next week!

Donna, I had a run-in with ice cream Friday. Don't know what happened, been so motivated and then just caved. I think it was all the working out plus is working in my garden all day the day before. My body probably just needed the extra fat & sugar. :9

I weigh-in at WW Wed A.M., so I will post then. Last week I was at 24.2, so hopefully I will hit 25 this week.

RE: Hello All

Crystal - Please let me know how the am/pm workouts work for you. I was just reviewing my exercise log and noticing that the 20 pounds I lost in December and January were primarly due to double workouts. I think I'll do them again myself since the Air Force would like me to be at 140 by August!

Don't know why I'm so chatty today... must be excitement. Katie
Congrats to all the losers!!! Donna, I could never lose during that time, my hat is off to you. I have never had Ben and Jerry's I don't think, my thing is MooseTracks. That is the best chocolate I have ever had. I am not weighing this week. I am not feeling too skinny right now. I can only hope next week will be better, I think it will. Have a great week everyone!!!
Katie: Thanks for the encouraging word. I really needed it, more than you know! I certainly hope I don't have to go to two workouts a day to lose this weight because my time is limited...like whose isn't, right?

Candy: Just wanted to welcome you to our group. We have lots of encouragers here. Good luck with your weight loss!!!!

Crystal: I sooooo glad you have such a positive attitude. It's very important but sometimes hard to sustain through rough times. Glad you had a great time in New Orleans. You probably needed that worse than anything right now. Keep up your great work you're doing.

Susan: That ice cream can really get you, huh? I LOVE ice cream and just have to keep it as far away from me as possible. Good luck with your weigh in at WW. We will cross our fingers for the big 25#.

Lori: I love Moosetracks too. I'm with you with not feeling too thin right now. I'll wish us both a great week!!!!

I'm going to weigh Friday and see where I stand. Hopefully I'll be standing and not passed out when I see what I weigh. :)

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Congratulations to all who are down a pound or two! :) Since I have either stayed the same or gained lately, a pound loss for me next week for me would be absolutely wonderful!

I weighted in this morning and started the food journal....yet again!

I feel so great when I hear you guys overcoming temptations and reaching goals......it makes me feel that I can do it too....and I can! :)

It is great to be a part of this bunch of losers! :D
Lori, Moose Tracks - what can I say??? My sister got some for my nephews birthday party and we (both being on WW) had just a spoonful. Oh, my! I can never have that in my house. Those little pnut butter cups and that chocolate MMMMMMMMM!!!

Oh, well, can you tell I loved it?

I got the nerve up and weighed this morning. I was down 1 pound (now 150). Only 10 more pounds to go before the wedding! Looks like playing with the baby did burn calories, even after all that eating. YIPPIE!
Okay, so I weighed myself yesterday...

And I am about 1 to 1 1/2 pounds less than a week ago!!! Could be CTX, could be eating better......<shrug>....dunno!!!!

So happy for everyone who's lost!! And just want to encourage those who have not lost, or may have gained! Chin up!!!! It's a long haul.....we can do it!!!! :) :)

Congratulations to yet more 'losers'! :)

I found out yesterday that I have a thyroid problem.....I was wondering if there was a problem there. I am on medication to boost the production but I feel a bit bummed. There is a difference between wondering and knowing.

To start with I thought....good, I'll get on some pills and start to lose weight now with that added help, but I know a few people who are on thyroid medication and they aren't thin and one even said she gained even more weight after being on the medication. :-(

Oh, I know it isn't life threatening or anything and I'll get over my down feeling soon. Life is still very good!

I'm going off now to do a happy, dancy, sweat inducing workout!

Susan: I have hypothyroidism. Around about last summer I started feeling extremely tired...I mean intense fatigue. I've never been really energetic so I thought this is just a phase and I will get better in a few days. I have my ups and downs as far as energy which I guess everyone does. Anyway, it never got better and actually got worse. I could hardly get out of bed much less workout. I did workout but it was a kind of going through the motion thing. I went to the doctor and found out that my TSH was 17 +. It was suppose to be between 3 and 4, I believe. I was so thrilled to have a reason for being "lazy". That's what I thought, I was just being lazy because I didn't want to do anything. Everyone thought I was depressed...well of course I was I couldn't function!!!!!!!!! It took until about the first of the this year to get my medication regulated.

Between the summer and the first of the year I gained 25 pounds of the origianl 42 pounds I had lost. Talk about being bummed, big time!! Since the first of the year I have lost all but about 8 pounds of the 25 that I gained back which is where I have been for two months!!!

I am unsure if the losing or gaining was due to the thyroid or just my energy level. I mean, was it the thyroid problem or my inability to workout like I had before? Did fixing the thyroid problem cause the weight loss or my more energetic workouts? Who knows!

Susan, I said all that just to tell you my own personal experience. I know everyone is different but I believe if you get the thyroid straightened out you will see a difference in a lot of areas. Don't be discouraged. Be happy you know what's wrong and like you said in the big picture it's really not a biggie! I am a different person since getting on Synthroid and I would pay top dollar for that little pill. I hope you feel better REAL soon. You'll have boundless energy before you know it and will just breeze through IMAX. Okay maybe that's a bit ambitious but you know what I mean!!!!!! Smile!!!! :)

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Thank you so much for your post Kelly! :):)

I was talking to another friend this morning and she seconded what you said about your energy level going up. She also is about the same age as me and was able to lose some weight she had gained from being so lethargic before.....so that is an encouragement too.

He put me on Synthroid too....a really low dose. I have to have some more blood work done near the end of May and then have the levels checked again....probably have to do that a few times before we get what's right for me.

You are a real encourager. You are always there with nice things to say and pats on our backs. I wish you well and I hope you break off your plateau soon.....so frustrating! I remember you saying you had gained some weight back but I didn't remember the thyroid causing it.

My attitude is much better since reading your post and talking to my friend this morning. I have kept up with good eating choices and haven't weighed in since Monday so I have a chance at a loss this week!

This could turn around and be a very positive thing.

Well, had my WW weigh-in and gained .4lbs. :'( I guess I ate too much ice cream. ;)

But this is a lifetime thing for me and I am not going to let it get me down. I lost 3 lbs last week which was alot for me, so I'll look forward to a loss next week.

Have a great week!

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