I thought this set out a plan quite well. Nothing new or radical but the road map is there for people who want to lose body fat. The website for this is www.infinityfitness.com
Nutrition Baseline
By: Scott H. Mendelson
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Success is a Choice!
Positive physical changes require effort, and I have found that goal setting provides needed guidance throughout a fitness mission. What do you want to accomplish? Results will vary based upon many factors, but on average 1-2 pounds of body fat can be lost per week with a sensible diet and exercise program. Remember you want to lose fat, not "weight". For further explanation refer to Scale Maniacs article on this site. Guys looking to slap on some muscle can gain anywhere from 1-5 pounds of lean muscle mass per month. Put your goals in writing and do not set yourself up for failure by making unrealistic goals. Your written goals should be somewhere where you can see them every day. This will remind you of your commitment and provide you with motivation when times get tough.
Find out where you are so you can decide where you want to GO
Get your body fat tested. You will need this data to form accurate goals, track your progress, and create your nutritional plan. Body fat measurements are the best method for tracking body composition, which reveals body fat and lean muscle levels. fat loss progress. For information about body fat test refer to my article SCALE MANIACS.
Planning at the front end saves time and effort throughout any process. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Invest time and effort to effectively plan your fitness mission, and you will drastically increase your odds of achieving your goals. Perhaps the hardest part about making nutritional changes is having access to proper food choices when they are needed. To avoid this problem, you must plan ahead, which will facilitate the right choices.
Persistence is needed to ensure a successful fitness effort. You must be persistent when the going gets tough. Stick with your goals and commitments. Share your goals with friends who will encourage you throughout the plan. Block out the opinions of doubters who will corrupt your efforts with their inaccurate negative opinions. In most cases doubters love to berate people taking on challenges because the doubters themselves wish to compensate for their own failures. Get a group of friends together who have similar goals and together you will be successful.
Setting Calories
Setting a calorie level is one of the hardest tasks involved in developing a nutritional program. Several equations and methods exist, but I have found one particularly simple method popularized by Lyle McDonald to be most effective. To lose body fat you must create a deficit of calories, which can be done by lowering food intake or exercise. A calorie deficit of 20% will allow you to steadily lose body fat. Realize that your body does not want to shed fat because it is not conducive to survival. The human body prioritizes survival over everything; therefore losing body fat is a low priority. Consuming too few calories makes the body think you are starving, and in this case muscle and some fat is sacrificed. Eating too few calories is the quickest way to diet failure. Conversely to gain muscle you must consume an excess amount of calories. Nutritional building blocks must be in surplus in order for muscles to grow.
Those trying to lose body fat multiply your lean body weight by 12 to get your daily calorie level. Guys seeking to add muscle multiply lean body weight by 16-18 depending on your activity level and speed of metabolism. Lean body weight can only be found after getting a body composition test. For an explanation of body composition tests read my article SCALE MANIACS. Test results will include your lean body weight on the calculation sheet. Quite simply multiply your body fat percentage by your body weight and subtract the result from your total body weight to find your lean body weight. For example a 200-pound man with 10% body fat (200x.10=20 pounds) has 20 pounds of body fat. Subtract 20 pounds from 200 to get 180, which is this persons lean body weight.
Meal Frequency
Traditionally Americans consume three square meals a day. The only benefit to this format is convenience. This practice leads many people to consume too many calories at one time, which can cause body fat storage. Large meals cause the body to recognize a famine scenario thus producing a higher level of fat storing enzymes. Understand that the metabolic system of humans has evolved over thousands of years. Only recently have humans had such consistent access to food. Large meals indicate that someone is preparing for a period of journey or challenge where food will not be available. As a result the body will store energy at the highest rates possible to promote survival. Those interested in gaining muscle mass or improving performance also lose out with the three square pattern because hard working muscles need a constant flow of nutrients. Eating 5-6 times per day is the optimal meal frequency. Smaller meals spread out over the day provides the body with the fuel it needs throughout the day. Increasing the number meals per day causes the body to burn more calories than before because of the increased work that must be done to digest meals. Most people will consume meals of 300-600 calories when utilizing a high frequency feeding system. These smaller meals allow the body to use the fuel instead of storing it as fat. Conversely nutrients from large meals are often stored as fat. Large meals also result in a greater insulin release, and as discussed before high insulin levels should be avoided except after workouts for many reasons.
Neutralize the responsible hormones
Effective insulin release management is a crucial weapon in the war against body fat and poor energy levels. Insulin, which is released by the pancreas during the digestion of food, is the body's most proficient fat storing hormone. High insulin levels are also responsible for unstable blood sugar levels. Unstable blood sugar levels can cause elevated hunger, fatigue and irritation. Ideally you want to have stable blood sugar to maintain and even energy balance and appetite. Low energy levels lead to unnecessary snacking. Habitually the snacks will be the bad food choices that shoot blood sugar up rapidly. What goes up must come down. Rapid rises in blood sugar result in much greater declines within short periods of time. As a result of inevitable low blood sugar levels people again consume poor food choices. This viscous cycle results in low energy, greater fat storage, and feelings of hunger and cravings. You must avoid this detrimental cycle through deliberate meal planning.
The first step of insulin level management is understanding the glycemic index (GI). GI is a numerical rating given to carbohydrates based on the speed of digestion, which dictates insulin release. Starchy foods such as rice cakes and popcorn are on the higher end of the scale and should be avoided. Most fruits and vegetables have the preferred lower GI rating. Mixing protein, carbs, and fat into every meal will also lower insulin response. Never eat carbs by themselves to avoid high insulin levels.
For a list of Glycemic Index ratings check out http://www.alphanutrition.com/diabetes/glycemicindex.htm These lists exist all over the net, just do a search
Protein Intake
Protein intake must be adequate! 1-2 grams per pound of body weight leaves a lot of room for exprimentation. Try the lower end, middle ground and upper end of the spectrum and see what works best for you. Before you ask, No high protein intake does over stress the kidneys in healthy inviduals. Protein intake as mentioned before lessens the insulin response and keeps you full. Most importantly protein in every meal provides vital aminos to muscles throughout the day. Both dieters and athletes must keep their muscles well fed to support protein synthesis and prevent muscle wasting.
Consume the good fats
America must get over the fat phobia. So-called experts have touted low fat diets due to their own misinterpretations of studies. These "experts" have done Americans a tremendous disservice. Think of the fat you eat as dietary fat, do not relate it to body fat. Some people falsely assume that a restriction of dietary fat will result in fat loss, but this is not the case. Good fats and bad fats make up America's most complicated macronutrient. Fats that are solid at room temperature are saturated, and are found most often in animal products. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils or trans fatty acids are found in many low calorie foods. They have ineffectively replaced fat in new age low fat products. In actuality people would be better off eating the regular version of a product than the low fat brand. Food manufacturers use trans fatty acids in low fat foods to increase shelf life, which obviously bolsters profits. Avoid these fats just mentioned and consume good fats to benefit from their properties. Polyunsaturated fats are frequently found in nuts, olive oil, and cold-water fish. These fats make skin supple, lubricate joints, and increase the production of naturally anabolic hormones. Furthermore good fats make food taste better and promote a feeling of fullness. Limit saturated and trans fatty acids, and go after polyunsaturated fats.
Fat, Protein and Carb Percentages
Macronutrient ratios are the percentages of carbs, fat, and protein consumed. Manipulating these percentages in certain directions will help you achieve your goals. For fat loss 40% carbs, 30%, protein, and 30% fat is a good place to start. Those trying to gain muscle or improve performance should can try 50% carbs, 20% protein and 30% fat. Adequate fat intake provides the raw materials for natural anabolic hormones to be synthesized and this is extremely important for performance elevation and muscle gain.
Calorie Shifting
The Baseline Nutritional plan is unique in many ways, but the next element I am going to present is revolutionary. Fred Hatfield (Dr. Sqaut) co founder of the International Sports Sciences Association developed a caloric intake plan called Zig Zagging and has popularized it in his many published books. Zig Zagging allows one to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. The plan calls for dieters to lower calories for five days and raise calories for two days. This prescription works well for Americans since it follows the workweek and weekend format. For five days you will consume 20% less than your maintenance calories (12 calories per pound of lean body weight), and for two days you will consume 20% above (16 calories per pound of lean body weight). The metabolism is a complicated component of the fat loss puzzle. You must keep the metabolism happy to be successful in your pursuit to lose body fat. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is your speed of calorie burning. Optimize your BMR by altering your calorie levels. Quite simply the body does not like to give up body fat, and will come to a stand still if a phase of caloric deficit continues for too long. Putting calories up for two days will kick your metabolism into high gear facilitating greater fat losses during the lower calorie periods. Zig Zagging will allow you to continue losing body fat over the long term. Remember that long term diets are effective while short-term fad effort are destined for failure.
Go the Extra Mile
The amount of effort you put towards the inconvenient, yet important tasks involved in nutritional plans will directly affect your level of achievement. Take the time to make meal plans, prepare meals and measure food.
Tools needed: Scale and measuring cups, cup and table spoons The url below is a data base of food, which allows you to find all of the nutritional info you will need to make your own meal plan.
Example Meal plan for a Female seeking to lose body fat
Body weight 125 pounds, body fat 20%, body fat 25 ponds, lean weight 100
100x12= 1200 calories Sunday through Thursday
100x16=1600 Friday and Saturday
Breakfast 10am calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
1 cup whole grain cereal 110 3 24 1
2 cups 2% milk 242 16 24 9
Lunch 1 pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Turkey breast 100g 100 16 0 0
Apple 125 0 32 0
Peanut butter I tbsp 80 4 3 8
Afternoon snack 4pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Balance Bar 200 14 22 6
Dinner 7pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Chicken breast 140 30 0 3
Olive oil dressing 1tbsp 80 0 2 82
Night snack 11pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Mixed nuts half cup 140 6 6 11
Total 1217 90 113 46
% roughly
30 40 30
On your higher calorie days I would suggest going out to eat, but be careful restaurant food is very fattening. One place to see fast food menus is http://www.olen.com/food/. I would stick to restaurants and search online for menu and calorie values for the particular places you like to go.
Example Meal plan for a Male seeking to gain muscle mass
> Body weight 170 pounds, body fat 12%, body fat 20 ponds, lean weight 150
150x17= 2550 calories per day
*cup is a measurement not equal to a "glass"
Breakfast 10am calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
2 cup whole grain cereal 220 6 48 2
3 cup whole milk 363 24 24 14
Lunch 1 pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Turkey breast 200g 200 32 0 0
2 Apples 250 0 64 0
Peanut butter 2tbsp 160 8 6 16
Post work out meal 4 calories Pro(g) Carb(g) Fat(g)
Power Aide 280 0 70 0
Protein shake 200 27 15 2.5
Skim milk one cup 90 8 12 1
Dinner 7pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Chicken breast 140 27 0 3
Olive oil dressing 2tbsp 160 0 4 16
Vegetables 50 1 12 1
Apple 125 0 32 0
Night snack 11pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
3 cups of 2% milk 363 24 24 14
Totals 2600 157 311 73
% roughly
25 50 25
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because the body is literally starving after a long fast overnight. Ample nutrients must be provided to put the body into a naturally anabolic state. Carbohydrate metabolism is higher in the morning; therefore the second largest carb feeding of the day should be at breakfast.
Finish the job, Eat right after the workout
The post workout meal is of tremendous importance for all people who take part in exercise. Those trying to add muscle and optimize performance must take advantage of the window of opportunity created by working out. The body is primed for taking in nutrients immediately after working out. Post workout meals should be in liquid form to speed up digestion. High glycemic index carbs are ideal for this meal because they quickly boost insulin, which in turn drives nutrients into starving muscles. Insulin itself is highly anabolic and will not make trainees add body fat during the special window of opportunity because the metabolism operates at its highest levels during this time. Fat should be avoided during this feeding because it slows digestion and lowers insulin levels. A correctly proportioned post workout meal will also lower cortisol, which is your hormonal enemy. You want to achieve a state of natural anabolism because of its muscle building properties. Cortisol is high after workouts and will destroy muscle if give the opportunity.
We have established that a certain number of calories must be consumed to achieve the best results. It makes sense to consume these calories when the metabolism is at its peak. Proper post workout nutrition thwarts evil cortisol, which can be a dieter's worst enemy. A main goal of dieting is to increase, but at the very least maintain lean muscle weight. High cortisol levels occur after workouts, which increase the importance of a post workout meal.
Water is a vital resource that must not be ignored or taken lightly. Dehydration leads to decreased performance, nausea, and head aches to name a few. Drink water whenever you get a chance. General guidelines suggest 8 glasses of water a day. Soft drinks and coffee do not count because they contain caffeine, which is a diuretic. Extra water should be consumed any time you consume drinks containing caffeine. Be sure to consume water before, during and after workouts. Cold water also helps to burn calories because the body must expend energy to heat up the water entering the system. This will be the subject of a future article.
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Nutrition Baseline
By: Scott H. Mendelson
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Success is a Choice!
Positive physical changes require effort, and I have found that goal setting provides needed guidance throughout a fitness mission. What do you want to accomplish? Results will vary based upon many factors, but on average 1-2 pounds of body fat can be lost per week with a sensible diet and exercise program. Remember you want to lose fat, not "weight". For further explanation refer to Scale Maniacs article on this site. Guys looking to slap on some muscle can gain anywhere from 1-5 pounds of lean muscle mass per month. Put your goals in writing and do not set yourself up for failure by making unrealistic goals. Your written goals should be somewhere where you can see them every day. This will remind you of your commitment and provide you with motivation when times get tough.
Find out where you are so you can decide where you want to GO
Get your body fat tested. You will need this data to form accurate goals, track your progress, and create your nutritional plan. Body fat measurements are the best method for tracking body composition, which reveals body fat and lean muscle levels. fat loss progress. For information about body fat test refer to my article SCALE MANIACS.
Planning at the front end saves time and effort throughout any process. Failing to plan is planning to fail. Invest time and effort to effectively plan your fitness mission, and you will drastically increase your odds of achieving your goals. Perhaps the hardest part about making nutritional changes is having access to proper food choices when they are needed. To avoid this problem, you must plan ahead, which will facilitate the right choices.
Persistence is needed to ensure a successful fitness effort. You must be persistent when the going gets tough. Stick with your goals and commitments. Share your goals with friends who will encourage you throughout the plan. Block out the opinions of doubters who will corrupt your efforts with their inaccurate negative opinions. In most cases doubters love to berate people taking on challenges because the doubters themselves wish to compensate for their own failures. Get a group of friends together who have similar goals and together you will be successful.
Setting Calories
Setting a calorie level is one of the hardest tasks involved in developing a nutritional program. Several equations and methods exist, but I have found one particularly simple method popularized by Lyle McDonald to be most effective. To lose body fat you must create a deficit of calories, which can be done by lowering food intake or exercise. A calorie deficit of 20% will allow you to steadily lose body fat. Realize that your body does not want to shed fat because it is not conducive to survival. The human body prioritizes survival over everything; therefore losing body fat is a low priority. Consuming too few calories makes the body think you are starving, and in this case muscle and some fat is sacrificed. Eating too few calories is the quickest way to diet failure. Conversely to gain muscle you must consume an excess amount of calories. Nutritional building blocks must be in surplus in order for muscles to grow.
Those trying to lose body fat multiply your lean body weight by 12 to get your daily calorie level. Guys seeking to add muscle multiply lean body weight by 16-18 depending on your activity level and speed of metabolism. Lean body weight can only be found after getting a body composition test. For an explanation of body composition tests read my article SCALE MANIACS. Test results will include your lean body weight on the calculation sheet. Quite simply multiply your body fat percentage by your body weight and subtract the result from your total body weight to find your lean body weight. For example a 200-pound man with 10% body fat (200x.10=20 pounds) has 20 pounds of body fat. Subtract 20 pounds from 200 to get 180, which is this persons lean body weight.
Meal Frequency
Traditionally Americans consume three square meals a day. The only benefit to this format is convenience. This practice leads many people to consume too many calories at one time, which can cause body fat storage. Large meals cause the body to recognize a famine scenario thus producing a higher level of fat storing enzymes. Understand that the metabolic system of humans has evolved over thousands of years. Only recently have humans had such consistent access to food. Large meals indicate that someone is preparing for a period of journey or challenge where food will not be available. As a result the body will store energy at the highest rates possible to promote survival. Those interested in gaining muscle mass or improving performance also lose out with the three square pattern because hard working muscles need a constant flow of nutrients. Eating 5-6 times per day is the optimal meal frequency. Smaller meals spread out over the day provides the body with the fuel it needs throughout the day. Increasing the number meals per day causes the body to burn more calories than before because of the increased work that must be done to digest meals. Most people will consume meals of 300-600 calories when utilizing a high frequency feeding system. These smaller meals allow the body to use the fuel instead of storing it as fat. Conversely nutrients from large meals are often stored as fat. Large meals also result in a greater insulin release, and as discussed before high insulin levels should be avoided except after workouts for many reasons.
Neutralize the responsible hormones
Effective insulin release management is a crucial weapon in the war against body fat and poor energy levels. Insulin, which is released by the pancreas during the digestion of food, is the body's most proficient fat storing hormone. High insulin levels are also responsible for unstable blood sugar levels. Unstable blood sugar levels can cause elevated hunger, fatigue and irritation. Ideally you want to have stable blood sugar to maintain and even energy balance and appetite. Low energy levels lead to unnecessary snacking. Habitually the snacks will be the bad food choices that shoot blood sugar up rapidly. What goes up must come down. Rapid rises in blood sugar result in much greater declines within short periods of time. As a result of inevitable low blood sugar levels people again consume poor food choices. This viscous cycle results in low energy, greater fat storage, and feelings of hunger and cravings. You must avoid this detrimental cycle through deliberate meal planning.
The first step of insulin level management is understanding the glycemic index (GI). GI is a numerical rating given to carbohydrates based on the speed of digestion, which dictates insulin release. Starchy foods such as rice cakes and popcorn are on the higher end of the scale and should be avoided. Most fruits and vegetables have the preferred lower GI rating. Mixing protein, carbs, and fat into every meal will also lower insulin response. Never eat carbs by themselves to avoid high insulin levels.
For a list of Glycemic Index ratings check out http://www.alphanutrition.com/diabetes/glycemicindex.htm These lists exist all over the net, just do a search
Protein Intake
Protein intake must be adequate! 1-2 grams per pound of body weight leaves a lot of room for exprimentation. Try the lower end, middle ground and upper end of the spectrum and see what works best for you. Before you ask, No high protein intake does over stress the kidneys in healthy inviduals. Protein intake as mentioned before lessens the insulin response and keeps you full. Most importantly protein in every meal provides vital aminos to muscles throughout the day. Both dieters and athletes must keep their muscles well fed to support protein synthesis and prevent muscle wasting.
Consume the good fats
America must get over the fat phobia. So-called experts have touted low fat diets due to their own misinterpretations of studies. These "experts" have done Americans a tremendous disservice. Think of the fat you eat as dietary fat, do not relate it to body fat. Some people falsely assume that a restriction of dietary fat will result in fat loss, but this is not the case. Good fats and bad fats make up America's most complicated macronutrient. Fats that are solid at room temperature are saturated, and are found most often in animal products. Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils or trans fatty acids are found in many low calorie foods. They have ineffectively replaced fat in new age low fat products. In actuality people would be better off eating the regular version of a product than the low fat brand. Food manufacturers use trans fatty acids in low fat foods to increase shelf life, which obviously bolsters profits. Avoid these fats just mentioned and consume good fats to benefit from their properties. Polyunsaturated fats are frequently found in nuts, olive oil, and cold-water fish. These fats make skin supple, lubricate joints, and increase the production of naturally anabolic hormones. Furthermore good fats make food taste better and promote a feeling of fullness. Limit saturated and trans fatty acids, and go after polyunsaturated fats.
Fat, Protein and Carb Percentages
Macronutrient ratios are the percentages of carbs, fat, and protein consumed. Manipulating these percentages in certain directions will help you achieve your goals. For fat loss 40% carbs, 30%, protein, and 30% fat is a good place to start. Those trying to gain muscle or improve performance should can try 50% carbs, 20% protein and 30% fat. Adequate fat intake provides the raw materials for natural anabolic hormones to be synthesized and this is extremely important for performance elevation and muscle gain.
Calorie Shifting
The Baseline Nutritional plan is unique in many ways, but the next element I am going to present is revolutionary. Fred Hatfield (Dr. Sqaut) co founder of the International Sports Sciences Association developed a caloric intake plan called Zig Zagging and has popularized it in his many published books. Zig Zagging allows one to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. The plan calls for dieters to lower calories for five days and raise calories for two days. This prescription works well for Americans since it follows the workweek and weekend format. For five days you will consume 20% less than your maintenance calories (12 calories per pound of lean body weight), and for two days you will consume 20% above (16 calories per pound of lean body weight). The metabolism is a complicated component of the fat loss puzzle. You must keep the metabolism happy to be successful in your pursuit to lose body fat. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is your speed of calorie burning. Optimize your BMR by altering your calorie levels. Quite simply the body does not like to give up body fat, and will come to a stand still if a phase of caloric deficit continues for too long. Putting calories up for two days will kick your metabolism into high gear facilitating greater fat losses during the lower calorie periods. Zig Zagging will allow you to continue losing body fat over the long term. Remember that long term diets are effective while short-term fad effort are destined for failure.
Go the Extra Mile
The amount of effort you put towards the inconvenient, yet important tasks involved in nutritional plans will directly affect your level of achievement. Take the time to make meal plans, prepare meals and measure food.
Tools needed: Scale and measuring cups, cup and table spoons The url below is a data base of food, which allows you to find all of the nutritional info you will need to make your own meal plan.
Example Meal plan for a Female seeking to lose body fat
Body weight 125 pounds, body fat 20%, body fat 25 ponds, lean weight 100
100x12= 1200 calories Sunday through Thursday
100x16=1600 Friday and Saturday
Breakfast 10am calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
1 cup whole grain cereal 110 3 24 1
2 cups 2% milk 242 16 24 9
Lunch 1 pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Turkey breast 100g 100 16 0 0
Apple 125 0 32 0
Peanut butter I tbsp 80 4 3 8
Afternoon snack 4pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Balance Bar 200 14 22 6
Dinner 7pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Chicken breast 140 30 0 3
Olive oil dressing 1tbsp 80 0 2 82
Night snack 11pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Mixed nuts half cup 140 6 6 11
Total 1217 90 113 46
% roughly
30 40 30
On your higher calorie days I would suggest going out to eat, but be careful restaurant food is very fattening. One place to see fast food menus is http://www.olen.com/food/. I would stick to restaurants and search online for menu and calorie values for the particular places you like to go.
Example Meal plan for a Male seeking to gain muscle mass
> Body weight 170 pounds, body fat 12%, body fat 20 ponds, lean weight 150
150x17= 2550 calories per day
*cup is a measurement not equal to a "glass"
Breakfast 10am calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
2 cup whole grain cereal 220 6 48 2
3 cup whole milk 363 24 24 14
Lunch 1 pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Turkey breast 200g 200 32 0 0
2 Apples 250 0 64 0
Peanut butter 2tbsp 160 8 6 16
Post work out meal 4 calories Pro(g) Carb(g) Fat(g)
Power Aide 280 0 70 0
Protein shake 200 27 15 2.5
Skim milk one cup 90 8 12 1
Dinner 7pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
Chicken breast 140 27 0 3
Olive oil dressing 2tbsp 160 0 4 16
Vegetables 50 1 12 1
Apple 125 0 32 0
Night snack 11pm calories Pro(g) Carb (g) Fat (g)
3 cups of 2% milk 363 24 24 14
Totals 2600 157 311 73
% roughly
25 50 25
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because the body is literally starving after a long fast overnight. Ample nutrients must be provided to put the body into a naturally anabolic state. Carbohydrate metabolism is higher in the morning; therefore the second largest carb feeding of the day should be at breakfast.
Finish the job, Eat right after the workout
The post workout meal is of tremendous importance for all people who take part in exercise. Those trying to add muscle and optimize performance must take advantage of the window of opportunity created by working out. The body is primed for taking in nutrients immediately after working out. Post workout meals should be in liquid form to speed up digestion. High glycemic index carbs are ideal for this meal because they quickly boost insulin, which in turn drives nutrients into starving muscles. Insulin itself is highly anabolic and will not make trainees add body fat during the special window of opportunity because the metabolism operates at its highest levels during this time. Fat should be avoided during this feeding because it slows digestion and lowers insulin levels. A correctly proportioned post workout meal will also lower cortisol, which is your hormonal enemy. You want to achieve a state of natural anabolism because of its muscle building properties. Cortisol is high after workouts and will destroy muscle if give the opportunity.
We have established that a certain number of calories must be consumed to achieve the best results. It makes sense to consume these calories when the metabolism is at its peak. Proper post workout nutrition thwarts evil cortisol, which can be a dieter's worst enemy. A main goal of dieting is to increase, but at the very least maintain lean muscle weight. High cortisol levels occur after workouts, which increase the importance of a post workout meal.
Water is a vital resource that must not be ignored or taken lightly. Dehydration leads to decreased performance, nausea, and head aches to name a few. Drink water whenever you get a chance. General guidelines suggest 8 glasses of water a day. Soft drinks and coffee do not count because they contain caffeine, which is a diuretic. Extra water should be consumed any time you consume drinks containing caffeine. Be sure to consume water before, during and after workouts. Cold water also helps to burn calories because the body must expend energy to heat up the water entering the system. This will be the subject of a future article.
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