Weight-Loss Check-In 4/14/03


Hi Gang!

Not that I have a weight loss to report, but I maintained as usual! As soon as the weather gets nice in the mornings, I am going on an "all outside cardio with only Cathe weights inside rotation" to get these pounds moving downward again.

How did everyone else do?

Tracy: Good job!!

Linda: I'm with you on the maintaining. Cardio is key for me to lose weight and I slacked on it last week.

I may have even gained a pound but for now I will just say I maintained. I will get back to my cardio this week and hope for a loss.
I was down 2.5 this week!! Didn't do the best, and I think most of it was from losing water due to ttom. Hoping for a good week here!!!
Yipee for all the losers and maintainers! We ROCK!

I maintained this week (not bad since I lost during TTOTM!) but I checked my measurements, and even accounting for general ineptness.... I've lost 4 inches on my hips and 2.5 on my waist and only .5 on my chest since 18 February!!!!

Things are looking good!

You go girl!!! What routines are you following to get those hips down?!?!

Congrats to everybody else too!! We had an excellent week!!!
Congratulations everyone! You're doing great!!

I'm still camping out -- frustrating but at least I'm not gaining. Have a good week. :) :)
OMG everyone is doing really well! :) Losing is happening all over the place! :)

Way to go Katie! That's some major inches off! :)

Sharon, you and I may have a maintain thing happening this week due to the switch in rotation from endurance to heavy weight work. I usually have a bit of fluid retention in my muscles the first week to 10 days of beginning a heavier lifting rotation, so we may show a loss next week? If not, we've maintained and that is always better than a gain! :)


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
WOW! People are losing all over the place here!

Yes, do tell us Katie what in the world you are doing to lose all those inches from your hips in under 2 months time!

This is very motivating to get my act together and keep on trying to clean up my eating.

Donna, where are you pound-wise now? I remember thinking your next milestone would be to break the 150s... Am I thinking of someone else?

Good job to everyone.

Nothing special....

I really haven't been doing anything particularly special. I did get back on the wagon after a 6 month hiatus (where I gained 30 or 40 pounds!) On 18 February, I measured, weighed, and began cleaning up my eating. I'm doing primarily interval workouts (like those described in Body for Life) on my recumbent bike and Cathe's Slow and Heavy weight workouts. I have really been pushing the intensity and I'm up to level 6 on the Life Cycle!!! I've only ever made it to level 3 before. I have only lost 12 pounds (scale weight) in those two months - but I figure that with the inches lost there is probably an even greater ratio of lean mass to fat than ever before.

The best thing I read recently as a motivator to get back on the exercise wagon and add WEIGHTS is... the fat cell does not have a memory but muscle fibers do!!

Have a great week all!


PS Its really weird, but all my exercise and food journals since my daughter was born "begin" each year on or about 18 February!!!!:D

Yeah, maybe one day I'll break into the 150's but first I have to stop playing this vicious game of tag with the 160's! I keep playing with the same 6lbs like it's a game or something! I lose it, I gain it back, I lose it again, etc. I hover at and around 164-170 on any given day!


Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!
RE: Linda..............


Not to be nosey (well, I suppose I am), but how tall are you and at what size are you currently? I am 5'4", and I remember a few years back I weighed right around 164, but I was working out, and believe it or not, I was a size 10!! It was amazing.


Yes! I am closing in on size 10. I am 5'4" and I've been in 12's since about 175lbs (thanks to weights!) and I'm almost at a point of being able to get into 10's.

Fitness~ It's a journey, not a race!

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