I've posted before. I'm pregnant and very worried about losing weight after the baby is born. Mostly b/c I have never weighed this much before (not even while pg with my first) and I feel the extra weight I put on before becoming pg this time combined w/ my pregnancy weight gain has really put a strain on my body not to mention it's caused problems in my marriage which is very upsetting to me. I still have not decided on whether or not I'm going to breast-feed. I do not feel completely devoted to trying and I'm also returning to work after 8 weeks so I hate to get started and then interupt the baby's schedule to start supplementing or formula feeding all the time. Pumping is just not an option for me. I ended up formula feeding my son after trying to breast feed him for a while but it just didn't work out so he was formula fed and I think it worked out fine. This time I'm still not sure what I'll end up doing. A previous poster and also some friends of mine that have expereinced this have said that while breastfeeding helped get their uterus back to it's normal size faster, they really didn't loose much weight until after they weaned and stopped lactating b/c their bobies just would not release fat stores b/c it was producting milk. After they stopped b/f their butts and legs etc... started slimming. Yet, articles online suggest the opposite. Who's Correct?